This is an example of indexing and running retrieval experiments using the PISA engine (, release v0.9.0
This example follows the pipeline depicted in the official documentation:
Collection: Wikilarge ( For convenience we put all documents in a single file in TREC format.
Queries: MQT (Million Query Track) 1K sample (
Directory structure for the example (the names are self-explanatory of their contents). The commands bellow refer to file locations inside this structure.
cat ./collection/wikilarge.trec | ~/pisa/build/bin/parse_collection -j 12 -f trectext -F porter2 --html -o ./index/1_forward/wikilarge.fwd
~/pisa/build/bin/invert -j 12 -i ./index/1_forward/wikilarge.fwd -o ./index/2_inverted/wikilarge.inv --term-count `wc -w < ./index/1_forward/wikilarge.fwd.terms`
~/pisa/build/bin/create_wand_data -s bm25 --bm25-b 0.4 --bm25-k1 0.9 --block-size 128 -c ./index/2_inverted/wikilarge.inv --compress --quantize 8 -o ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.wand
(We select the SIMD-BP codec. See:
~/pisa/build/bin/compress_inverted_index -c ./index/2_inverted/wikilarge.inv -e block_simdbp -o ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.simdbp --check
Note: There is a version of the index inside ./index/3_compressed/
directory which is (besides) compressed using gzip
to avoid surpassing 50 Mb (Github's max file size suggestion). Gunzip
it if you want to run tests without reindexing the collection.
(We use the recursive graph bisection algorithm. See:
~/pisa/build/bin/reorder-docids --bp --collection ./index/2_inverted/wikilarge.inv --output ./index/2_inverted/wikilarge.inv.bp
~/pisa/build/bin/compress_inverted_index -c ./index/2_inverted/wikilarge.inv.bp -e block_simdbp -o ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.bp.simdbp --check
(Terms not in lexicon are discarded and some queries may become empty)
~/pisa/build/bin/map_queries -q queries/MQT_1Kqueries.sample.stemmed -F porter2 --terms ./index/1_forward/wikilarge.fwd.termlex --query-id > queries/MQT_1Kqueries.sample.stemmed.mapped
For global times exclude the --extract
~/pisa/build/bin/queries -s bm25 -e block_simdbp -k 10 -a and -i ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.simdbp -q queries/MQT_1Kqueries.sample.stemmed.mapped --extract > runs/MQT_on_wikilarge.AND.k10.times
~/pisa/build/bin/queries -s bm25 -e block_simdbp -k 10 -a maxscore -i ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.simdbp --wand ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.wand --compressed-wand -q queries/MQT_1Kqueries.sample.stemmed.mapped --extract > runs/MQT_on_wikilarge.MS.k10.times
~/pisa/build/bin/evaluate_queries -s bm25 -e block_simdbp -k 10 -a maxscore -i ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.simdbp --wand ./index/3_compressed/wikilarge.inv.wand --compressed-wand --documents ./index/1_forward/wikilarge.fwd.doclex -q queries/MQT_1Kqueries.sample.stemmed.mapped > runs/MQT_on_wikilarge.MS.k10.results
More information, check the project page: