- Python 3
- scikit-learn
- tqdm
pip install .
from onesan import onesan
# prepare the training and validation dataset
X = feature matrix # numpy.array
Y = target vector # numpy.array
# create onesan
robot = onesan(X, Y,
train_size=0.9, # divide to x0.9 for training, x0.1 for validation
n_onesan=8 # number of parallel processes, 1 by default
) # if classifier was not specified, onesan will use linear-SVM as a classifier by default
# Good luck! Onesan!!!!
result =
returns list of list
[1, '0000...01', accuracy_1],
[2, '0000...10', accuracy_2],
[2^d - 1, '1111...11', accuracy]
__init__(self, X, Y, train_size=0.8, n_onesan=1, evaluator=DefaultEvaluator, classifier=None, classifier_param=None)
specifies a number of onesans. If n_onesan == 1
, Onesan would run alone.
If n_onesan >= 2
, Onesan would fission into child processes and runs almost n_onesan
times faster.
specifies the evaluation metrics for resulting classification performance. evaluator
takes callable object
which takes 2 arguments, true label t
and prediction y
will be chosen by default.
We can specify the classifier onesan uses.
The classifier
must have fit
and predict
method to training and validation
the model.
shold inherit sklearn.base.BaseEstimator
Aiga SUZUKI [email protected]