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Generating, exporting and analyzing CPU fault conditions on Arm Cortex-M series microcontrollers.


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Structured Fault Handling on ARM Cortex M Processors

  • Fault Dumps

  • Fault Dump API

  • Building The Library

  • Running Test Applications

  • Quiz - Match Faulting Code Against Dump

Fault Dumps

For programs running on ARM Cortex-M series microcontrollers, given a CPU fault resulting from code such as this

void (*p)(void) = (void(*)(void))0;

this 'fault handling' library produces a 'fault dump' like this:

r7    2001BEC8
sp    2001BEA0
psr   20000004
hfsr  00000000
cfsr  00000082
mmfar 00000000
bfar  00000000
shcsr 00010001
s.r0  00000000
s.r1  0004BCF8
s.r2  00000000
s.r3  0004BCF8
s.r12 01010101  0001D053
s.pc  0003B9CC
s.psr 21000000

The fault dump is just a multi-line string. It is prepared at program start, and the register value holes filled in at fault time to complete the string. This minimizes string processing after fault occurrence.

The dump above is from a faulting Cortex M3/4. On a Cortex-M0/M0+, the hfsr through bfar registers would be missing.

A register dump like the one above is routinely created by your IDE/debugger when some program you are working with keels over and crashes. But what to do when your application has deployed, and there is no IDE/debugger? If you need to solve that problem, this library could be for you.

Our approach is this:

  • Application uses an API to plan for a fault.

  • A fault produces a fault dump, as above.

  • Application somehow exports the dump.

  • Developer gets copy and does analysis.

The code presented here is that API.

The dump string is thus exported from the microcontroller for fault dump analysis. The library described here just creates the fault dump string. The export step is environment-specific, so is added by the application developer, via a callback in the API.

The simplest export might be printf (whatever that means on a microcontroller!):

void printfDumpProcessor(void) {
  printf( "%s\n", faultDump );

I work in oceanographic instrumentation, including underwater profiling floats. If my system faults, 2000m down somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, there ain't anyone there watching, so console printf is of limited utility. And the JTAG cable doesn't quite reach. And the wi-fi is spotty. And I have no hard disk.

My export strategy therefore is to declare the faultDump buffer in a .noInit section of RAM, re-boot after the fault, wait until I am back at the surface, then beam the fault dump home via Iridium sat comms. Only then can the fault analysis begin, and in my (painful) experience, each and every register in the dump can contribute to solving the error cause.

Analysis is essentially a case of matching register values from the fault dump against your .map and .lst files for the .bin file installed on the faulting system. You do have the .map and .lst files? If no, stop reading now, go fix your build process, then proceed. The Makefile included here shows how I derive the .map and .lst files for any application, adapt as necessary.

Fault Dump API

A minimal working example of this api would be an application like:

#include "faultHandling.h"

static char faultDumpBuffer[FAULT_HANDLING_DUMP_SIZE];

static void noopDumpProcessor(void) {
  // Wot, no peripherals to send the faultDump to, not even a serial port!

int main(void) {
  faultHandlingSetDumpProcessor( faultDumpBuffer, noopDumpProcessor );
  faultHandlingSetPostFaultAction( POSTHANDLER_LOOP );

  rest of application, will fault somewhere...

// Override the (weak) HFH to vector to our library
void HardFault_Handler(void) {
  __asm__( "B FaultHandler\n" );

In additional to the core CPU register values, the fault dump can include an inferred function call stack, i.e. which function call sequence led to the fault. To do this, the library needs some help on memory layout from the user:

extern uint32_t __etext;
extern uint32_t __StackTop;

/* params: text.min, text.max, msp.max, psp.max/0 */
faultHandlingSetCallStackParameters( 0, &__etext, &__StackTop, 0 );

You just supply lower and upper bounds for the .text section, and upper bounds for Main Stack and Process Stack (latter optional). I get __etext and __StackTop declared by my linker, via the .ld file. Your build will have similar.

Exact accuracy for the values is not critical, it will just reduce false positive identification of pushed LR values (and thus call stack composition). See the code for more details.

Building The Library


My preferred build system uses gcc tools, woven together with a Makefile. I normally work on Linux, so my setup would be

$ sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi make

The code here is being built by make. Adapt to your build system as needed.

For Generic ARM Processors

We can build this library against a generic ARM Cortex M processor, i.e. one with no peripherals defined. To do so, we need some ARM header files relating to a generic ARM device, plus the CMSIS Core headers, i.e:


To build any test cases that use the library, we can also make use of ARM system and startup files, e.g.

CMSIS_5/Device/ARM/ARMCM3/Source/GCC/*.S, *.ld

Assuming that the source tree above is not already on your development system, grab it from ARM-software's GitHub repo, into some local directory C:

$ cd C
$ git clone

We have verified that tagged releases 5.8.0 and 5.9.0 are good to go for our purposes. Other releases are untested. So, you could checkout a particular commit, via e.g.

$ git checkout 5.8.0 ; git checkout 5.9.0

or just skip this step and go with the HEAD of master/main.

Next, clone the fault-handler repo (the one whose README you are now reading), if not done so already, into some local location F:

$ cd F
$ git clone

Next, edit the Makefile, setting the CMSIS_HOME variable to point to your ARM-software CMSIS_5 repo clone, e.g:

$ cd faultHandling-cortex-m
$ ed Makefile

CMSIS_HOME = /path/to/C/CMSIS_5

With all the prep work done, it should now be a case of just:

$ make

to go from this:

├── asm
│   └── faultHandling_cm3.S
├── c
│   ├── faultHandling.c
└── include
    ├── faultHandling.h

to this:


By default, the build output is terse (uncluttered!). To see a bit more:

$ make clean
$ make V=1

We include a make target that just prints important variables (VPATH, CPPFLAGS, etc):

$ make flags

There are a few simple demo applications:

$ make tests

Each demo/test produces four files: .axf, .bin, .map, .lst.

Other Cortex M Variants

Default build is for Cortex M3, my usual target. To build for other CPUs:

$ make clean
$ make CM4=1
$ make CM4=1 tests

$ make clean
$ make CM0=1
$ make CM0=1 tests

For Vendor-Specific Micro-controllers

I work with Cortex M micro-controllers from Silicon Labs, and below detail how to test this faultHandling api on those controllers. Adapt as necessary for other vendors, e.g. STM32, etc.

I have two SiliconLabs starter kits upon which I can test this fault handling library:

  • The EFM32GG-STK3700, which has a Cortex M3 Giant Gecko, with 1MB flash and 128kb RAM.

  • The EFM32ZG-STK3200, which has a Cortex M0+ Zero Gecko, 32kb flash and just 4kb RAM.

These boards have real peripherals, so we can truly export our fault dumps to e.g. a serial console. To make use of such peripherals, we just need SiliconLabs' hardware access layer (HAL), which they call emlib. We also want/need their Device files, which replace the ARM ones we built against in the previous section.

SiliconLabs bundle their HAL layer (emlib), plus Device headers and CMSIS headers, in a GitHub repository called gecko_sdk. Decide on some local directory in which to clone it, we'll call it G:

$ cd G
$ git clone
$ cd gecko_sdk

At time of writing (Mar 2024), the latest tag is v4.4.1. We have used that tag to build against, so

$ git checkout v4.4.1

or just use the HEAD of the gsdk_4.4 branch.

The relevant gecko_sdk files we use here are

// for emlib

// for the stk3700 (efm32gg)
platform/Device/SiliconLabs/EFM32GG/Source/GCC/*.c, efm32gg.ld

// for the stk3200 (efm32zg)
platform/Device/SiliconLabs/EFM32ZG/Source/GCC/*.c, efm32zg.ld

// for the CMSIS Core

With such a file layout, we can build our fault handling library AND some test cases that would run on those boards and produce real fault dumps exported via a serial console.

Switch back to the clone of THIS repository, and proceed thus:

$ cd SiliconLabs

$ ed
GECKO_SDK = /path/to/G/gecko_sdk

i.e. the GECKO_SDK makefile variable matches the location of your SiliconLabs gecko_sdk clone.

Then, to build the library and some test applications for the STK3700 starter board, so we can turn this:


to this:


we do this:

$ cd stk3700
$ make lib tests
$ ls *.bin
busFault.bin  iaccviol.bin  invstate.bin  mpuFault.bin  stackSmashing.bin

As well as the .bin file, we of course want the corresponding listing and map file, for these are what we cross-reference when analyzing a fault dump. These are built automatically:

$ ls busFault.*
busFault.axf busFault.bin busFault.lst

Similarly, we can build some test applications for the STK3200:

$ cd ../stk3200
$ make lib tests
$ ls *.bin
iaccviol.bin  invstate.bin  stackSmashing.bin

See stk3700.c and stk3200.c for instructions on making use of a uart peripheral on each board (via the Expansion Header) to export our fault dumps to a host machine via serial/usb.

The STK3700 and STK3200 boards have a Segger JLink debugger interface built in. So, you just need Segger's 'JLink Commander' tool (called JLinkExe on Linux) to flash these binaries to the boards and run them. Our Makefiles provide targets to do this, e.g:

$ cd SiliconLabs/stk3700/

$ make

will invoke JLinkExe to flash busFault.bin to the STK3700 and run it. If your serial uart on the STK3700 is hooked up to a host machine, you can capture the exported-via-serial fault dump via something as simple as cat:

$ stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 -echo
$ cat /dev/ttyUSB0

$ make

Should you ever need to actually (single-step) debug these test applications, and you have Segger's Ozone debugger installed, that too can be invoked via make, e.g.

$ make busFault.ozone

See for details.

Quiz - Match Faulting Code Against Dump

Can you identify five faulting programs from their fault dumps?

When built via the Makefiles included here and run on my SiliconLabs STK3700 starter board, the test applications make these mistakes (i.e. fault):

Here are relevant code snippets, i.e. the source of the faults, in no particular order:


void (*p)(void) = (void(*)(void))((1LL << 32) - 1);


void (*p)(void) = (void(*)(void))0;


static void bar(void) {

static void foo(void) {
  uint32_t a[1];
  a[0] = 0xCAFEBABE;
  a[1] = 0xDEADBEEF;
  a[2] = 0xCAFEBABE;
  a[3] = 0xDEADBEEF;


void (*p)(void) = (void(*)(void)) 0x20202020;


uint32_t rbar = ARM_MPU_RBAR( 0, 0 );
uint32_t rsar = ARM_MPU_RASR_EX( 0, ARM_MPU_AP_NONE,
                                 0, ARM_MPU_REGION_SIZE_32B );
ARM_MPU_SetRegion( rbar, rsar );
int* p = (int*)NULL;
int i = *p;

which produce, in no particular order, these fault dump strings:


sp    2001FFD8
excrt FFFFFFF9
psr   20000003
hfsr  40000000
cfsr  00000001
mmfar E000ED34
bfar  E000ED38
shcsr 00000000
s.r0  4000C400
s.r1  0000000A
s.r2  0000000A
s.r12 2000056A  00000267
s.psr 00000000
2001FFFC 0000016B
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000


r7    2001FFF0
sp    2001FFD0
excrt FFFFFFF9
psr   20000003
hfsr  40000000
cfsr  00000100
mmfar E000ED34
bfar  E000ED38
shcsr 00000000
s.r0  00000000
s.r1  00003588
s.r2  200005D4
s.r3  20202020
s.r12 2000056A  0000022F
s.pc  20202020
s.psr 00000000
2001FFFC 0000016B
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000


r7    2001FFD8
sp    2001FFB8
excrt FFFFFFF9
psr   20000004
hfsr  00000000
cfsr  00000082
mmfar 00000000
bfar  00000000
shcsr 00010001
s.r0  00000004
s.r1  00000000
s.r2  E000ED00
s.r3  00000000
s.r12 2000056A  00000275
s.pc  0000027A
s.psr 41000000
2001FFD8 00000001
2001FFE4 00000001
2001FFE8 00000101
2001FFFC 0000016B


r7    2001FFF0
sp    2001FFD0
excrt FFFFFFF9
psr   20000003
hfsr  40000000
cfsr  00000001
mmfar E000ED34
bfar  E000ED38
shcsr 00000000
s.r0  00000000
s.r1  00003698
s.r2  200005DC
s.r12 20000572  00000303
s.psr 01000000
2001FFFC 0000016B
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000


r7    2001FFF0
sp    2001FFD0
excrt FFFFFFF9
psr   20000003
hfsr  40000000
cfsr  00020000
mmfar E000ED34
bfar  E000ED38
shcsr 00000000
s.r0  00000000
s.r1  00003588
s.r2  200005D4
s.r3  00000000
s.r12 2000056A  0000022D
s.pc  00000000
s.psr 40000000
2001FFFC 0000016B
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000

Which is which? Answers on a postcard...

Fault Guru

Joking aside, we could collect all the heuristics we use when identifying faulting source code from its register dump and create some kind of 'fault guru' program. You feed the guru a fault dump and it tells you what happened, and perhaps even suggests a code fix. Something along the lines of

$ faultGuru myFaultDumpString.txt

1: lr[3] = 1    :  Fault occurred in Thread Mode
2: lr[2] = 1    :  Fault occurred on Process Stack - RTOS likely present
3: hfsr[30] = 1 :  Fault escalated from Usage/Bus/MemManage
4: etc etc

My own guru, a work-in-progress, is here.

Related Work

  • Fault analysis by the folks at memfault

  • Fault exceptions app note by keil

For other work of mine, see here.

sdmaclean AT jeemale


Generating, exporting and analyzing CPU fault conditions on Arm Cortex-M series microcontrollers.







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