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Small, lazy yet very fun functional langiage parser.

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#Nazkell Project - Simple lazy function language interpreter ##Grammar ###tokens

id - identificator for each variable and function
op - operator, symbol representing type of specyfic action
boolean - represents true/false value
integer - represents numbers
special - represents symbols which are not operators like parentheses
reservedid - id of special words, in this case only in if statement

###lexical conventions: [pattern] - optional
{pattern} - zero or more repetitions
###syntax: program = {token | whitespace} 'EOF'
whitespace = newline | space | tab
tab = horizontal tab
space = a space
small = 'a' | 'b' | ... | 'z'
large = 'A' | 'B' | ... | 'Z'
digit = '0' | '1' | ... | '9'
special = '(' | ')' | ',' | '->' | '::'
token = literal | special | op | reservedid
literal = integer | boolean
boolean = 'True' | 'False'
integer = digit {digit}
id = (small {small | large | digit})
funid = (large {small | large | digit})
reservedid = 'else' | 'if'
op = l1op | l2op | l3op | l4op | l5op
l1op = '** '
l2op = '* ' | ''
l3op = '+' | '-'
l4op = '>' | '<' | '<=' | '=>' | '=='
l5op = '|' | '&'
type = 'Bool' | 'Int'
body = {decl | def}
decl = funid '::' type {'->' type}
def = funid id {id} '=' exp
exp = boolean | integer | ifstatement | id | funid '(' {exp} ')'
| ( exp ) | exp1
exp1 = id l6op exp2 | exp2
exp2 = exp2 l5op exp3 | exp3
exp3 = exp3 l4op exp4 | exp4
exp4 = exp4 l3op exp5 | exp5
exp5 = exp5 l2op exp6 | exp6
exp6 = exp6 l1op exp7 | exp7
exp7 = exp
ifstatement = 'if' exp exp 'else' exp

###Additional Rules

1.Each program has to have Main function with at least one argument, that does not need to be used.

2.Each function has to have declaration and definition

3.If expressions have to have both conditions stated

4.Each definition contains exactly one expression which is also its return value

###Detailed description

###Main data structures

####Structure representing parser. Parser build:

![interpreter_expressions] (


    - lexer - reads input and extracts tokens from it.


    - parse - builds Body object by parsing tokens extracted by lexer. Implements LL(1) parser algorithm.

####Structure representing program. Body build:

![interpreter_expressions] (


    - declarations - list od Declaration objects, storing id of function and argument types.
    - definitions - list of Definition objects, storing function id, argument names and expression representing function code.
    - body - static pointer for implementing Singleton model
    - stack - vector of StackFunction structures representing functions metadata (arguments, id)
    - highWaterMark - size of stack


    - evaluate - two overloaded methods:
        - args, fid - takes args without evaluating(lazyness) them and stores them on the stack as StackFunction with name fid
        and its stackID generated, then it's evaluating definition of function with corresponding fid
        - stackID, argID - evaluates argument argID from function with index stackID
    - pushStack - pushes new StackFunction on top of stack, generates stackID for new funcion
    - popStack - pops StackFunction from stack
    - resetStack - clears stack

####Inheritance of Expression class

![interpreter_expressions] (

####Behavioral info Because the language is lazy, the actual evaluation of value is done when it's demanded. Any other case the expression is put on stack where it awaits for demand. ###requirements

  • cmake >2.8

###compiling and testing

  1. mkdir build

  2. cd build

  3. cmake ..

  4. make

  5. ./<test_executable>


  1. cd build

  2. ./nazkell <filename>


File examples/ contains short code executting finding nth fibbonacci number.


./nazkell ../examples/ n

where n is number of fibbonacci number we want to get


Small, lazy yet very fun functional langiage parser.






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