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Card Data

Timothy James Dobbins edited this page Oct 31, 2020 · 1 revision

The following attrs come from Trello:

  'checkItemStates': [],
  'closed': False,
  'dateLastActivity': '2020-10-31T03:38:55.722Z',
  'desc': '',
  'dueReminder': None,
  'idBoard': '5f98a442ae2a630c1d97232b',
  'idList': '5f9cdc4ed2f6ec61fd6f93f3',
  'idMembersVoted': [],
  'idShort': 356,
  'idAttachmentCover': None,
  'idLabels': [],
  'manualCoverAttachment': False,
  'name': 'Eat Breakfast',
  'pos': 1,
  'shortLink': 'jtrmJjMy',
  'isTemplate': False,
  'dueComplete': False,
  'due': None,
  'labels': [],
  'shortUrl': '',
  'start': None,
  'url': '',
  'idMembers': [],
  'email': None,
  'subscribed': False,
  'idChecklists': [],
  'attachments': [],
  'stickers': [],
  'cover.idAttachment': None,
  'cover.color': None,
  'cover.idUploadedBackground': None,
  'cover.size': 'normal',
  'cover.brightness': 'light',
  'badges.attachmentsByType.trello.board': 0,
  'badges.attachmentsByType.trello.card': 0,
  'badges.location': False,
  'badges.votes': 0,
  'badges.viewingMemberVoted': False,
  'badges.subscribed': False,
  'badges.fogbugz': '',
  'badges.checkItems': 0,
  'badges.checkItemsChecked': 0,
  'badges.checkItemsEarliestDue': None,
  'badges.comments': 0,
  'badges.attachments': 0,
  'badges.description': False,
  'badges.due': None,
  'badges.dueComplete': False,
  'badges.start': None}]```
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