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Numerical investigation into the distributional analysis of the time complexity of Euclid's algorithm. Sheds numerical light on an "obscure" constant related to a certain variance.

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Analysis of Euclid's Algorithm

§ 1. Introduction

Jump to: ↓ Some plots | ↓ Table of Contents

Euclid's algorithm "might be called the grandaddy of all algorithms", as Knuth aptly put it [5]. Countless modern-day students know the joy of performing the algorithm by hand, essentially in the form set down by Euclid in his Elements over two thousand years ago. Analyses of the algorithm go back as far as the 18th century, when it was understood (at least implicitly) that consecutive Fibonacci numbers give rise to the worst-case in terms of the number of divisions performed, relative to the size of the inputs. Average-case analyses and finer points received surprisingly little attention until the latter half of the last century. (See Knuth [5] and Shallit [9] for superlatively detailed accounts of the algorithm's fascinating history.) Only in recent decades has Euclid's algorithm been put into a general framework for the analysis of algorithms (by Baladi and Vallée [1] et al.), in which certain algorithms are viewed as dynamical systems: the mathematics is as beautiful as it is deep. Although the current state-of-the-art paints a fairly detailed picture with respect to the distributional analysis of Euclid's algorithm, it still tantalises us with open questions, and these questions remain focal points of some exciting research programmes.


Indeed, one of our goals here is to shed some light (numerically) on a certain "obscure" constant that arises in the analysis of Euclid's algorithm. Our main goal, though, is simply to demonstrate how fun and instructive it can be to study introductory discrete mathematics and statistics alongside basic Python. We'll code Euclid's algorithm, apply it to almost five billion pairs of integers to produce some data, then tabulate and visualise the results (the above animation is just one example). Along the way, we'll discuss the Fibonacci numbers and touch on dynamic programming, among other things like random walks... Libraries we'll use include NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and pandas.

There are various ways of analysing Euclid's algorithm. Here is one example. Let $X$ be the random variable whose value is the number divisions performed in the computation of $\gcd(a,b)$ via Euclid's algorithm, with $(a,b)$ chosen uniformly at random from the region $1 \le b < a \le N$. It is known that $X$ is asymptotically normal (as $N \to \infty$), with mean close to $\lambda\log N + \nu - \frac{1}{2}$ and variance close to $\eta\log N + \kappa$, for certain constants $\lambda, \nu, \eta, \kappa$. While the constants associated with the mean can be written in closed form, and therefore calculated to any desired degree of accuracy with relative ease ($\lambda = 0.8427659\ldots$ and $\nu = 0.0653514\ldots$), this is not so for the constants associated with the variance. Nevertheless, Lhote [6] showed that $\eta$ is polynomial-time computable, and determined its first seven digits: $\eta = 0.5160524\ldots$. The "subdominant" constant $\kappa$ is even more mysterious, and our numerics will lead us to guess an approximate value for it (we believe it is around $-0.1$).

In the above animation, the distribution of $X$ is shown for various $N$ up to $10^5$ (starting with $N = 1000$ and going up by $1000$ in each frame). The large blue dots give the probability that $X$ equals a given number on the horizontal axis. The dotted blue curve is normal with mean $\mu = \mathbb{E}[X]$ and variance $\sigma^2 = \mathrm{Var}(X)$, while the light blue curve is normal with mean $\mu_* = \lambda\log N + \nu - \frac{1}{2}$ and variance $\sigma_*^2 = \eta \log N - 0.1$. The red dots and curves are analagous, but only coprime pairs $(a,b)$ are considered. See Two-dimensional analysis: distribution for more detail and context.

Some plots

Jump to: ↑ § 1. Introduction | ↓ Table of Contents

Is this a random walk? See One-dimensional analysis: mean and error term for the answer.


See One-dimensional analysis: mean and error term for the context of this instance of square-root-cancellation.


See One-dimensional analysis: variance for more about the next two plots.



See One-dimensional analysis: distribution for an explanation of the animation below.


See Two-dimensional analysis: error terms & subdominant constant in the variance for an explanation of the plots below.


Table of Contents

Jump to: ↑ Some plots | ↓ Libraries

§ 1... Introduction [Maths/Visuals]
............... Some plots [Visuals]
§ 2... Libraries [Code]
§ 3... A quick recap of the GCD and Euclid's algorithm [Maths]
............... Code for Euclid's algorithm [Code]
§ 4... Worst-case analysis [Maths/Code]
............... The Fibonacci numbers and dynamic programming [Code]
§ 5... Constants [Maths/Code]
§ 6... One-dimensional analysis [Maths]
............... Average-case analysis [Maths]
............... Error term, variance, and distribution [Maths]
§ 7... Two-dimensional analysis [Maths]
............... Average-case analysis [Maths]
............... Variance and distribution [Maths]
§ 8... Code for analysing Euclid's algorithm [Code]
§ 9... Generating and exporting/importing the raw data [Code]
§ 10... Numerical investigation & data visualisation
............... One-dimensional analysis: distribution [Maths/Code/Visuals]
............... One-dimensional analysis: mean and error term [Maths/Code/Visuals]
............... One-dimensional analysis: variance [Maths/Code/Visuals]
............... Two-dimensional analysis: error terms & subdominant constant in the variance [Maths/Code/Visuals]
............... Two-dimensional analysis: distribution [Maths/Code/Visuals]

§ 2. Libraries

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↓ A quick recap of the GCD and Euclid's algorithm

# We'll use the following libraries (by the end of this notebook).

import numpy as np # Naturally, we'll need to do some numerics.
import pandas as pd # We'll want to put data in data frames to import and export it, and to display it nicely.
from timeit import default_timer as timer # We'll want to see how long certain computations take.
import scipy.stats as stats # We'll want to plot normal curves and so on.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit # We'll want to do some curve-fitting.
from scipy.special import zeta # For certain constants involving the Riemann zeta function.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # We'll want to plot our data.
from matplotlib import animation # We'll even make animations to display our data.
from matplotlib import rc # For animations.
from IPython.display import HTML # For displaying and saving animations.
from matplotlib.animation import PillowWriter # To save animated gifs.

§ 3. A quick recap of the GCD and Euclid's algorithm

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Libraries | ↓ Code for Euclid's algorithm

Proposition 3.1. Let $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$. There exists a unique nonnegative $g \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that, for any $d \in \mathbb{Z}$, $d \mid a$ and $d \mid b$ if and only if $d \mid g$.

Definition 3.2. The integer $g$ is the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$, denoted $\gcd(a,b)$. The common divisors of $a$ and $b$ are precisely the divisors of $\gcd(a,b)$.

The divisors of $g$ are the divisors of $-g$, so $-\gcd(a,b)$ satisfies the definition of greatest common divisor sans nonnegativity. Were we to generalize the notion of gcd to commutative rings, we would say that $g$ is a gcd of $a$ and $b$ if the common divisors of $a$ and $b$ are precisely the divisors of $g$. Then, coming back to the integers, we would say that $g$ and $-g$ are both gcds of $a$ and $b$, but that gcds (in $\mathbb{Z}$) are unique up to multiplcation by a unit ($\pm 1$).

Note that, for all $a \in \mathbb{Z}$, $\gcd(a,0) = |a|$ as all integers divide $0$ (hence the common divisors of $a$ and $0$ are the divisors of $a$). In particular, $\gcd(0,0) = 0$.

How can we compute $\gcd(a,b)$ when $a$ and $b$ are nonzero?

Euclid's algorithm. If $b \ge 1$, the division algorithm gives unique integers $q$ and $r$ such that $a = qb + r$ and $0 \le r < b$. It is straightforward to verify that the common divisors of $a$ and $b$ are precisely the common divisors of $b$ and $r$. Hence $\gcd(a,b) = \gcd(b,r)$. If $r > 0$ we may apply the division algorithm again: $b = q_2r + r_3$ with $0 \le r_3 < r$ and $\gcd(b,r) = \gcd(r,r_3)$. Repeating the process as many times as necessary, we obtain a sequence

$$a = r_0, b = r_1 > r = r_2 > r_3 > \cdots > r_n > r_{n + 1} = 0 \tag{3.1}$$

with the property that $\gcd(r_{i-1},r_{i}) = \gcd(r_{i},r_{i + 1})$ for $i = 1,\ldots,n$, because

$$r_{i - 1} = q_ir_i + r_{i + 1} \quad (i = 1,\ldots,n). \tag{3.2}$$

But $\gcd(r_n,r_{n + 1}) = \gcd(r_n,0) = r_n$, and so in this way we find the gcd of $a$ and $b$ (and of $\gcd(r_{i},r_{i + 1})$ for $i = 1,\ldots,n$). The case $b \le -1$ is similar, but instead of (3.1) we have

$$a = r_0, b = r_1 < r_2 < r_3 < \cdots < r_{n} < r_{n + 1} = 0 \tag{3.3}$$

and $\gcd(a,b) = -r_n$. However, since $\gcd(a,b) = \gcd(|a|,|b|)$, we will typically assume that $a$ and $b$ are nonnegative.

Definition 3.3. Given $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$, let $T(a,b) = n$ with $n$ as in (3.1) (if $b \ge 0$) or (3.3) (if $b \le 0$). Thus, $T(a,b)$ is the number of "steps" or "divisions" in Euclid's algorithm for computing $\gcd(a,b)$.

Code for Euclid's algorithm

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ A quick recap of the GCD and Euclid's algorithm | ↓ Worst-case analysis

# Let's code Euclid's algorithm in a few different ways.
# No special libraries are required for this code block.
# If we just want gcd(a,b), this is about the most straightforward way. 

def gcd(a,b):
    if b == 0:
        return abs(a)
    return gcd(b,a%b)

# As a side-note, the definition of gcd extends in an obvious way to gcd of an n-tuple of integer, n >= 2.
# Namely, gcd(a_1,...,a_n) is the unique nonnegative integer with the following property.
# For any integer d, d divides every a_i if and only if d divides gcd(a_1,...,a_n).
# Thus, gcd(a_1,...,a_n) = gcd(a_1,gcd(a_2,...,a_n)), and we can use recursion to compute the gcd of an n-tuple, as below.

def gcdn(*ntuple): # arbitrary number of arguments
    if len(ntuple) == 2:
        return gcd(ntuple[0], ntuple[1])
    return gcd(ntuple[0],gcdn(*ntuple[1:]))

# If we want gcd(a,b) and the number of steps (T(a,b)), we can use this.

def gcd_steps(a,b,i): # Input i = 0
    if b == 0:
        return abs(a), i # Output gcd(a,b) and i = T(a,b)
    i += 1
    return gcd_steps(b,a%b,i)

# If we want the sequence of remainders 
# [r_0,r_1,r_2,...,r_n] (a = r_0, b = r_1, r_{n + 1} = 0, r_1 > r_2 > ... > r_n > 0),
# we can use this.

def rem(a,b,r): # Input r = []
    if b == 0:
        return r
    return rem(b,a%b,r) # gcd(a,b) = abs(r[-1]), gcd_steps = len(r) - 1

# If we want to record both remainders and quotients [q_1,...,q_n], we can use this.

def quot_rem(a,b,q,r): # Input r = [] and q = []
    if b == 0:
        return q, r
    (Q, R) = divmod(a,b)
    return quot_rem(b,R,q,r) # rem(a,b,r) = quot_rem(a,b,q,r)[1]

# If we want to write out the entire process, we can use this.

def write_euclid(a,b): 
    q, r = quot_rem(a,b,[],[])  
    R = r[2:] # The next few lines are largely to facilitate the formatting of the output (alignment etc.)
    A, B, Q = r, r[1:], q 
    GCDcol = [f'gcd({a},{b})', f'gcd({b},{R[0]})']
    for i in range(len(R) - 1):
        GCDcol.append(f'gcd({R[i]},{R[i + 1]})')
    for i in range(len(B)): # For display, put parentheses around negative integers.
        if B[i] < 0:
            B[i] = f'({B[i]})'
    for i in range(len(Q)): # For display, put parentheses around negative integers.
        if Q[i] < 0:
            Q[i] = f'({Q[i]})' 
    pm = [] # Next few lines are so we display a = bq - r instead of a = bq + -r in the case where r < 0.
    for i in range(len(R)): 
        if R[i] < 0:
            R[i] = -R[i]
    colA = max([len(str(i)) for i in A]) # For alignment.
    colB = max([len(str(i)) for i in B])
    colQ = max([len(str(i)) for i in Q])
    colR = max([len(str(i)) for i in R])
    colGCDl = max([len(i) for i in GCDcol[:-2]])
    colGCDr = max([len(i) for i in GCDcol[1:]])
    if len(A) > 1:
        for i in range(len(R)):
            print(f'{A[i]:>{colA}} = {Q[i]:>{colQ}}*{B[i]:>{colB}} {pm[i]} {R[i]:>{colR}} \t{GCDcol[i]:>{colGCDl}} = {GCDcol[i + 1]:<{colGCDr}}')
    print(f'\ngcd({a},{b}) = {abs(r[-1])}, T({a},{b}) = {len(r) - 1}\n') 
# Try out some of the above code.

1011 = 14*69 + 45 	 ∴ gcd(1011,69) = gcd(69,45)
  69 =  1*45 + 24 	 ∴   gcd(69,45) = gcd(45,24)
  45 =  1*24 + 21 	 ∴   gcd(45,24) = gcd(24,21)
  24 =  1*21 +  3 	 ∴   gcd(24,21) = gcd(21,3) 
  21 =  7* 3 +  0 	 ∴    gcd(21,3) = gcd(3,0)  

gcd(1011,69) = 3, T(1011,69) = 5
-1011 = 14*(-69) - 45 	 ∴ gcd(-1011,-69) = gcd(-69,-45)
  -69 =  1*(-45) - 24 	 ∴   gcd(-69,-45) = gcd(-45,-24)
  -45 =  1*(-24) - 21 	 ∴   gcd(-45,-24) = gcd(-24,-21)
  -24 =  1*(-21) -  3 	 ∴   gcd(-24,-21) = gcd(-21,-3) 
  -21 =  7* (-3) +  0 	 ∴    gcd(-21,-3) = gcd(-3,0)   

gcd(-1011,-69) = 3, T(-1011,-69) = 5

§ 4. Worst-case analysis

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Code for Euclid's algorithm | ↓ The Fibonacci numbers and dynamic programming

First let's record a result that will be useful in the sequel.

Proposition 4.1. We have the following for $a \ge b \ge 1$.
(a) $T(a,b) = 1$ if and only if $b \mid a$.
(b) If $a &gt; b$, $T(b,a) = T(a,b) + 1$.
(c) For all positive integers $d$, $T(da,db) = T(a,b)$.

Proof. (a) Simply note that $b \mid a$ if and only if there exists an integer $q$ such that $a = qb + 0$.

(b) If $1 \le b &lt; a$ then the first two divisions of the Euclidean algorithm for $\gcd(b,a)$ are: $b = 0a + b$ and $a = qb + r$, $0 \le r &lt; b$. The second division is the first done in the Euclidean algorithm for $\gcd(a,b)$.

(c) If (3.1) is the remainder sequence given by Euclid's algorithm for $\gcd(a,b)$, then for any positive integer $d$,

$$da = dr_0, db = dr_1 > dr_2 > \cdots > dr_n > dr_{n + 1} = 0$$

is the remainder sequence given by Euclid's algorithm for $\gcd(da,db)$ (the quotients $q_i$ in (3.2) won't change).

# Let's illustrate the invariance of the number of divisions under (a,b) -> (da,db). 
# Take (a,b) as in the previous code block and d = 67.

67737 = 14*4623 + 3015 	 ∴ gcd(67737,4623) = gcd(4623,3015)
 4623 =  1*3015 + 1608 	 ∴  gcd(4623,3015) = gcd(3015,1608)
 3015 =  1*1608 + 1407 	 ∴  gcd(3015,1608) = gcd(1608,1407)
 1608 =  1*1407 +  201 	 ∴  gcd(1608,1407) = gcd(1407,201) 
 1407 =  7* 201 +    0 	 ∴   gcd(1407,201) = gcd(201,0)    

gcd(67737,4623) = 201, T(67737,4623) = 5

What are the smallest possible values of $a$ and $b$ if $a \ge b \ge 1$ and $T(a,b) = n$? If $n = 1$ we need only note that $T(1,1) = 1$ to see that the answer is $a = b = 1$. Since $T(a,b) = 1$ if and only if $b \mid a$, the answer for $n \ge 2$ must satisfy $a &gt; b \ge 2$ and $b \nmid a$. (In fact, by Proposition 4.1(c), the answer in general must satisfy $\gcd(a,b) = 1$, i.e. $r_n = 1$.) Noting that $T(3,2) = 2$ then gives the answer for $n = 2$ as $a = 3$ and $b = 2$.

# Some very naive code to answer the question: what are the smallest possible values of a and b if 
# a >= b >= 1 and T(a,b) = n?
# Basically a very inefficient way of computing Fibonacci numbers, the code really starts to get slow for n = 16.
# But the first few n are enough to help us see a pattern.

def W(n):
    a, b = 1, 1
    while gcd_steps(a,b,0)[1] < n:
        a += 1
        for b in range(1,a+1):
            if gcd_steps(a,b,0)[1] == n:
                return a, b
    return a, b

print(W(1), W(2), W(3), W(4), W(5), W(6), W(7), W(8), W(9), W(10))
(1, 1) (3, 2) (5, 3) (8, 5) (13, 8) (21, 13) (34, 21) (55, 34) (89, 55) (144, 89)

It isn't difficult to see that for a given $n \ge 2$, if $T(a,b) = n$, $a$ and $b$ will be minimal if, in (3.2), $r_n = 1$, $r_{n - 1} = 2$, and $q_1 = q_2 = \cdots = q_{n - 1} = 1$. Thus, $r_{n - 2} = 1(2) + 1 = 3$, $r_{n - 3} = 1(3) + 2 = 5$, and so on.

55 = 1*34 + 21 	 ∴ gcd(55,34) = gcd(34,21)
34 = 1*21 + 13 	 ∴ gcd(34,21) = gcd(21,13)
21 = 1*13 +  8 	 ∴ gcd(21,13) = gcd(13,8) 
13 = 1* 8 +  5 	 ∴  gcd(13,8) = gcd(8,5)  
 8 = 1* 5 +  3 	 ∴   gcd(8,5) = gcd(5,3)  
 5 = 1* 3 +  2 	 ∴   gcd(5,3) = gcd(3,2)  
 3 = 1* 2 +  1 	 ∴   gcd(3,2) = gcd(2,1)  
 2 = 2* 1 +  0 	 ∴   gcd(2,1) = gcd(1,0)  

gcd(55,34) = 1, T(55,34) = 8

These are the Fibonacci numbers!

Definition 4.2. Let $f_0 = 0$, $f_1 = 1$, and $f_{n+2} = f_{n + 1} + f_{n}$ for $n \ge 0$. Then $(f_0,f_1,\ldots)$ is the Fibonacci sequence, and $f_n$ is the $n$-th Fibonacci number.

Proposition 4.3. Let $a \ge b \ge 1$. (a) For $n \ge 0$, we have $\gcd(f_{n + 1},f_{n}) = 1$. For $n \ge 1$, we have $T(f_{n + 2},f_{n + 1}) = n$. (b) If $n \ge 1$ and $T(a,b) = n$, then $a \ge f_{n + 2}$ and $b \ge f_{n+1}$.

Proof. (a) Since $f_{n + 2} = f_{n + 1} + f_{n}$, we have $\gcd(f_{n + 2},f_{n + 1}) = \gcd(f_{n + 1},f_{n})$. Since $\gcd(f_1,f_0) = \gcd(1,0) = 1$, that $\gcd(f_{n + 1},f_n) = 1$ for all $n \ge 0$ now follows by mathematical induction.

Also, since $f_{n + 2} = f_{n + 1} + f_n$ and $0 \le f_n &lt; f_{n + 1}$ for $n \ge 2$, we have $T(f_{n + 2},f_{n + 1}) = T(f_{n + 1}, f_n) + 1$ for $n \ge 2$. Since $T(f_{1 + 2},f_{1 + 1}) = T(2,1) = 1$, that $T(f_{n + 2},f_{n + 1}) = n$ for all $n \ge 1$ now follows by mathematical induction.

(b) We've verified the result for $n = 1$ and $n = 2$, so let $n \ge 2$ and suppose the result holds for $n$. Let $T(a,b) = n + 1$. Since this is greater than $1$, $b \nmid a$ (as noted above), and $a = qb + r$ for some $q$ and $r$ with $q \ge 1$ and $1 \le r &lt; b$. Now, $T(b,r) = n$ and so, by inductive hypothesis, $b \ge f_{n + 2}$ and $r \ge f_{n + 1}$. Thus, $a = qb + r \ge f_{n + 2} + f_{n+1} = f_{n + 3}$. In conclusion, $a \ge f_{n + 3}$ and $b \ge f_{n + 2}$, and the result holds for all $n \ge 2$, by mathematical induction.

Remark 4.4. For $a \ge b \ge 1$ and $n \ge 1$, the contrapositive of part (b) of the above proposition is: if either $a &lt; f_{n + 2}$ or $b &lt; f_{n + 1}$, then $T(a,b) \le n - 1$.

# Let's test this out for small n. 
# In the table below, row a column b contains T(a,b).
# Below the diagonal corresponds to a > b.
# Note that, for instance, the first time 4 appears below the diagonal is in row 8, column 5: 8 = f_6 and 5 = f_5.

test_dict = {}
for a in range(14):
    test_dict[a] = {}
    for b in range(14):
        test_dict[a][b] = gcd_steps(a,b,0)[1]
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(test_dict, orient='index')#.astype('int')
	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13
0	0	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
1	0	1	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2
2	0	1	1	3	2	3	2	3	2	3	2	3	2	3
3	0	1	2	1	3	4	2	3	4	2	3	4	2	3
4	0	1	1	2	1	3	3	4	2	3	3	4	2	3
5	0	1	2	3	2	1	3	4	5	4	2	3	4	5
6	0	1	1	1	2	2	1	3	3	3	4	4	2	3
7	0	1	2	2	3	3	2	1	3	4	4	5	5	4
8	0	1	1	3	1	4	2	2	1	3	3	5	3	6
9	0	1	2	1	2	3	2	3	2	1	3	4	3	4
10	0	1	1	2	2	1	3	3	2	2	1	3	3	4
11	0	1	2	3	3	2	3	4	4	3	2	1	3	4
12	0	1	1	1	1	3	1	4	2	2	2	2	1	3
13	0	1	2	2	2	4	2	3	5	3	3	3	2	1

The Fibonacci numbers and dynamic programming

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Worst-case analysis | ↓ Constants

# Let's take a detour and compute some Fibonacci numbers.
# Computing f_n naively takes time exponential in n.
# E.g. to compute f_5 naively we do this: 
# f_5 = f_4 + f_3 
#     = f_3 + f_2 + f_2 + f_1 
#     = f_2 + f_1 + f_1 + f_0 + f_1 + f_0 + 1
#     = f_1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1
#     = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1
#     = 5
# We can think of this as a tree with f_5 at the top, 
# and where each parent node has two children until the node corresponds to f_1 or f_0. 
# We end up having to sum a sequence of 1's and 0's of length f_n, 
# and we know f_n is of order phi^n, where phi is the golden ratio.

def naive_fib(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    if n > 1:
        return naive_fib(n - 1) + naive_fib(n - 2)
    if n < 0:
        return naive_fib(-n) # Why not?

naive_time = []
for n in range(31):
    start = timer()
    end = timer()
    naive_time.append(end - start)
# Of course it is very silly to compute fib(n) from scratch if you've just computed f_0,f_1,...,f_{n-1}.
# Let's compute f_n the way a human might do it: by starting at the beginning.

FIB = []
list_time = []
for n in range(101):
    start = timer()
    if (n == 0 or n == 1):
        FIB.append(FIB[n - 1] + FIB[n - 2])
    end = timer()
    list_time.append(end - start)

# Now if we want to compute f_n but don't want to have to maintain an ever-expanding list 
# of all previous Fibonacci numbers, we can do the following.
# This algorithm computes f_n in O(n) time for n >= 1 
# (a unit of time being the time taken to do an addition and update a couple of variables).
# There are only about n additions needed in this algorithm.
# This is the archetypal example of dynamic programming, specifically memoization.
# a and b in the code below essentially constitute a hash table, which is updated in each iteration. 
# Perhaps the previous code (generating a list of all Fibonacci numbers) up to f_n, is an example 
# of tabulation.

def fib(n):
    a, b = 0, 1 # a and b will be placeholders for fib(n - 2) and fib(n - 1)
    if n == 0:
        return a
    if n == 1:
        return b
    if n < 0: 
        return fib(-n) # Why not?
    for k in range(n-1):
        c = a + b # c will be fib(n) ultimately. 
        a = b # First, k = 0, c = 0 + 1 = 1, a -> 1, b -> 1.
        b = c # Then, k = 1, c -> 1 + 1 = 2, a -> 1, b -> 2. And so on.
    return c

dynamic_time = []
for n in range(101):
    start = timer()
    end = timer()
    dynamic_time.append(end - start)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle('Time to compute nth Fibonacci number')
x = [n for n in range(101)]
ax.plot(x[:31],naive_time,'r.', label='Naive recursion')
ax.plot(x,list_time,'b.', label=f'List all $f_k$ for $k \leq n$')
plt.plot(x,dynamic_time,'g+', label='Dynamic algorithm')
ax.set_ylabel('units of time')


We can show that if $\phi$ and $\psi$ are the roots of $x^2 - x - 1$, then for $n \ge 0$,

$$f_n = \frac{\phi^{n} - \psi^n}{\phi - \psi}. \tag{4.1}$$

For any root $\lambda$ of $x^2 - x - 1$ satisfies $\lambda^{n + 2} - \lambda^{n + 1} - \lambda = 0$ for all $n \ge 0$, just as the Fibonacci numbers satisfy $f_{n + 2} - f_{n + 1} - f_{n} = 0$ for $n \ge 0$. It follows that if $c_1$ and $c_2$ are constants such that $f_n = c_1\phi^n + c_2\psi^n$ for $n = 0$ and $n = 1$, then this equation holds for all $n \ge 0$. Letting $n = 0$ shows that $c_2 = -c_1$, and then letting $n = 1$ gives $c_1 = 1/(\phi - \psi)$. We let $\phi = \frac{1}{2}(1 + \sqrt{5})$ be the positive root (the golden ratio), and $\psi = \frac{1}{2}(1 - \sqrt{5})$ be the other. Thus, $\phi - \psi = \sqrt{5}$, and $f_n$ is the integer nearest $\phi^n/\sqrt{5}$.

# Let's try this out. 
# In fact, phi^n/sqrt(5) < f_n when n is odd, and phi^n/sqrt(5) > f_n when n is even.

phi, psi = np.roots([1,-1,-1])

def fib_closed_form(n):
    return (phi**(n) - psi**(n))/(phi - psi)

for n in range(11):
    print(f'n = {n}, f_n = {fib(n)}, phi^n/(phi - psi) = {phi**(n)/(phi - psi):.3f}..., nearest int = {int(np.rint(phi**(n)/(phi - psi)))}')
n = 0, f_n = 0, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 0.447..., nearest int = 0
n = 1, f_n = 1, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 0.724..., nearest int = 1
n = 2, f_n = 1, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 1.171..., nearest int = 1
n = 3, f_n = 2, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 1.894..., nearest int = 2
n = 4, f_n = 3, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 3.065..., nearest int = 3
n = 5, f_n = 5, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 4.960..., nearest int = 5
n = 6, f_n = 8, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 8.025..., nearest int = 8
n = 7, f_n = 13, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 12.985..., nearest int = 13
n = 8, f_n = 21, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 21.010..., nearest int = 21
n = 9, f_n = 34, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 33.994..., nearest int = 34
n = 10, f_n = 55, phi^n/(phi - psi) = 55.004..., nearest int = 55

We are now ready to establish the worst-case result for the number of divisions in Euclid's algorithm. The following propostion implies that for $N \ge 2$,

$$ \max\{T(a,b) : 1 \le b \le a \le N\} = \Theta(\log N). $$

Proposition 4.5. For $N \ge 2$,

$$\frac{\log(N - 1)}{\log \phi} - 1.328 < \max\{T(a,b) : 1 \le b \le a \le N\} < \frac{\log(N + 1)}{\log \phi} - 0.327.$$

Note that $1/\log \phi = 2.0780869\ldots$.

Proof. First of all, if $m \ge 1$ then $f_{n + 1} \le m &lt; f_{n + 2}$ for some $n \ge 1$. Thus, in view of (4.1), we have (for $m \ge 2$ in the left inequality)

$$\frac{\log(m - 1)}{\log \phi} - 0.328 < n < \frac{\log(m + 1)}{\log \phi} + 0.673. \tag{$*$}$$

To see this in more detail, note that $f_{k} = \lfloor \phi^k/(\phi - \psi)\rfloor$ if $k$ is even, while $f_{k} = \lceil \phi^k/(\phi - \psi)\rceil$ if $k$ is odd; also, $\phi - \psi = \sqrt{5}$. Thus, supposing first that $n$ is even,

$$\frac{\phi^{n+1}}{\sqrt{5}} < f_{n+1} \le m < f_{n + 2} < \frac{\phi^{n+2}}{\sqrt{5}}.$$

Taking logarithms, we see that

$$n + 1 < \frac{\log m + \frac{1}{2}\log 5}{\log \phi} < n + 2,$$

leading (after a calculation) to

$$ \frac{\log m}{\log \phi} - 0.3277\ldots < n < \frac{\log m}{\log \phi} + 0.6722\ldots .$$

Similarly, if $n$ is odd and $m \ge 2$, then

$$ \frac{\log(m-1)}{\log \phi} - 0.3277\ldots < n < \frac{\log(m + 1)}{\log \phi} + 0.6722\ldots .$$

Combining gives $(*)$.

(a) Now, let $N \ge 2$ be given, and let $n \ge 2$ be such that $f_{n + 1} \le N &lt; f_{n + 2}$. By Proposition 4.3(b), for $1 \le b \le a \le N$, we have $T(a,b) \le n - 1$, with equality attained when $a = f_{n + 1}$ and $b = f_{n}$. That is,

$$\max\{T(a,b) : 1 \le b \le a \le N\} = n - 1,$$

and the result follows by $(*)$.

We see that, for a given $N \ge 2$, as the pair $(a,b)$ ranges over $1 \le b &lt; a \le N$, $T(a,b)$ ranges from $1$ to around $2.078 \log N$. What is the average value of $T(a,b)$ over $(a,b)$ in the same region? How are the values of $T(a,b)$ distributed? We will answer these questions, and more, below.

§ 5. Constants

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ The Fibonacci numbers and dynamic programming | ↓ § 6. One-dimensional analysis

We will presently begin our analysis of Euclid's algorithm (beyond the worst-case). Several constants will arise: let us record them here at the outset, for ease of reference.

The Euler-Mascheroni constant:

$$\gamma = \lim_{n \to \infty}\left(-\log n + \sum_{k = 1}^n \frac{1}{k}\right) = 0.5772156\ldots. \tag{5.1}$$

The Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$, and its first and second derivatives $\zeta'(s)$ and $\zeta''(s)$, at $s = 2$:

$$ \begin{align*} \zeta(2) & = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6} = 1.6449340\ldots \tag{5.2} \\ \zeta'(2) & = -\sum_{n = 2}^{\infty} \frac{\log n}{n^2} = −0.9375482\ldots \tag{5.3} \\ \zeta''(2) & = \sum_{n = 2}^{\infty} \frac{(\log n)^2}{n^2} = 1.98928\ldots \tag{5.4} \end{align*} $$

There is also the logarithmic derivative ($\Lambda$ is the von-Mangoldt function here):

$$\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} = -\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty} \frac{\Lambda(n)}{n^2} = 1.7545060\ldots\tag{5.5}$$

The reciprocal of Lévy's constant:

$$ \begin{align*} \lambda = \frac{2\log 2}{\zeta(2)} = \frac{12 \log 2}{\pi^2} = 0.8427659\ldots. \tag{5.6} \end{align*} $$

Porter's constant, also called the Lochs-Porter constant:

$$ \begin{align*} C_P = \frac{\log 2}{\zeta(2)}\left(3\log 2 + 4\gamma - \frac{4\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} - 2 \right) - \frac{1}{2} = 1.4670780\ldots \tag{5.7} \end{align*} $$

Note also that $C_P - 1 = 0.4670780\ldots$.

We also have:

$$ \begin{align*} \nu & = \frac{2\log 2}{\zeta(2)}\left(-\frac{3}{2} - \frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} + \frac{3}{2}\log 2 + 2\gamma\right) - 1 = 0.0653514\ldots \tag{5.8} \\ \nu_1 & = \nu - \lambda\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} = 0.5456951\ldots \tag{5.9} \end{align*} $$

Note also that $\nu - 1/2 = -0.4346485\ldots$ and $\nu_1 - 1/2 = 0.0456951\ldots$.

Hensley's constant:

$$ \begin{align*} \eta = 0.5160524\ldots \tag{5.10} \end{align*} $$

Finally, we have mysterious constants $\kappa$ and $\kappa_1$, whose values we do not know, but we know that

$$ \begin{align*} \kappa - \kappa_1 = \eta\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} + \lambda^2\left(\frac{\zeta''(2)}{\zeta(2)} - \left(\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)}\right)^2\right) = 0.3340\ldots \tag{5.11} \end{align*} $$

(and our numerics suggest that $\kappa \approx -0.1$, meaning $\kappa_1 \approx -0.43$).


# Constants needed to define other subsequent constants...
euler_mascheroni = 0.57721566490153286060 # Approximate value of Euler-Mascheroni constant.
zeta_der_2 = -0.93754825431584375370 # Approximate value of zeta'(2)
zeta_dder_2 = 1.98928 # Approximation to zeta''(2)

# The constants we actually need...
# For the mean in the one- and two-dimensional analyses

# This is the reciprocal of Levy's constant. We'll name it here in honour of Dixon.
lambda_dixon = 2*np.log(2)/zeta(2) 
# Porter's constant
porter_constant = ((np.log(2))/zeta(2))*(3*np.log(2) + 4*euler_mascheroni - 4*zeta_der_2/zeta(2) - 2) - (1/2) 

# For the mean in the two-dimensional analysis (subdominant constants)

# Norton's refinement of the mean. (Counting all pairs, not just a > b.)
nu_norton = -1 + lambda_dixon*(2*euler_mascheroni + 1.5*np.log(2) - 1.5 - zeta_der_2/zeta(2)) 
# Norton's constant for case of coprime pairs. (Counting all coprime pairs, not just a > b.)
nu_norton_coprime = nu_norton - lambda_dixon*zeta_der_2/zeta(2) 

# For the variance in the two-dimensional analysis

# Hensley's constant in the variance, as given by Lhote.
eta_hensley = 0.5160524 

# Subdominant constants in the variance for the two-dimensional analysis

# Our "guesstimate" of the subdominant constant in a certain variance
kappa_var = -0.1 
delta_kappa = np.around(eta_hensley*zeta_der_2/zeta(2) + (lambda_dixon**2)*((zeta_dder_2/zeta(2)) - (zeta_der_2/zeta(2))**2),3)
# Our "guesstimate" of the subdominant constant in another variance
kappa_var_coprime = np.around(kappa_var - delta_kappa,3) 

print(f"{'gamma':>16} = {euler_mascheroni}" +'\n' + 
      f"{'zeta(2)':>16} = {zeta(2)}" + '\n' +
      f"{'der_zeta(2)':>16} = {zeta_der_2}" + '\n' +
      f"{'dder_zeta(2)':>16} = {zeta_dder_2}" + '\n' +
      f"{'lambda':>16} = {lambda_dixon}" + '\n' +
      f"{'C_P':>16} = {porter_constant}" + '\n' +
      f"{'nu':>16} = {nu_norton}" + '\n' +
      f"{'nu_1':>16} = {nu_norton_coprime}" + '\n' +
      f"{'eta':>16} = {eta_hensley}" + '\n' +
      f"{'kappa - kappa_1':>16} = {delta_kappa}" + '\n' +
      f"{'kappa':>16} = {kappa_var} (?)" + '\n' +
      f"{'kappa_1':>16} = {kappa_var_coprime} (?)")
           gamma = 0.5772156649015329
         zeta(2) = 1.6449340668482264
     der_zeta(2) = -0.9375482543158438
    dder_zeta(2) = 1.98928
          lambda = 0.8427659132721945
             C_P = 1.4670780794339755
              nu = 0.06535142592303722
            nu_1 = 0.5456951227978781
             eta = 0.5160524
 kappa - kappa_1 = 0.334
           kappa = -0.1 (?)
         kappa_1 = -0.434 (?)

§ 6. One-dimensional analysis

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Constants | ↓ Average-case analysis

As we will see, "one-dimensional analysis" is "harder" than "two-dimensional analysis". We may study $T(a,b)$ for coprime pairs $(a,b)$, and deduce results of all pairs $(a,b)$, coprime or not, using Proposition 4.1(c) and the fact that $\gcd(a,b) = 1$ if and only if $\gcd(ga,gb) = g$ (positive integers $a,b,g$). It turns out that the techniques in the literature lead most naturally to results for sums over coprime pairs, with results for unrestricted counts effectively being corollaries.

Average-case analysis

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ § 6. One-dimensional analysis | ↓ Error term, variance, and distribution | ↓↓ Numerics

To formulate results precisely, given a positive integer $a$, set $\mathbb{Z}_a^{\times} = \{b \in [1,a] : \gcd(a,b) = 1\}$ (the totatives of $a$), and define a random variable $Z : \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times} \to \mathbb{N}$ by letting $Z(b) = T(a,b)$ for each $b \in \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}$ (with $b$ being chosen uniformly at random from $\mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}$). Thus,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Z] = \frac{1}{\phi(a)}\sum_{\substack{b = 1 \\ \gcd(a,b) = 1}}^{a} T(a,b) \tag{6.1} \end{align*} $$

is the average number of divisions performed in Euclid's algorithm for $\gcd(a,b)$, over all $b$ satisfying $1 \le b \le a$ and $\gcd(a,b) = 1$. (Recall that Euler's totient function of $a$, $\phi(a)$, is just the size of $\mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}$.)

Heilbronn [3] considered (exercise to show the equivalence)

$$\tau_a = \frac{1}{\phi(a)}\sum_{\substack{b = 0 \\ \gcd(a,b) = 1}}^{a - 1} T(b,a) = \mathbb{E}[Z] + 1,$$

and showed that $\tau_a = \lambda \log a + O\left((\log\log a)^4\right)$, where $\lambda$ is as in (5.6). Porter [8] subsequently showed that for all $a \ge 1$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$, $\tau_a = \lambda \log a + C_P + O_{\epsilon}\left(a^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right)$, where $C_P$ is Porter's constant as in (5.7). This is equivalent to the following.

Theorem 6.1. [Porter, 1975]. For all $a \ge 1$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$, we have

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Z] = \lambda \log a + C_P - 1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(a^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right). \tag{6.2} \end{align*} $$

A result of this kind had been predicted by Knuth [5], based on a heuristic and numerics.

Error term, variance, and distribution

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Average-case analysis | ↓ § 7. Two-dimensional analysis | ↓↓ Numerics for error term, variance, and distribution

Comparable estimates for the second moment of $Z$ have not been established, let alone its distribution. Much more has been proved in the "two-dimensional analysis", in which we may exploit the fact that we average over $b$ as well. But let us persevere with $Z$ for the moment: our numerical data will suggest a roughly normal distribution, with variance of order $\log a$.

For a given $a$, let us model the summands $T(a,b)$, $b \in \mathbb{Z}^{\times}_{a}$, as a sequence $Z_1,\ldots,Z_{\phi(a)}$ of independent, identically distributed random variables, each with mean $\mu_a = \lambda\log a + C_P - 1$, and variance $\sigma_a^2 = \mathrm{Var}(Z)$ (whatever it is). In other words, let us model the sum in (6.1) as a sum $Z_1 + \cdots + Z_{\phi(a)}$ of i.i.d. random variables of mean $\mu_a$ and variance $\sigma_a^2$. If

$$\bar{Z}_a = \frac{Z_1 + \cdots + Z_{\phi(a)}}{\phi(a)},$$

then, by the central limit theorem,

$$\frac{\sqrt{\phi(a)}(\bar{Z}_a - \mu_a)}{\sigma_a} \overset{d}{\to} \mathrm{Norm}(0,1)$$

as $\phi(a) \to \infty$ (and hence as $a \to \infty$). Thus, for large $\phi(a)$ (and hence for large $a$),

$$\mathbb{P}\left(\sqrt{\phi(a)} (\bar{Z}_a - \mu_a) > z\sigma_a\right) \approx \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{z}^{\infty} e^{-t^2/2} dt \le \frac{e^{-z^2/2}}{z\sqrt{2\pi}} \quad (z > 0).$$

(Last inequality an exercise.) Similarly for the probability that $\sqrt{\phi(a)} (\bar{Z}_a - \mu_a) &lt; -z\sigma_a$. This becomes vanishingly small as $z$ becomes large. As $\bar{Z}_a$ is our model for the RHS of (6.1), this leads us to suspect that the RHS of (6.1) virtually always takes values lying within $z\sigma_a/\sqrt{\phi(a)}$ of $\mu_a$, if $z$ is "large". Since $a^{1 - \epsilon} \ll_{\epsilon} \phi(a) &lt; a$, and as we suspect that $\sigma_a$ is of order $\log a$, we suggest the following.

Conjecture 6.2. For all $a \ge 1$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$, we have

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Z] = \lambda \log a + C_P - 1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(a^{\epsilon - 1/2}\right). \tag{6.3} \end{align*} $$

We might be able to replace the $O$-term by something like $O(a^{-1/2}\log a)$, or even $O(a^{-1/2})$. If true, Conjecture 6.2 would be one of numerous instances of "square-root cancellation" in number theory, the most famous example of which is a conjecture concerning the Mertens function, which is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis! Moreover, we believe that for "most" $a$, if not all sufficiently large $a$, $Z$ is "approximately" normally distributed, with mean $\lambda \log a + C_P - 1$ and variance of order $\log a$. The empirical evidence in § 10 seems to back this up.

Regarding the variance, it seems that $\mathrm{Var}(Z) - \eta \log N$ converges (slowly) to some constant as $\phi(a) \to \infty$. (See (5.10) and § 7 for more about Hensley's constant $\eta = 0.5160524\ldots$, which arises in the variance of the two-dimensional analysis.) That is, we suspect that $\mathrm{Var}(Z) = \eta \log N + \mathrm{constant} + \mathrm{error}$, where $\mathrm{constant} \approx -0.3$ and $\mathrm{error} \ll_{\epsilon} a^{\epsilon - 1/2}$ for any $\epsilon &gt; 0$. Admittedly, our numerical evidence for this could be stronger (see One-dimensional analysis: variance).

§ 7. Two-dimensional analysis

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Error term, variance, and distribution | ↓ Average-case analysis

As already mentioned, averaging the number of divisions in the Euclidean algorithm over both inputs allows us to prove much more than we can in the one-dimensional analysis. There are various equivalent ways to formulate results: let

$$ \begin{align*} U & = \{1,\ldots,N\} \times \{1,\ldots,N\}\\ U_{1} & = \{(a,b) \in U : \gcd(a,b) = 1\} \\ \Omega & = \{(a,b) \in U : a > b\} \\ \Omega_{1} & = \{(a,b) \in U_{1}: a > b\} \end{align*} $$

then define random variables

$$ \begin{align*} Y : U \to \mathbb{N}, \quad Y_1 : U_1 \to \mathbb{N}, \quad X : \Omega \to \mathbb{N}, \quad X_1 : \Omega_1 \to \mathbb{N} \end{align*} $$

by letting each be equal to $T$ restricted to its sample space ($Y(a,b) = T(a,b)$ for each $(a,b) \in U$, and so on), with $(a,b)$ being chosen uniformly at random from the sample space.

Average-case analysis

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ § 7. Two-dimensional analysis | ↓ Variance and distribution | ↓↓ Numerics

Thus, for instance,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{1 \le a,b \le N} T(a,b) \tag{7.1} \end{align*} $$

is the average number of divisions performed by Euclid's algorithm, over all pairs $(a,b)$ satisfying $1 \le a,b \le N$. (We'll discuss the restriction $a &gt; b$ shortly.) Knuth [5] gave a heuristic suggesting $\mathbb{E}[Y] = \lambda\log N + O(1)$ ($\lambda$ as in (5.6)), and numerical evidence suggesting the $O(1)$ is actually around $0.06$ plus a small error. This was first proved by Norton [7] (whose proof hinged on Theorem 6.1 of Porter [8]).

Theorem 7.1 [Norton, 1990]. For all $N \ge 2$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] = \lambda \log N + \nu + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right), \tag{7.2} \end{align*} $$

with $\lambda$ as in (5.6) and $\nu$ as in (5.8).

As one might expect, if Conjecture 6.2 is true, the $O$-term in Norton's theorem can be replaced by $O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/2}\right)$, and as we will see, the numerical evidence seems to support this.

By Norton's result and the next proposition, the following estimates all hold and are in fact equivalent: for $N \ge 2$ and $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] & = \lambda \log N + \nu + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right) \\ \mathbb{E}[Y_1] & = \lambda \log N + \nu_1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right) \tag{7.3} \\ \mathbb{E}[X] & = \lambda \log N + \nu - {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right) \tag{7.4} \\ \mathbb{E}[X_1] & = \lambda \log N + \nu_1 - {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right) \tag{7.5} \end{align*} $$

with $\lambda$, $\nu$, and $\nu_1$ as in (5.6), (5.8), and (5.9) respectively. Again, we believe the $O$-term in all four estimates can be replaced by $O_{\epsilon}(N^{\epsilon - 1/2})$ (and if such an $O$-term holds for one estimate, it holds in all four).

Proposition 7.2. (a) For $N \ge 2$ we have

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] = \mathbb{E}[X] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} + O\left(N^{-1}\log N\right) \quad \text{and} \quad \mathbb{E}[Y_1] = \mathbb{E}[X_1] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} + O\left(N^{-1}\log N\right). \tag{7.6} \end{align*} $$

(b) The following statements are equivalent. (i) There exist constants $\lambda$ and $\nu_1$ such that, for $N \ge 2$ and $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y_1] = \lambda \log N + \nu_1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right). \end{align*} $$

(ii) There exist constants $\lambda$ and $\nu_1$ such that, for $N \ge 2$ and $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] = \lambda \log N + \nu_1 + \lambda\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)}+ O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right). \end{align*} $$

Proof. (a) For the second equation in (7.6), note that

$$ \begin{align*} \# U_1 \mathbb{E}[Y_1] & = \sum_{(a,b) \in U_1} T(a,b) \\ & = \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} T(a,b) + \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ b > a}} T(a,b) + \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a = b}} T(a,b) \\ & = \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} T(a,b) + \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} T(b,a) + T(1,1) \\ & = \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} T(a,b) + \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} \left[T(a,b) + 1\right] + 1 \\ & = 2\sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} T(a,b) + \sum_{\substack{(a,b) \in U_1 \\ a > b}} 1 + 1 \\ & = 2\#\Omega_1 \mathbb{E}[X_1] + \#\Omega_1 + 1. \end{align*} $$

Since $\#U_1 = 2\#\Omega_1 + N$ (if this isn't clear, replace $T(a,b)$ by $1$ in the above equations), this gives

$$ \begin{align*} \#U_1\mathbb{E}[Y_1] = \#U_1 \mathbb{E}[X_1] - N\mathbb{E}[X_1] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} \left(\#U_1 - N\right) + 1, \end{align*} $$

which upon dividing by $\#U_1$ becomes

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y_1] = \mathbb{E}[X_1] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} - \frac{N}{\# U_1}\left(\mathbb{E}[X_1] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{N}}\right). \end{align*} $$

All of this is valid for $N \ge 1$. Proposition 4.5(c) implies that $\mathbb{E}[X_1] \ll \log N$ for $N \ge 2$. Also, a classical result of Mertens is that for $N \ge 2$,

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{\substack{1 \le a,b \le N \\ \gcd(a,b) = 1}} 1 = \frac{N^2}{\zeta(2)} + O\left(N \log N\right). \tag{7.7} \end{align*} $$

We'll use this in the proof of part (b), but at this point we only need that $\#U_1 \gg N^2$. Combining gives the second equation in (7.6). The verification of the first equation in (7.6) is almost identical.

(b) We show that (i) implies (ii). Since $\gcd(c,d) = 1$ if and only if $\gcd(gc,gd) = g$, and since $T(gc,gd) = T(c,d)$ (Proposition 4.1(c)),

$$ \begin{align*} N^2 \mathbb{E}[Y] & = \sum_{1 \le a,b \le N} T(a,b) \\ & = \sum_{g = 1}^{N} \sum_{\substack{1 \le a,b \le N \\ \gcd(a,b) = g}} T(a,b) \\ & = \sum_{g = 1}^{N} \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le N/g \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} T(gc,gd) \\ & = \sum_{g = 1}^{N} \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le N/g \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} T(c,d) \\ & = \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le N/g \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} T(c,d) + \sum_{N/2 < g \le N} T(1,1) \\ & = \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le N/g \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} T(c,d) + O(N). \tag{$\dagger$} \end{align*} $$

We now assume (i), which is tantamount to assuming that, for $M \ge 2$ and $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le M \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} T(c,d) = \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le M \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} \left(\lambda \log M + \nu_1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(M^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right)\right), \end{align*} $$

which, in view of (7.7), is equivalent to

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{\substack{1 \le c,d \le M \\ \gcd(c,d) = 1}} T(c,d) = \frac{M^2}{\zeta(2)}\left(\lambda \log M + \nu_1\right) + O_{\epsilon}\left(M^{2 + \epsilon - 1/6}\right). \end{align*} $$

Putting this into $(\dagger)$, we obtain

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] & = \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \left[\left(\frac{(1/g)^2}{\zeta(2)}\right)\left(\lambda \log(N/g) + \nu_1\right) + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}/g^{2 + \epsilon - 1/6}\right)\right] + O\left(N^{-1}\right)\\ & = \lambda \log N \left(\frac{1}{\zeta(2)} \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \frac{1}{g^2}\right) + \lambda\left(\frac{1}{\zeta(2)} \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \frac{-\log g}{g^2}\right) + \nu_1 \left(\frac{1}{\zeta(2)} \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \frac{1}{g^2}\right) + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6} \right), \tag{$\ddagger$} \end{align*} $$

where we have used the fact that $$\sum_{g = 1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{g^{2 + \epsilon - 1/6}} \ll 1$$ in the $O$-term. Finally,

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \frac{1}{g^2} = \sum_{g = 1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{g^2} + O\left(N^{-1}\right) = \zeta(2) + O\left(N^{-1}\right) \quad \text{and} \quad \sum_{1 \le g \le N/2} \frac{-\log g}{g^2} = \sum_{g = 1}^{\infty} \frac{\log g}{g^2} + O\left(N^{-1}\log N\right) = \zeta'(2) + O\left(N^{-1}\log N\right), \end{align*} $$

and making these substitutions in $(\ddagger)$ yields

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Y] = \lambda\log N + \lambda \frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} + \nu_1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6} \right). \end{align*} $$

Hence (i) implies (ii). The converse can be obtained similarly: we begin by noting that ($\mu$ denoting the Möbius function)

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{\substack{1 \le a,b \le N \\ \gcd(a,b) = 1}} T(a,b) = \sum_{1 \le a,b \le N} T(a,b) \sum_{\substack{\delta \mid a \\ \delta \mid b}} \mu(\delta) = \sum_{1 \le \delta \le N} \mu(\delta) \sum_{1 \le c,d \le N/\delta} T(\delta c,\delta d) = \sum_{1 \le \delta \le N} \mu(\delta) \sum_{1 \le c,d \le N/\delta} T(c,d). \end{align*} $$

We leave the remainder of the proof as an exercise for the reader.

Naturally, the next questions are related to variance, and, ultimately, distribution.

Variance and distribution

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Average-case analysis | ↓ § 8. Code for analysing Euclid's algorithm | ↓↓ Numerics for variance and distribution

Dixon [2] showed that $|T(a,b) - \lambda\log a| &lt; (\log a)^{1/2 + \epsilon}$ (with $\lambda$ as in (5.6)) for all but at most $N^2\exp\left(-c(\log N)^{\epsilon/2}\right)$ ($c$ a constant) of the pairs $(a,b)$ in the range $1 \le b &lt; a \le N$. This may hint at a variance, but it was Hensley [4] who, in a tour de force of functional analysis, first attained a sharp estimate for the variance of $X_1$ (and $X$), and also established that the distribution of $X$ (and of $X_1$) is asymptotically normal.

Theorem 7.3. [Hensley, 1994.] There exist constants $\lambda$ and $\eta$ (as in (5.6) and (5.10)), such that the following holds for all sufficiently large $N$. Let $\mu = \lambda \log N$, and $\sigma = \sqrt{\eta \log N}$. Uniformly for $|s - \mu| \le \frac{1}{2}(\log N)^{1/2}(\log\log N)^2$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(X_1 = s) = \left(1 + O\left((\log N)^{-1/24}\right)\right) \frac{\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{s - \mu}{\sigma}\right)^2\right)}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}. \tag{7.8} \end{align*} $$

The same is true with $X$ in place of $X_1$.

A unifying framework for analysing a general class of Euclidean (and other) algorithms has been developed, principally, by Vallée. The methods rely on properties of transfer operators suitably adapted from dynamical systems theory. The following is a special case of a very deep result of Baladi and Vallée [1].

Theorem 7.4. [Baladi & Vallée, 2005.] There exist constants $\lambda$, $\nu_1$, $\eta$ (as in (5.6), (5.9), and (5.10)), and $\kappa_1$ such that, for all $N \ge 2$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[X_1] = \lambda\log N + \nu_1 + O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/6}\right) \tag{7.9} \end{align*} $$


$$ \begin{align*} \mathrm{Var}(X_1) = \eta\log N + \kappa_1 + O\left(N^{-c}\right) \tag{7.10} \end{align*} $$

(for some positive constant $c$). Moreover, $X_1$ is asymptotically normal: for all $N \ge 2$ and all $z$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}\left(\frac{X_1 - \lambda\log N}{\sqrt{\eta\log N}} \le z\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^z e^{-t^2/2} dt + O\left(\left(\log N\right)^{-1/2}\right). \tag{7.11} \end{align*} $$

The same is true of $X$, with suitable constants $\nu$ and $\kappa$ in place of $\nu_1$ and $\kappa_1$ (the constants $\lambda$ and $\eta$ remain the same).

As we mentioned following Theomem 7.1 of Norton, if Conjecture 6.2 is true, the $O$-term in (7.9) can be replaced by $O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/2}\right)$. We also believe that the $O$-term in (7.10) can be replaced by $O_{\epsilon}\left(N^{\epsilon - 1/2}\right)$.

In the variance (7.10), Hensley's constant $\eta$ (see (5.10)) does not admit a simple closed form (it can be described in terms of the spectrum of a certain transfer operator), but was shown by Lhote [6] to be polynomial-time computable, and the first seven digits ($\eta = 0.5160524\ldots$) were given by Lhote op. cit. The constant $\kappa_1$ is "even more obscure" (in the words of Baladi and Vallée [1]), and to our knowledge has not been investigated numerically. What we can say is that, assuming our back-of-the-envelope calculation is correct (we invite the reader to verify this along the lines of Proposition 7.2(b)), $\mathrm{Var}[X] - \mathrm{Var}[X_1]$ is (up to an $O$-term)

$$\kappa - \kappa_1 = \eta\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)} + \lambda^2\left(\frac{\zeta''(2)}{\zeta(2)} - \left(\frac{\zeta'(2)}{\zeta(2)}\right)^2\right) = 0.3340\ldots$$

(see (5.11)). Our numerical data leads us to "guesstimate" the numerical value of $\kappa$ to be somewhere around $-0.1$.

Naturally, $Y$ and $Y_1$ are asymptotically normal as well, and analogously to (7.6) (another exercise for the reader), we have

$$ \begin{align*} \mathrm{Var}[Y] = \mathrm{Var}[X] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{4}} + O\left(N^{-1}(\log N)^2\right) \quad \text{and} \quad \mathrm{Var}[Y_1] = \mathrm{Var}[X_1] + {\textstyle \frac{1}{4}} + O\left(N^{-1}(\log N)^2\right). \tag{7.12} \end{align*} $$

§ 8. Code for analysing Euclid's algorithm

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Variance and distribution | ↓ § 9. Generating and exporting/importing the raw data

# We'll re-do the gcd step-counter code here just to have everything we need for the raw data in one block. 
# Enter any two integers a and b, and (typically) i = 0. 
# Return (g,i), where g = gcd(a,b) and i is the number of steps (u,v) -> (v,u%v) in the calculation of g.

def gcd_steps(a,b,i): # Input i = 0
    if b == 0:
        return abs(a), i # Output gcd(a,b) and i = T(a,b)
    i += 1
    return gcd_steps(b,a%b,i)

# Input a dictionary and output a new dictionary, sorted by keys (if the keys are sortable).
def dictionary_sort(dictionary):  
    L = list(dictionary.keys()) 
    sorted_dictionary = {}  
    for k in L: 
        sorted_dictionary[k] = dictionary[k] 
    return sorted_dictionary 


# Input gcdlist and list 1, output two dictionaries, both of whose keys are the elements a of list1, 
# and whose corresponding values are themselves dictionaries, the keys of which are positive integers s, 
# s being the number of divisions performed in the Euclidean algorithm in computing gcd(a,b) for some b in [1,a]. 
# The corresponding values are frequencies (the number of b for which T(a,b) = s).
# In the first dictionary, we restrict to b for which gcd(a,b) is in gcdlist (primarily interested in gcdlist = [1]).
# In the second output dictionary, we count all b in [1,a].
# Thus, the second output dictionary items take the form a : {1 : x, 2 : y, ...}, where x is the number of b in [1,a] such that
# T(a,b) = 1, y is the number of b in [1,a] such that T(a,b) = 2, and so on. 
# First output dictionary similar but b is restricted by gcdlist.

def heilbronn(gcdlist, list1):
    output_dictionary_restricted = {}
    output_dictionary_all = {}
    for a in list1:
        output_dictionary_restricted[a] = {}
        output_dictionary_all[a] = {}
        for b in range(1,a+1):
            g, s = gcd_steps(a,b,0)
            if (g in gcdlist):
                if s in output_dictionary_restricted[a].keys():
                    output_dictionary_restricted[a][s] += 1
                    output_dictionary_restricted[a][s] = 1
            if s in output_dictionary_all[a].keys():
                output_dictionary_all[a][s] += 1
                output_dictionary_all[a][s] = 1
    return output_dictionary_restricted, output_dictionary_all


# Input three lists and three dictionaries (gcdlist, list1, list2, gcd_dictionary, steps_dictionary, steps_dictionary_all). 
# Usually, list1 and the three dictionaries will be empty (unless we're building upon data we've already produced).
# Output will be three "meta" dictionaries, each containing dictionaries whose keys are the integers in list2.
# Say the output dictionaries are A, B, C, and N is a key.
# In A, the value corresponding to N will be a dictionary itself, where each item is of the form 
# g : #{0 < b < a < N : gcd(a,b) = g}.
# In B, the value corresponding to N will be a dictionary itself, where each item is of the form 
# s : #{0 < b < a < N and gcd(a,b) is in gcdlist: T(a,b) = s}.
# In C, the value corresponding to N will be a dictionary itself, where each item is of the form 
# s : #{0 < b < a < N : T(a,b) = s}.
# If we've already spent a long time to create A, B, and C, we will not want to re-do the computation when we want to
# extend them. If we want to extend A, B, and C, we should input A, B, and C as the three dictionary inputs.
# list1 should be the keys of A, B, and C, although all that really matters is that list1[-1] == list2[0].
# list2[1:] should list of keys we want to add to A, B, and C. 

def euclid_alg_frequencies(gcdlist, list1, list2, gcd_dictionary, steps_dictionary, steps_dictionary_all):
    gcd_frequencies = {}
    steps_frequencies = {}
    steps_frequencies_all = {}
    updated_gcd_dictionary = dictionary_sort(gcd_dictionary)
    updated_steps_dictionary = dictionary_sort(steps_dictionary)
    updated_steps_dictionary_all = dictionary_sort(steps_dictionary_all) 
    if list1 == []:
        b_0 = list2[0]
        b_0 = list1[0]
        for k in updated_gcd_dictionary[list1[-1]].keys():
            gcd_frequencies[k] = updated_gcd_dictionary[list1[-1]][k]
        for k in updated_steps_dictionary[list1[-1]].keys():
            steps_frequencies[k] = updated_steps_dictionary[list1[-1]][k]
        for k in updated_steps_dictionary_all[list1[-1]].keys():
            steps_frequencies_all[k] = updated_steps_dictionary_all[list1[-1]][k]
    for k in range(len(list2)-1):
        for b in range(list2[k], list2[k + 1]):
            for a in range(b + 1, list2[k + 1]):
                g, s = gcd_steps(a,b,0)
                if g in gcd_frequencies.keys():
                    gcd_frequencies[g] += 1
                    gcd_frequencies[g] = 1
                if s in steps_frequencies_all.keys():
                    steps_frequencies_all[s] += 1
                    steps_frequencies_all[s] = 1
                if (g in gcdlist or gcdlist == []):
                    if s in steps_frequencies.keys():
                        steps_frequencies[s] += 1
                        steps_frequencies[s] = 1
        for b in range(b_0,list2[k]): 
            for a in range(list2[k], list2[k + 1]): 
                g, s = gcd_steps(a,b,0)
                if g in gcd_frequencies.keys():
                    gcd_frequencies[g] += 1
                    gcd_frequencies[g] = 1
                if s in steps_frequencies_all.keys():
                    steps_frequencies_all[s] += 1
                    steps_frequencies_all[s] = 1
                if (g in gcdlist or gcdlist == []):
                    if s in steps_frequencies.keys():
                        steps_frequencies[s] += 1
                        steps_frequencies[s] = 1
        updated_gcd_dictionary[list2[k+1]] = dictionary_sort(gcd_frequencies) 
        updated_steps_dictionary[list2[k+1]] = dictionary_sort(steps_frequencies)
        updated_steps_dictionary_all[list2[k+1]] = dictionary_sort(steps_frequencies_all)
    return updated_gcd_dictionary, updated_steps_dictionary, updated_steps_dictionary_all

# Now some code that will take a dictionary as input.
# Assume the keys are numbers and each key's value is the number of times (frequency of) the key occurs in some data.
# The output is a dictionary, whose first item is itself a dictionary, whose keys are the same as the input dictionary, 
# and for which each key's value is the _proportion_ of occurrences (_relative_ frequency) of the key among the data.
# The other items in the output dictionary are mean, variance, median, mode, etc., of the original data.

def dictionary_statistics(dictionary): 
    frequencies = dictionary_sort(dictionary)
    relative_frequencies = {} 
    number_of_objects_counted = 0 
    mean = 0 
    median = 0 
    mode = [] 
    second_moment = 0 
    variance = 0 
    standard_deviation = 0 
    M = max(frequencies.values()) 
    for s in frequencies.keys(): 
        number_of_objects_counted += frequencies[s] 
        mean += s*frequencies[s]  
        second_moment += (s**2)*frequencies[s] 
        if frequencies[s] == M:
    mean = mean/number_of_objects_counted
    second_moment = second_moment/number_of_objects_counted
    variance = second_moment - mean**2 
    standard_deviation = np.sqrt(variance)
# A little subroutine for computing the median... 

    temp_counter = 0 
    if number_of_objects_counted%2 == 1: 
        for s in frequencies.keys():
            if temp_counter < number_of_objects_counted/2:
                temp_counter += frequencies[s]
                if temp_counter > number_of_objects_counted/2:
                    median = s
    if number_of_objects_counted%2 == 0: 
        for s in frequencies.keys():
            if temp_counter < number_of_objects_counted/2:
                temp_counter += frequencies[s]
                if temp_counter >= number_of_objects_counted/2:
                    median = s 
        temp_counter = 0 
        for s in frequencies.keys():
            if temp_counter < 1 + (number_of_objects_counted/2):
                temp_counter += frequencies[s]
                if temp_counter >= 1 + (number_of_objects_counted/2):
                    median = (median + s)/2     

# Finally, let's get the relative frequencies.

    for s in frequencies.keys(): 
        relative_frequencies[s] = frequencies[s]/number_of_objects_counted

    output_dictionary = {} 
    output_dictionary["dist"] = relative_frequencies
    output_dictionary["mean"] = mean
    output_dictionary["2ndmom"] = second_moment
    output_dictionary["var"] = variance
    output_dictionary["sdv"] = standard_deviation
    output_dictionary["med"] = median
    output_dictionary["mode"] = mode

    return output_dictionary 

# It will be convenient to just input a dictionary of dictionaries for which each key's value is the frequency of that key, 
# and output a dictionary with the same keys, but the values replaced by the _relative_ frequency of its key.

def basic_stats(meta_dictionary):
    output_dictionary = {}
    for k in meta_dictionary.keys():
        output_dictionary[k] = dictionary_statistics(meta_dictionary[k])
    return output_dictionary

def dists(meta_dictionary):
    output_dictionary = {}
    for k in meta_dictionary.keys():
        output_dictionary[k] = dictionary_statistics(meta_dictionary[k])["dist"]
    return output_dictionary

# We may want to display the data in a readable format, etc. 
# The next bit of code is convenient. 
# We assume the input is a dictionary of dictionaries whose values are all either floats or integers.

def tabulate(meta_dictionary):
    type_indicator = 1 # 1 means all values are integers; 0 means some are floats.
    for v in meta_dictionary.values():
        for w in v.values():
            if type(w) == float:
                type_indicator *= 0
    if type_indicator == 1:
        return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(meta_dictionary).fillna(0).apply(np.int64) # Fill empty cells with 0. Not really necessary, but anyway. np.int64 is probably overkill as well.
    if type_indicator == 0:
        return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(meta_dictionary).fillna(0).apply(np.float64) # Fill empty cells with 0. Not really necessary. np.float64 is probably overkill.

§ 9. Generating and exporting/importing the raw data

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ § 8. Code for analysing Euclid's algorithm | ↓ § 10. Numerical investigation & data visualisation

# Here's where we generate the raw data (one-dimensional case).
# We'll comment this code out once it's done because we don't want to re-do it every time we run our notebook.
#a_list = list(range(1,10001))
#start = timer()
#H1, H = heilbronn([1],a_list)
#end = timer()
#print(end - start)
# Output: 201.3096869001165
# Here's where we generate the raw data (two-dimensional case). 
# It will take a while if we want to look at pairs up to tens of thousands. 
# We'll comment this code out once it's done because we don't want to re-do it every time we run our notebook.

#checkpoints = list(range(1,101001,1000))
#start = timer()
#A, B, C = euclid_alg_frequencies([1], [], checkpoints, {}, {}, {})
#end = timer()
#print(end - start)
# Output: 17615.60527349997
# Convert dictionaries to data frames for a nice display of the data (if desired).
# This code block uses pandas to create the data frames (in our "tabulate function"), then export to csv. 
# We'll comment this code once it's done becuse we don't want to re-generate our raw data every time we run our notebook.

#Adf = tabulate(A)
#Bdf = tabulate(B)
#Cdf = tabulate(C)

#H1df = tabulate(H1)
#Hdf = tabulate(H)

# Save the data as a csv file for later use.


# Get the data back into data frames.

Adf = pd.read_csv(r'data\gcd_pairs_100001df.csv', index_col=0)
Bdf = pd.read_csv(r'data\euclid_steps_coprime_100001df.csv', index_col=0)
Cdf = pd.read_csv(r'data\euclid_steps_100001df.csv', index_col=0)

H1df = pd.read_csv(r'data\euclid_steps_1d-coprime-10001df.csv', index_col=0)
Hdf = pd.read_csv(r'data\euclid_steps_1d-all-10001df.csv', index_col=0)

# Get original dictionaries back from the data frames.

A = Adf.to_dict(orient='dict')
B = Bdf.to_dict(orient='dict')
C = Cdf.to_dict(orient='dict')

H1 = H1df.to_dict(orient='dict') 
H = Hdf.to_dict(orient='dict')

# Without any modification, these dictionaries will now have strings for keys. 
# That is, the keys will be '1001' and so on, instead of 1001.
# This is presumably because the keys are taken from the column headers of the data frame, 
# which are by default assumed to be strings? 
# I'll use the below hack to convert cast the strings back to integers.

fixA = {}
fixB = {}
fixC = {}

fixH1 = {}
fixH = {}

for k in A.keys():
    fixA[int(k)] = A[k]

for k in B.keys():
    fixB[int(k)] = B[k]

for k in C.keys():
    fixC[int(k)] = C[k]
for k in H1.keys():
    fixH1[int(k)] = H1[k]
for k in H.keys():
    fixH[int(k)] = H[k]    
A = fixA
B = fixB
C = fixC

H1 = fixH1
H = fixH

# We also have the following difference between the original dictionaries and the above 
# (after exporting data frame, importing data frame, sending to dict, and casting keys):
# we will have items with zero-values. 
# We can 'fix' this with the hack below, although it's not a big deal.

fixA = {}
fixB = {}
fixC = {}

fixH1 = {}
fixH = {}

for k in A.keys():
    fixA[k] = {}
    for s in A[k].keys():
        if A[k][s] == 0:
            fixA[k][s] = A[k][s]
for k in B.keys():
    fixB[k] = {}
    for s in B[k].keys():
        if B[k][s] == 0:
            fixB[k][s] = B[k][s] 
for k in C.keys():
    fixC[k] = {}
    for s in C[k].keys():
        if C[k][s] == 0:
            fixC[k][s] = C[k][s]          

for k in H1.keys():
    fixH1[k] = {}
    for s in H1[k].keys():
        if H1[k][s] == 0:
            fixH1[k][s] = H1[k][s]

for k in H.keys():
    fixH[k] = {}
    for s in H[k].keys():
        if H[k][s] == 0:
            fixH[k][s] = H[k][s]
A = fixA
B = fixB
C = fixC

H1 = fixH1
H = fixH           
# From the raw data, generate relative frequencies etc.

Astats = basic_stats(A)
Adist = dists(A)
Bstats = basic_stats(B)
Bdist = dists(B)
Cstats = basic_stats(C)
Cdist = dists(C)

H1stats = basic_stats(H1)
H1dist = dists(H1)
Hstats = basic_stats(H)
Hdist = dists(H)
# Column N row s of table C equals #{0 < b < a < N : T(a,b) = s} 
# Table B is similar but we restrict to coprime (a,b).
# Column N row s of table Cdist equals #{0 < b < a < N : T(a,b) = s}/(N choose 2) 
# Table Bdist is similar but we restrict to coprime (a,b).
# tabulate(Cdist)

§ 10. Numerical investigation & data visualisation

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ § 9. Generating and exporting/importing the raw data | ↓ One-dimensional analysis: distribution

We will now visualise our data in various ways. Before each code block, we will explain the goal and give a sample frame from the animation we intend to produce. Some of the animations may take a few minutes to complete.

One-dimensional analysis: distribution

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ § 10. Numerical investigation & data visualisation | ↓ One-dimensional analysis: mean and error term | ↑↑ Theory

We now generate an animation consisting of a sequence of frames like the one below.


This frame corresponds to $a = 1000$. Our animation will show 100 frames, corresponding to $a = 100, 200, \ldots, 10000$. Recall that for a given $a$, $Z$ is a random variable whose value at $b$ (chosen uniformly at random from among the totatives of $a$, i.e. from $\mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}$), is $T(a,b)$. The horizontal axis shows the possible values $s$ that $Z$ may take (over all $a$ in our sequence). The histogram shows the probability that $Z = s$, i.e.

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(Z = s) = \frac{1}{\phi(a)} \#\{b \in \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times} : T(a,b) = s\}. \end{align*} $$

We also see the value of $\mathbb{E}[Z]$ and the estimate $\mu_* = \lambda \log a + C_P - 1$ given by Porter's theorem (Theorem 6.1), both truncated three places after the decimal point. As we will see, there is usually agreement between the two values up to one or two decimal places.

We also show the variance $\sigma^2$ of $Z$, and a curve showing the PDF for the normal distribution with mean $\mu_*$ and variance $\sigma^2$. For most $a$ in our animation sequence, it would seem that the distribution of $Z$ is reasonably well-approximated by this normal distribution, i.e. for most $s$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(Z = s) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{s - \mu_{*}}{\sigma}\right)^2\right) + \mathrm{error}, \end{align*} $$

where "error" is "small". Such a result, even if we could precisely formulate and prove it, would be somewhat otiose without a good estimate for $\sigma$.

# We might decide to change our data before proceeding, but we won't want to overwrite our existing dictionaries.
# We'll use new variables (e.g. J, J1 instead of H, H1).
# But we don't want to have to go through the below code and change H1 to J1 etc.
# Hence we'll just do this, and work from hereon with Zstats etc.
# If we want to work with different data, all we have to do is change the right-hand sides of the next two assignments.

Z = H1
Zstats = H1stats
Zdist = H1dist

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle('Number of divisions in Euclidean algorithm for gcd(a,b) \nfor totatives b of a')

# We want to animate a sequence of plots, one plot for each a in the list frame_list.
# We might want the frame_list to start at a = MiNa, end at a = MaXa, and go up by increments of skip.
# We could also enter any frame_list we wish, with a's not necessarily going up by regular increments.

MiNa = 100 # Set a-value for first frame.
MaXa = 10000 # Set a-value for last frame.
skip = 100 # Set increment.

# Now we define the frame_list list. 
# We just want to make sure we don't ask for a frame corresponding to an a we don't have data on.

frame_list = []
for a in range(MiNa,MaXa+skip,skip):
    if a in list(Zdist.keys()):

# This frame_list for a with the "worst" error term with respect to Porter's theorem.
# frame_list = []
# for a in err_champs.keys():
#     if a >= MiNa:
#         frame_list.append(a)

# We want a common horizontal axis for each frame in our sequence of plots. 
# It needs to cover every possible value for the number of divisions T(a,b), 
# for each a in our frame_list.

hor_axis_set = set()
for a in frame_list:
    hor_axis_set = hor_axis_set.union(list(Zdist[a].keys()))

hor_axis_list = list(hor_axis_set)

# We can now define lower and upper bounds for the horizontal axis.
# Likewise, we want a common vertical axis range for each plot in our sequence 
# (otherwise it will appear to jump around).

x_min, x_max = min(hor_axis_list), max(hor_axis_list)
y_max = max([max(list(Zdist[a].values())) for a in frame_list])

# We can now define a function that gives the plot we want for a given a in our frame_list.

def dist_Z_seq(a):
    # Bounds for the plot, and horizontal axis tick marks. 
    xleft, xright, ybottom, ytop = x_min - 0.5, x_max + 0.5, 0, np.ceil(10*y_max)/10 
    ax.set(xlim=(xleft, xright), ylim=(ybottom, ytop))
    # A grid is helpful, but we want it underneath everything else. 
    # Plots of the actual data
    ax.plot(list(Zdist[a].keys()), Zdist[a].values(), 'bx', zorder=4.5, label=r'$\mathrm{Prob}(Z = s)$')[a].keys()), Zdist[a].values(), zorder=2.5)
    # Plot of normal curve with mean and variance the same as the mean and variance of the data
    mu = Zstats[a]['mean']
    var = Zstats[a]['var'] 
    sigma = np.sqrt(var)
    normal_points = np.linspace(list(Zdist[a].keys())[0], list(Zdist[a].keys())[-1]) 
    #ax.plot(normal_points, stats.norm.pdf(normal_points, mu, sigma), '-', color='#ADD8E6', label=r'$\mathrm{Norm}(\mu,\sigma^2)$', zorder=3.5)
    # Plot of normal curve with estimate for mean given by Porter's theorem.
    # As we don't have an estimate for the variance, we'll just use the actual variance in the data
    mu_p = (lambda_dixon*np.log(a) + porter_constant - 1)
    ax.plot(normal_points, stats.norm.pdf(normal_points, mu_p, sigma), ':', color='y', label=r'$\mathrm{Norm}(\mu_*,\sigma^2)$', zorder=3.5)
    # Label the axes
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$s = \#$steps of the form $(u,v) \mapsto (v,u$ mod $v)$')
    # Add text on top of the plot
    ax.text(0.05,0.93,fr'$a = $ {a},', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.23,0.93,fr'$\mu_* = \lambda\log a + C_P - 1 = {mu_p:.3f}$', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.455,0.85,r'$\mathbb{E}[Z] = $' + fr'${mu:.3f}$', transform=ax.transAxes)
    #ax.text(0.7,0.78,fr'$\mu = $ {mu:.3f}, $\sigma^2 = $ {var:.3f}', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.75,0.73,fr'$\mu_* = $ {mu_p:.3f}', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.75,0.65,fr'$\sigma^2 = $ {sigma:.3f}', transform=ax.transAxes)
    # The legend...
    ax.legend(loc=1, ncol=1, framealpha=0.5)

# Generate the animation
dist_Z_seq_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, dist_Z_seq, frames=frame_list, interval=500, blit=False, repeat=False) 

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels. 
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame. See next code block for animation.


# Save a video of the animation.
# Alternatively...
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# dist_Z_seq_anim
# Save the animation as an animated GIF

f = r"images\euclid_steps_distribution_1d_10001.gif", dpi=100, writer='imagemagick', extra_args=['-loop','1'], fps=2)

# extra_args=['-loop','1'] for no looping, '0' for looping.

f = r"images\euclid_steps_distribution_1d_10001_loop.gif", dpi=100, writer='imagemagick', extra_args=['-loop','0'], fps=2)

One-dimensional analysis: mean and error term

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ One-dimensional analysis: distribution | ↓ One-dimensional analysis: variance | ↑↑ Theory

We now generate an animation consisting of a sequence of frames like the one below.


This frame corresponds to $N = 1000$. Our animation will show 2000 frames, corresponding to $N = 1, 2, \ldots, 2000$. Recall that for a given $a$, $Z$ is a random variable whose value at $b$ (chosen uniformly at random from among the totatives of $a$, i.e. from $\mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}$), is $T(a,b)$. Porter's theorem (Theorem 6.1) gives a very precise estimate for $\mathbb{E}[Z]$, which is equivalent to

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Z] - \left(\lambda \log a + C_P - 1\right) \ll_{\epsilon} a^{\epsilon - 1/6}, \end{align*} $$

for all $a \ge 1$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$. We believe $Z$ behaves roughly like a normal random variable, and so we would expect the error term in Porter's result (i.e. the left-hand side of the above bound), to be positive for about half of all values of $a$ up to $N$, for all large $N$.

Thus, if we consider the sum of the sign of the error term, i.e.

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{a = 1}^N \mathrm{sgn}\left(\mathbb{E}[Z] - \left(\lambda \log a + C_P - 1\right)\right), \end{align*} $$

we expect this to behave like the distance from the origin in a one-dimensional random walk, after $N$ steps, where at each step, the probability of moving right is $1/2$, and the probability of moving left is $1/2$. Thus, the value of the above sum should be equal to zero for infinitely many $N$, and so on.

The frame corresponding to $N$ in our animation shows $1,2,\ldots,N$ on the horizontal axis, and above each of these points it shows the value of the above sum. The animation does appear to be consistent with the random walk analogy.

We also produce a second animation in relation to the error term in Porter's theorem. Recall Conjecture 6.1, effectively assering that $1/6$ can be replaced by $1/2$ in the $O$-term exponent in Porter's theorem. Equivalently, for all $a \ge 1$ and any $\epsilon &gt; 0$,

$$ \begin{align*} \mathcal{E}(a) = \sum_{b \in \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}} \left[T(a,b) - \left(\lambda \log a + C_P - 1\right)\right] \ll_{\epsilon} a^{\epsilon + 1/2} \end{align*} $$

This is illustrated in a sequence of plots corresponding to $a \le 1,2,\ldots,2000$. Below is the frame corresponding to $a \le 650$.


The horizontal axis shows $1,2,\ldots,650$, and above each point the value of $\mathcal{E}(a)$ is plotted. We also see the parabolas $y = \pm \sqrt{a}$ and $y = \pm c\sqrt{a}$, where $c$ is just large enough so that this parabola contains the graph $y = \mathcal{E}(a)$. We also note points like $a = 605$: this gives the maximum value $\mathcal{E}(a)/\sqrt{a}$ for $1 \le a \le 650$.

In the data for $a$ up to $2000$, it would certainly seem that $\mathcal{E}(a)$ grows not much faster than $\sqrt{a}$.

# We analyse the error term in the theorem of Porter. 
# For a given a, compute sum [T(a,b) - (lambda*log(a) + C_P - 1)] over totatives b of a.
# This should be <<_{epsilon} phi(a)*a^{epsilon - 1/6} according to the theorem, and 
# <<_{epsilon} a^{epsilon + 1/2} conjecturally.

def porter_err(a):
    return sum([(s - (lambda_dixon*np.log(a) + porter_constant - 1))*Z[a][s] for s in Z[a].keys()])

# For each key in our dictionary, make an item in a new dictionary whose value is err(a).
# Thus, a typical entry in PORTER_ERR is of the form a : err(a)

for a in Z.keys():
    PORTER_ERR[a] = porter_err(a)
# Let's take a look at the sign of the error term err(a).
# If err(a) behaves like a normal random variable centred at 0, it should be positive more or less half of the time.
# Indeed, this seems to be the case for the data we have.

# Note that this will only work/make sense if we have err(a) for every a from 1 to some upper bound, 
# i.e. if Z.keys() (and hence PORTER_ERR.keys()) contain all a from a = 1 to a = list(Z.keys())[-1].

POS = [0] # POS[N] will be the number of a in {1,...,N} for which err(a) is positive. 
NEG = [0] # NEG[N] will be the number of a in {1,...,N} for which err(a) is negative (or zero... which won't happen).

for a in PORTER_ERR.keys():
    if PORTER_ERR[a] > 0:
        POS.append(POS[a-1] + 1)
        NEG.append(NEG[a-1] + 1) 

prop_pos = [0]
prop_neg = [0]
for a in PORTER_ERR.keys():

# Let's sum sgn(err(a)). 
# The value of the sum should look like the distance from the origin of a random walk 
# that goes left/right with probability 1/2.

sum_sign = [POS[a] - NEG[a] for a in PORTER_ERR.keys()] 

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle(r'Sum of sign of error term in estimate for $\mathbb{E}[Z]$')

def err_sgn_seq(N):
    ax.plot(range(1,N + 1),sum_sign[1:N + 1], label=r'$\sum_{a = 1}^{N}\mathrm{sgn}(\mathbb{E}[Z] - (\lambda\log a + C_P - 1))$')
    # Note that err(a) > 0 if and only if err(a)/phi(a) > 0...
    #ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sum_{1 \leq a \leq N}\mathrm{sgn}(\mathbb{E}[Z] - (\lambda\log a + C_P - 1))$')
    ax.text(0.8, 0.9,fr'$N = {N}$', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.8, 0.83,fr'{100*prop_pos[N+1]:.2f}$\% +$', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.8, 0.76,fr'{100*prop_neg[N+1]:.2f}$\% -$', transform=ax.transAxes)

err_sgn_seq_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, err_sgn_seq, frames=list(range(1,2001)), interval=25, blit=False, repeat=False) 

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels. 
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame.


# Save a video of the animation.
# Alternatively...
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# err_sgn_seq_anim
# Let's make a dictionary whose keys are what we will call "error champions".
# We call a an error champion if err(a)/sqrt(a) > err(a')/sqrt(a') for all 1 <= a' < a, 
# or if err(a)/sqrt(a) < err(a')/sqrt(a') for all 1 <= a' < a.
# In other words, the maximum (minimum) relative error err(a)/sqrt(a) "jumps" at the error champions.

err_champs = {}

c_pos, c_neg, c = 0, 0, 0
for a in PORTER_ERR.keys():
    if PORTER_ERR[a]/np.sqrt(a) > c_pos:
        c_pos = PORTER_ERR[a]/np.sqrt(a)
        c = max(c_pos,-c_neg)
        err_champs[a] = (PORTER_ERR[a], c_pos, c_neg, c)
    if PORTER_ERR[a]/np.sqrt(a) < c_neg:
        c_neg = PORTER_ERR[a]/np.sqrt(a)
        c = max(c_pos,-c_neg)
        err_champs[a] = (PORTER_ERR[a], c_pos, c_neg, c) 
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle('Error term in Porter\'s estimate')

# We want to animate a sequence of plots, one plot for each a in the list frame_list.
# We might want the frame_list to start at a = MiNa, end at a = MaXa, and go up by increments of skip.
# We could also enter any frame_list we wish, with a's not necessarily going up by regular increments.

MiNa = 1 # Set a-value for first frame.
MaXa = 2000 # Set a-value for last frame.
skip = 1 # Set increment.

# Now we define the frame_list list. 
# We just want to make sure we don't ask for a frame corresponding to an a we don't have data on.

frame_list = []
for a in range(MiNa,MaXa+skip,skip):
    if a in list(PORTER_ERR.keys()):

# We can now define lower and upper bounds for the horizontal axis.
# Likewise, we want a common vertical axis range for each plot in our sequence 
# (otherwise it will appear to jump around).

x_min, x_max = min(frame_list), max(frame_list)
y_min, y_max = min([PORTER_ERR[a] for a in frame_list]), max([PORTER_ERR[a] for a in frame_list])

# We can now define a function that gives the plot we want for a given a in our frame_list.

def err_seq(N):

# Uncomment the next few lines if static axes/bacground are desired.    
#     # Bounds for the plot, and horizontal axis tick marks. 
#     xleft, xright, ybottom, ytop = x_min - 0.5, x_max + 0.5, y_min - 10, y_max + 10
#     ax.set(xlim=(xleft, xright), ylim=(ybottom, ytop))
#     ax.set_xticks(frame_list)
#     # A grid is helpful, but we want it underneath everything else. 
#     ax.grid(True,zorder=0,alpha=0.7)
    # The plots
    # The error term
    ax.plot(list(PORTER_ERR.keys())[1:N+1], list(PORTER_ERR.values())[1:N+1], label=r'$\sum_{b \in \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}} [T(a,b)  - (\lambda \log a + C_P - 1)]$')
    # y = +/- sqrt(x)
    ax.plot(list(PORTER_ERR.keys())[1:N+1], [a/(np.sqrt(a)) for a in range(1,N+1)], 'r:', label=r'$\pm\sqrt{a}$')
    ax.plot(list(PORTER_ERR.keys())[1:N+1], [-a/(np.sqrt(a)) for a in range(1,N+1)], 'r:')
    # y = +/- c sqrt(x), where c is such that the error term lies inside the parabola.
    # c comes from the "error champion" dictionary, defined in the previous code block.
    c = max([err_champs[a][3] for a in err_champs.keys() if a < N + 1])
    ax.plot(list(PORTER_ERR.keys())[1:N+1], [c*a/(np.sqrt(a)) for a in range(1,N+1)], 'y:', label=fr'$\pm${c:.3f}' + r'$\sqrt{a}$')
    ax.plot(list(PORTER_ERR.keys())[1:N+1], [-c*a/(np.sqrt(a)) for a in range(1,N+1)], 'y:')
    # Labels, text, and legend
    ax.text(0.05, 0.93,fr'$a \leq $ {N}', transform=ax.transAxes)
    # We'll label the "error champion" points. Leave the label for 50 frames.
    for a in err_champs.keys():
        if N - 50 < a < N + 1:
            ax.annotate(f'a = {a}', (a,PORTER_ERR[a]), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0,0), ha='center')
    ax.legend(loc=3, framealpha=0.5)
err_seq_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, err_seq, frames=frame_list, interval=50, blit=False, repeat=False) 

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels.
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame.


# Save a video of the animation.
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# err_seq_anim

One-dimensional analysis: variance

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ One-dimensional analysis: mean and error term | ↓ Two-dimensional analysis: error terms & subdominant constant in the variance | ↑↑ Theory

We now generate an animation consisting of a sequence of frames like the one below.


This frame corresponds to $N = 1000$. Our animation will show 100 frames, corresponding to $N = 100, 200, \ldots, 10000$. Recall that for a given $a$, $Z$ is a random variable whose value at $b$ (chosen uniformly at random from among the totatives of $a$, i.e. from $\mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}$), is $T(a,b)$. The variance of $Z$ is thus

$$ \begin{align*} \mathrm{Var}(Z) = \mathbb{E}[Z^2] - (\mathbb{E}[Z])^2. \end{align*} $$

Although Porter's theorem (Theorem 6.1) gives a very precise estimate for $\mathbb{E}[Z]$, namely $\mathbb{E}[Z] = \lambda \log a + C_P - 1 + O_{\epsilon}(a^{\epsilon - 1/6})$, a precise estimate for $\mathrm{Var}(Z)$ has not been established.

We consider the second moment

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Z^2] = \frac{1}{\phi(a)} \sum_{b \in \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}} T(a,b)^2 \end{align*} $$

of $Z$. We suspect that this is reasonably well-approximated by $c_2(\log a)^2 + c_1 \log a + c_0$ for certain constants $c_2,c_1,c_0$.

In the plot above, the horizontal axis shows $a$-values for $1 \le a \le N$, and above each such point we plot the value of $\mathbb{E}[Z^2]$. We also plot the best-fitting curve of the form $c_2(\log a)^2 + c_1 \log a + c_0$ to the data shown in the plot, and display $c_2,c_1,c_0$, truncated at the fourth decimal place.

The curve certainly seems to have the right rate of growth, but $\mathbb{E}[Z^2]$ seems to oscillate quite widely around it, possibly because the $a$-values we are considering are fairly small. Notice that, in the above plot, $c_2 \approx 0.71$, and that $\lambda^2 = 0.7102543\ldots$ (see (5.6)). Coincidence? We think not. In fact, by Porter's theorem we have

$$ \begin{align*} (\mathbb{E}[Z])^2 \approx (\lambda\log a + C_P - 1)^2 = \lambda^2(\log a)^2 + 2\lambda(C_P - 1)\log a + (C_P - 1)^2. \end{align*} $$

As we noted, $\lambda^2 = 0.7102543\ldots$. If we curve-fit the data for $\mathbb{E}[Z^2]$ with $\lambda^2(\log a)^2 + c_1\log a + c_0$, we get values for $c_1$ that are fairly close to $\eta + 2\lambda(C_P - 1) = 1.3033\ldots$. (See (5.10) for Hensley's constant, which arises in the variance in the two-dimensional analysis.)

In conclusion, we suspect that $\mathrm{Var}(Z) = \eta\log a + \mathrm{constant} + \mathrm{error}$, where $\mathrm{error} \ll_{\epsilon} a^{\epsilon - 1/2}$ (but the error term dominates $\mathrm{constant}$ for $a$ in the range we are considering here). The $\mathrm{constant}$ appears to be around $-0.3$. Below is a plot of $\mathrm{Var}(Z) - (\eta\log a - 0.354)$ for $100 \le a \le 1000$. Also, the plot shows bounding curves growing like $(\log a)^2a^{-1/2}$. We'll animate a sequence of such plots, corresponding to $100 \le a \le N$ for $N = 1000,1100,\ldots,10000$.


# Let's investigate the variance of Z as a grows. Since we have good estimates for the mean of Z, 
# estimating the variance is tantamount to estimating the second moment, so let's start with that.

Z = H1
Zstats = H1stats
Zdist = H1dist

# Let us assume that the second moment of Z is well-approximated by a function of the form P(log a),
# where P is a degree-two polynomial. We'll curve-fit E[Z^2] to such a function.
def sec_mom_shape(x, c2, c1, c0):
    return c2*(np.log(x))**2 + c1*np.log(x) + c0

# Now for the animated sequence of plots.

# The animation will arise from a sequence of plots corresponding to N in a "frame_list".
# We might want the frame_list to start at N = MiNN, end at N = MaXN, and go up by increments of skip.
# We could also enter any frame_list we wish, with N's not necessarily going up by regular increments.

MiNN = 100 # Set N-value for first frame.
MaXN = 10000 # Set N-value for last frame.
skip = 100 # Set increment.

frame_list = range(MiNN,MaXN + skip, skip)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle(r'Second moment of $Z$')

def sec_mom_seq(N):
    # A grid is helpful, but we want it to lie underneath everything else.
    # Plot of the actual second moment of Z.
    # Range for a. 
    LBa, UBa = 1, N 
    # We'll use this for the horizonal axis in both plots below...
    hor_axis = [a for a in Zstats.keys() if LBa <= a <= UBa]
    # ...and this for the data...
    y_data = [Zstats[a]['2ndmom'] for a in hor_axis]
    # Plot of E[Z^2]
    ax.plot(hor_axis, y_data, 'bx', label=r'$\frac{1}{\phi(a)}\sum_{b \in \mathbb{Z}_a^{\times}} T(a,b)^2$, ' + fr'${LBa} \leq a \leq {UBa}$')

    # Now curve-fit each error with our err_shape model, and plot the curve of best fit.
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(sec_mom_shape, hor_axis, y_data)
    (c2, c1, c0) = tuple(popt)
    ax.plot(hor_axis, sec_mom_shape(hor_axis, *popt), 'y:', label = fr'$c_2(\log a)^2 + c_1\log a + c_0$' + '\n' + fr'$(c_2,c_1,c_0) = ({c2:.4f}, {c1:.4f}, {c0:.4f})$')
    # Add labels, text, legend, etc.
sec_mom_seq_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, sec_mom_seq, frames=frame_list, interval=500, blit=False, repeat=False)

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels.
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame.


# Save a video of the animation. 
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# sec_mom_seq_anim
# Define a function that we think approximated Var(Z) fairly well.
# We determined guess_constant via a line of best fit not shown in this notebook.

Z = H1
Zstats = H1stats
Zdist = H1dist

guess_constant = -0.354293955
def guess_var(a):
    return eta_hensley*np.log(a) + guess_constant

# Define a function that we think grows at the same rate as the error term
# Var(Z) - guess_var(a)
def err_var_shape(a):
    if a == 1:
        return 1
    return (np.log(a))**2/np.sqrt(a)

# Create a dictionary whose keys are those a for which we have data (i.e. the keys of Zstats),
# and for which the value corresponding to key a is Var(Z) - guess_var(a), i.e. the error in 
# our guess.

for a in Zstats.keys():
    VAR_GUESS_ERR[a] = Zstats[a]['var'] - guess_var(a)
# We now plot the error term in the prediction that 
# Var(Z) = eta*log(a) + guess_constant + O_{epsilon}(a^{epsilon - 1/2}).

# The animation will arise from a sequence of plots corresponding to N in a "frame_list".
# We might want the frame_list to start at N = MiNN, end at N = MaXN, and go up by increments of skip.
# We could also enter any frame_list we wish, with N's not necessarily going up by regular increments.

MiNN = 200 # Set N-value for first frame.
MaXN = 10000 # Set N-value for last frame.
skip = 100 # Set increment.

frame_list = range(MiNN,MaXN + skip, skip)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle(r'Error in estimate for variance of $Z$')

def var_err(N):
    # A grid is helpful, but we want it to lie underneath everything else.
    # Range for a. 
    LBa, UBa = 100, N 
    # We'll use this for the horizonal axis in both plots below...
    hor_axis = [a for a in VAR_GUESS_ERR.keys() if LBa <= a <= UBa]
    # ...and this for the data...
    y_data = [VAR_GUESS_ERR[a] for a in hor_axis]
    # Plot of Var(Z) - (eta*log(a) + guess_constant)
    ax.plot(hor_axis, y_data, 'b-', label=r'$\mathrm{Var}(Z) - (\eta\log a -$' + f'{-guess_constant:.3f}' + r'$)$, ' + fr'${LBa} \leq a \leq {UBa}$')  
    # Plot bounding curves
    cp = max([VAR_GUESS_ERR[a]/err_var_shape(a) for a in hor_axis])
    cn = min([VAR_GUESS_ERR[a]/err_var_shape(a) for a in hor_axis])
    ax.plot(hor_axis, [cp*err_var_shape(a) for a in hor_axis], 'y-', zorder=4.5, label=r'$c_+(\log a)^2/\sqrt{a}$, ' + fr'$c_+ = {cp:.3f}$')
    ax.plot(hor_axis, [cn*err_var_shape(a) for a in hor_axis], 'g-', zorder=4.5, label=r'$c_-(\log a)^2/\sqrt{a}$, ' + fr'$c_- = -{-cn:.3f}$')

    # Add labels, text, legend, etc.
    ax.legend(loc=0,framealpha=0.8, ncol=1)
var_err_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, var_err, frames=frame_list, interval=500, blit=False, repeat=False)

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels.
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame.


# Save a video of the animation. 
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# var_err_anim

Two-dimensional analysis: error terms & subdominant constant in the variance

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ One-dimensional analysis: variance | ↓ Two-dimensional analysis: distribution | ↑↑ Theory: mean, variance

We now generate an animation from a sequence of frames, one of which is shown below. Each frame contains four plots: the two plots on the left correspond to the random variable $X$, while the two on the right correspond to $X_1$. Recall that $X$ gives the value of $T(a,b)$, for $(a,b)$ chosen uniformly at random from ordered pairs with $1 \le b &lt; a \le N$, and that $X_1$ is defined similarly, but with the restriction that $\gcd(a,b) = 1$.

Norton's theorem (Theorem 7.1) tells us that $\mathbb{E}[X] - \lambda \log N = \nu - \frac{1}{2} + O_{\epsilon}(N^{\epsilon - 1/6})$, and, equivalently (see Proposition 7.2), that $\mathbb{E}[X_1] - \lambda\log N = \nu_1 - \frac{1}{2} + O_{\epsilon}(N^{\epsilon - 1/6})$. (See (5.6), (5.8), and (5.9) for the constants.) If Conjecture 6.2 is true, $1/6$ can be replaced by $1/2$ in the exponent of each $O$-term here. In the top two plots below, we see $\mathbb{E}[X] - \lambda\log N$ (left) and $\mathbb{E}[X_1] - \lambda \log N$ (right) for $N = 1000,2000,\ldots,100000$ (horizontal axis). We curve-fit the each set of points to curves $B + C_1/\sqrt{N}$ (left) and $B_1 + C_2/\sqrt{N}$ (right). These curves certainly seem to be of the right "shape", supporting the conjecture of "square-root cancellation". Moreover, $B$ should be close to $\nu - \frac{1}{2} = -0.4346485\ldots$, and $B_1$ should be close to $\nu_1 - \frac{1}{2} = 0.0456951\ldots$. Also, $B_1 - B$ should be close to $\nu_1 - \nu = 0.4803436\ldots$, as shown in Proposition 7.2. Indeed, as displayed in the plot below, $B = -0.4357\ldots$, $B_1 = 0.0457\ldots$, and $B_1 - B = 0.4803\ldots$

The bottom two plots are analogous, but for the variances of $X$ and $X_1$. These are also more interesting, because we don't really know what the "subdominant" constants should be. That is, by the theorem of Baladi and Vallée (Theorem 7.4), we know that there exist constants $\kappa$ and $\kappa_1$ such that $\mathrm{Var}(X) - \eta\log N = \kappa + O(N^{-c})$ and $\mathrm{Var}(X_1) - \eta\log N = \kappa_1 + O(N^{-c})$ (where $c$ is some positive constant and $\eta$ is Hensley's constant [see (5.10)]). While we don't know what $\kappa$ and $\kappa_1$ are numerically, according to our calculation, we should have $\kappa - \kappa_1 = 0.3340\ldots$ (see (5.11) and remarks following Theorem 7.4). We also believe that we can take $c = \epsilon - 1/2$ here, as with the mean.

Thus, in the bottom two plots, we curve-fit the set of points corresponding to $\mathrm{Var}(X) - \eta\log N$ to the curve $D + C_3/\sqrt{N}$ (left), and the set of points corresponding to $\mathrm{Var}(X_1) - \eta\log N$ and $D_1 + C_4/\sqrt{N}$ (right). Once again, the data seems to support square-root cancellation, and notice that $D - D_1 = 0.3383\ldots$, in agreement up to two decimal places with our calculation for $\kappa - \kappa_1$. Encouraged by this, we suspect that the values for $D$ and $D_1$ in our animation sequence hover around the true values of $\kappa$ and $\kappa_1$ respectively. It seems that $\kappa$ may be around $-0.09$ or $-0.1$, and that $\kappa_1$ may be around $-0.43$. (We'll go with $\kappa \approx -0.1$, a nice round number, in spite of the fact that $D = -0.09\ldots$ in most of the frames in our animation.)


In our animation, we start off with five points in each of the four plots, corresponding to $N = 1000, 2000,\ldots,5000$, then $N = 1000,\ldots,6000$, and so on up to $N = 1000,\ldots,100000$, as seen here. Then we proceed with $N = 2000,3000,\ldots,100000$, followed by $3000,\ldots,100000$, and so on, until $N = 96000,\ldots,100000$. The rationale behind this second sequence of plots is that the error term for smaller values of $N$ should be (and generally is) larger, so that looking at larger values of $N$ ought to give a more accurate picture. Then again, having fewer data points also gives a less accurate picture. Nevertheless, the values of $B$, $B_1$, $D$, and $D_1$ seem fairly stable throughout most of the plots in our animation.

# Let's analyse our data to try to come up with a prediction for the 
# subdominant constant in the asymptotic variance of our random variables.

# We might decide to change our data before proceeding, but we won't want to overwrite our existing dictionaries.
# We'll use new variables (e.g. D, E, F instead of A, B, C).
# But we don't want to have to go through the below code and change A, B, C to D, E, F etc.
# Hence we'll just do this, and work from hereon with X1stats etc.
# If we want to work with different data, all we have to do is change the right-hand sides of the next four assignments.

X1stats = Bstats
X1dist = Bdist
Xstats = Cstats
Xdist = Cdist

# We'll animate four plot sequences, but we'll combine four plots in each frame.
# In each frame, there will be two one plot for the mean of X, one for the variance of X, 
# and one for the mean of X_1, one for the variance of X_1. The plots will be of the 
# respective error terms in the estimates for the means and variances (in the theorems of 
# Norton and Hensley/Baladi-Vallee. Except, we will ignore subdominant constants. 
# Thus, one plot will be of E[X] - mu*log N, another for Var(X) - eta*log N, and ditto for 
# X_1. 

# The animation will arise from a sequence of plots corresponding to N in a "frame_list".
# We might want the frame_list to start at N = MiNN, end at N = MaXN, and go up by increments of skip.
# We could also enter any frame_list we wish, with N's not necessarily going up by regular increments.

MiNN = 5001 # Set N-value for first frame.
MaXN = 100001 # Set N-value for last frame.
skip = 1000 # Set increment.

# Now we define the frame_list list. 
# We just want to make sure we don't ask for a frame corresponding to an a we don't have data on.

frame_list = []
for N in range(MiNN,MaXN+skip,skip):
    if N in list(Xdist.keys()): # We're assuming the keys of Xdist are the same as those of X1dist...
for N in range(MiNN,MaXN+skip,skip): # The reason for this will become apparent.
    if N in list(Xdist.keys()):
        frame_list.append(N - MaXN - 1)

# Let's pull the means and variances from our "stats" dictionaries into new dictionaries with the same keys. 
# Let's make simple lists with all of the data we need at the outset, so we don't have to 
# repeat computations every time we call our function that defines a plot in our animation sequence.

ERR_MEAN = {} # Dictionary for E[X] - mu*log N
ERR_MEAN1 = {} # Dictionary for E[X_1] - mu*log N
ERR_VAR = {} # Dictionary for Var(X) - eta*log N
ERR_VAR1 = {} # Dictionary for Var(X_1) - eta*log N
MEAN_DELTA = {} # Dictionary for E[X_1] - E[X] (which should be close to nu_1 - nu = 0.4803...)
VAR_DELTA = {} # Dictionary for Var(X_1) - Var(X) (which should be close to kappa_1 - kappa = 0.3340...)

for N in Xdist.keys():
    ERR_MEAN[N] = Xstats[N]["mean"] - lambda_dixon*np.log(N - 1)
    ERR_MEAN1[N] = X1stats[N]["mean"] - lambda_dixon*np.log(N - 1)
    ERR_VAR[N] = Xstats[N]["var"] - eta_hensley*np.log(N - 1)
    ERR_VAR1[N] = X1stats[N]["var"] - eta_hensley*np.log(N - 1)
    MEAN_DELTA[N] = X1stats[N]["mean"] - Xstats[N]["mean"]
    VAR_DELTA[N] = X1stats[N]["var"] - Xstats[N]["var"]

# We're going to curve-fit the errors (1 <= b < a <= N) to a function of the form 
# a/sqrt(N) + b. We know there is a subdominant constant b, and we believe, based on our 
# heuristic, and empirical data from the 1-dimensional analysis, that we have square-root 
# cancellation. Let's define a function for this model here. 

def err_shape(x, a, b):
    return a/(np.sqrt(x)) + b

# Now set up the figure: four plots in a 2x2 grid.
fig, ((ax, ax1), (axv, axv1)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,10), sharey=False)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.25)
fig.suptitle('Error term in estimate for mean and variance')

# Now let us define the four plots we want to see given an N in frame_list.

def err_term_sequence(N):    
    ax.clear() # For E[X] - mu*log N
    ax1.clear() # For E[X_1] - mu*log N
    axv.clear() # For Var(X) - eta*log N
    axv1.clear() # For Var(X_1) - eta*log N
    # A grid is helpful, but we want it to lie underneath everything else.
    # Plots of the actual error terms 
    # Range for n. First we plot points from 1000 [or...] to N as N increases from MiNN = 5001 [or...] to MaXN = 100001 [or...].
    # Then, we plot points from 96001 + N [or...] to 100001 [or...] as N increases from -95001 to -1 [or...].
    if N > 0:
        LBn, UBn = MiNN - 4*skip - 1, N 
    if N < 0:
        LBn, UBn = 100001 + N - 4*skip, 100001
    # We'll use this for the horizonal axis in the next eight plots.
    HOR_AXIS = [n for n in ERR_MEAN.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)] 

    ax.plot(HOR_AXIS, [ERR_MEAN[n] for n in ERR_MEAN.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)], 'b.', label=r'$\mathbb{E}[X] - \lambda\log N$')
    ax1.plot(HOR_AXIS, [ERR_MEAN1[n] for n in ERR_MEAN1.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)], 'r.', label=r'$\mathbb{E}[X_1] - \lambda\log N$')
    axv.plot(HOR_AXIS, [ERR_VAR[n] for n in ERR_VAR.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)], 'g.', label=r'$\mathrm{Var}[X] - \eta\log N$')
    axv1.plot(HOR_AXIS, [ERR_VAR1[n] for n in ERR_VAR1.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)], 'y.', label=r'$\mathrm{Var}[X_1] - \eta\log N$')

    # Now curve-fit each error with our err_shape model.
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(err_shape, HOR_AXIS, [ERR_MEAN[n] for n in ERR_MEAN.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)])
    (a, b) = tuple(popt)
    popt1, pcov1 = curve_fit(err_shape, HOR_AXIS, [ERR_MEAN1[n] for n in ERR_MEAN1.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)])
    (a1, b1) = tuple(popt1)
    poptv, pcovv = curve_fit(err_shape, HOR_AXIS, [ERR_VAR[n] for n in ERR_VAR.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)])
    (av, bv) = tuple(poptv)
    poptv1, pcovv1 = curve_fit(err_shape, HOR_AXIS, [ERR_VAR1[n] for n in ERR_VAR1.keys() if n in range(LBn,UBn + 1)])
    (av1, bv1) = tuple(poptv1)
    # Plot the curves of best fit.
    ax.plot(HOR_AXIS, err_shape(HOR_AXIS, *popt), '-', color='#34d5eb', label=r'$C_1/\sqrt{N} + B, $' + f' $C_1=${a:.4f}..., $B=${b:.4f}...')
    ax1.plot(HOR_AXIS, err_shape(HOR_AXIS, *popt1), '-', color='#eb7734', label=r'$C_2/\sqrt{N} + B_1, $' + f' $ C_2=${a1:.4f}..., $B_1=${b1:.4f}...')
    axv.plot(HOR_AXIS, err_shape(HOR_AXIS, *poptv), '-', color='#A4FD83', label=r'$C_3/\sqrt{N} + D, $' + f' $C_3=${av:.4f}..., $D=${bv:.4f}...')
    axv1.plot(HOR_AXIS, err_shape(HOR_AXIS, *poptv1), '-', color='#FFF769', label=r'$C_4/\sqrt{N} + D_1, $' + f' $C_4=${av1:.4f}..., $D_1=${bv1:.4f}...')

    # Add text to the plots.
    ax.text(0.5, 0.73,fr'Limiting $B$-value: {nu_norton - 0.5:.4f}...', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.5, 0.68,fr'$B_1 - B$ = {b1 - b:.4f}...', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax.text(0.5, 0.63,fr'Limiting $(B_1 - B)$-value: {nu_norton_coprime - nu_norton:.4f}...', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ax1.text(0.5, 0.73,fr'Limiting $B_1$-value: {nu_norton_coprime - 0.5:.4f}...', transform=ax1.transAxes)
    ax1.text(0.5, 0.68,fr'$B_1 - B$ = {b1 - b:.4f}...', transform=ax1.transAxes)
    ax1.text(0.5, 0.63,fr'Limiting $(B_1 - B)$-value: {nu_norton_coprime - nu_norton:.4f}...', transform=ax1.transAxes)
    axv.text(0.5, 0.35,f'Limiting $D$-value: open question!', transform=axv.transAxes)
    axv.text(0.5, 0.3,fr'$D - D_1$ = {bv - bv1:.4f}...', transform=axv.transAxes)
    axv.text(0.5, 0.25,fr'Limiting $(D - D_1)$-value: {delta_kappa:.3f}...', transform=axv.transAxes)
    axv1.text(0.5, 0.35,f'Limiting $D_1$-value: open question!', transform=axv1.transAxes)
    axv1.text(0.5, 0.3,fr'$D - D_1$ = {bv - bv1:.4f}...', transform=axv1.transAxes)
    axv1.text(0.5, 0.25,fr'Limiting $(D - D_1)$-value: {delta_kappa:.3f}...', transform=axv1.transAxes)
    # Axis labels, legend, etc. 
    ax.set_xlabel(fr'$N = {LBn}, {LBn + skip},\ldots,{UBn-1}$')
    ax1.set_xlabel(fr'$N = {LBn}, {LBn + skip},\ldots,{UBn-1}$')
    axv.set_xlabel(fr'$N = {LBn}, {LBn + skip},\ldots,{UBn-1}$')
    axv1.set_xlabel(fr'$N = {LBn}, {LBn + skip},\ldots,{UBn-1}$')
    ax.legend(loc=0, ncol=1, framealpha=0.5)
    ax1.legend(loc=0, ncol=1, framealpha=0.5)
    axv.legend(loc=0, ncol=1, framealpha=0.5)
    axv1.legend(loc=0, ncol=1, framealpha=0.5)
# Generate the animation
err_term_sequence_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, err_term_sequence, frames=frame_list, interval=500, blit=False, repeat=False) 

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels. 
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame.


# Save a video of the animation.
# Alternatively...
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# err_term_sequence_anim

Two-dimensional analysis: distribution

Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Two-dimensional analysis: error terms & subdominant constant in the variance | ↓ References | ↑↑ Theory

Finally, in the culmination of the above theorems and numerical data, we generate an animation showing the distribution of our random variables $X$ and $X_1$. Recall that $X$ gives the value of $T(a,b)$, for $(a,b)$ chosen uniformly at random from ordered pairs with $1 \le b &lt; a \le N$, and that $X_1$ is defined similarly, but with the restriction that $\gcd(a,b) = 1$. Below is the frame corresponding to $N = 1000$ in our sequence running over $N = 1000,2000,\ldots,100000$. (Well, we have written $N = 1001$ and so on, with $0 &lt; b &lt; a &lt; N$.)


The horizontal axis shows the possible values $s$ that $X$ or $X_1$ may take (over all $N$ in our sequence). The blue and red dots show the probabilities that $X = s$ and $X_1 = s$, respectively, i.e.

$$ \begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(X = s) = \frac{1}{\binom{N}{2}} \#\{1 \le b < a \le N : T(a,b) = s\} \quad \textrm{and} \quad \mathbb{P}(X_1 = s) = \frac{\#\{1 \le b < a \le N : T(a,b) = s\}}{\#\{1 \le b < a \le N : \gcd(a,b) = 1\}}. \end{align*} $$

Note that in view of (7.7),

$$ \begin{align*} \#\{1 \le b < a \le N : \gcd(a,b) = 1\} = \frac{N^2}{2\zeta(2)} + O(N \log N). \end{align*} $$

The plot also displays the means $\mu = \mathbb{E}[X]$ and $\mu_1 = \mathbb{E}[X_1]$, truncated at the third decimal place. Likewise, we have $\sigma^2 = \mathrm{Var}(X)$ and $\sigma_1^2 = \mathrm{Var}(X_1)$. The same notation with the $*$-subscript stands for the estimates given for the expected values by Norton's theorem (Theorem 7.1), i.e. $\mu_* = \lambda \log N + \nu - \frac{1}{2}$ and $\mu_{1*} = \lambda \log N + \nu_1 - \frac{1}{2}$, and for the variances by the theorem of Baladi and Vallée (Theorem 7.4), with our "guesstimates" for the subdominant constants (viz. $\kappa = -0.1$ and $\kappa_1 = -0.434$): $\sigma_{*}^2 = \eta \log N + \kappa$ and $\sigma_{1*}^2 = \eta \log N + \kappa_1$.

The dotted blue curve is the PDF for the normal distribution of mean $\mathbb{E}[X]$ and variance $\mathrm{Var}[X]$. The solid (but pale) blue curve is the PDF of the normal distribution of mean $\mu_*$ and variance $\sigma^2_*$. The red curves are the same but for $X_1$. There is no visually discernable difference between curves of the same colour. Also, the dots all lie quite close to the curves of the same colour. Indeed, the estimations given by the theorems fit the data with a striking accuracy.

We also display the mean, median, and mode of $X$ and $X_1$ (the subscript $1$ corresponds to $X_1$, naturally).

# We might decide to change our data before proceeding, but we won't want to overwrite our existing dictionaries.
# We'll use new variables (e.g. D, E, F instead of A, B, C).
# But we don't want to have to go through the below code and change A, B, C to D, E, F etc.
# Hence we'll just do this, and work from hereon with X1stats etc.
# If we want to work with different data, all we have to do is change the right-hand sides of the next four assignments.

X1stats = Bstats
X1dist = Bdist
Xstats = Cstats
Xdist = Cdist

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.suptitle('Distribution of number of divisions in Euclidean algorithm \nfor gcd(a,b) with 0 < b < a < N')

# We want to animate a sequence of plots, one plot for each N in the list frame_list.
# We might want the frame_list to start at N = MiNN, end at N = MaXN, and go up by increments of skip.
# We could also enter any frame_list we wish, with a's not necessarily going up by regular increments.
# To include all N in our frame_list, we could just set frame_list = list(X1dist.keys())

MiNN = 1001 # Set N-value for first frame.
MaXN = 100001 # Set N-value for last frame.
skip = 1000 # Set increment.

# Now we define the frame_list list. 
# We just want to make sure we don't ask for a frame corresponding to an N we don't have data on.

frame_list = []
for N in range(MiNN,MaXN+skip,skip):
    if N in list(X1dist.keys()): # We'll be plotting data from Xdist, Xstats, X1dist, X1stats dictionaries: we're assuming they all have the same keys.

# We want a common horizontal axis for each frame in our sequence of plots. 
# It needs to cover every possible value for the number of divisions T(a,b), 
# for each (a,b) for each N in our frame_list.
# In this case, this will just end up being list(X1dist[N].keys()) for the 
# largest N in our frame_list, but the below code is a bit more flexible.

hor_axis_set = set()
for N in frame_list:
    hor_axis_set = hor_axis_set.union(list(X1dist[N].keys()))

hor_axis_list = list(hor_axis_set)

# We can now define lower and upper bounds for the horizontal axis.
# Likewise, we want a common vertical axis range for each plot in our sequence 
# (otherwise it will appear to jump around).

x_min, x_max = min(hor_axis_list), max(hor_axis_list)
y_min, y_max = 0, max([max(list(X1dist[N].values())) for N in frame_list])

# We can now define a function that gives the plot we want for a given N in our frame_list.

def two_dim_dist_seq(N):
    # Bounds for the plot, and horizontal/vertical axis tick marks. 
    xleft, xright, ybottom, ytop = x_min - 0.5, x_max + 0.5, y_min - 0.01, np.ceil(10*y_max)/10 
    ax.set(xlim=(xleft, xright), ylim=(ybottom, ytop))
    gridnum = 10
    ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ytop, num=gridnum+1))
    # A grid is helpful, but we want it underneath everything else. 
    # Plots of the actual data
    ax.plot(list(Xdist[N].keys()),list(Xdist[N].values()),'b.',zorder=4.5, label='all (a,b)')
    ax.plot(list(X1dist[N].keys()),list(X1dist[N].values()),'.', color = 'r', zorder=4.5, label='coprime (a,b)')
    # Plots of normal curves with mean and variance the same as the mean and variance of the data
    mu = Xstats[N]['mean']
    var = Xstats[N]['var']
    sigma = np.sqrt(var)
    mu1 = X1stats[N]['mean']
    var1 = X1stats[N]['var']
    sigma1 = np.sqrt(var1)
    normal_points = np.linspace(list(Xdist[N].keys())[0], list(Xdist[N].keys())[-1]) 
    ax.plot(normal_points, stats.norm.pdf(normal_points, mu, sigma), ':', color='b', alpha=0.9,zorder=3.5, label=r'$\mathrm{Norm}(\mu,\sigma^2)$')
    ax.plot(normal_points, stats.norm.pdf(normal_points, mu1, sigma1), ':', color='r', alpha=0.9, zorder=3.5, label=r'$\mathrm{Norm}(\mu_1,\sigma_1^2)$')    
    # Plots of normal curves with mean given by the estimate in Norton's theorem, and 
    # variance given by the estimate in Hensley's theorem (see Baladi/Vallee theorem as well), 
    # but the subdominant constants in the variance given by our "guesstimate".
    mu_p = lambda_dixon*np.log(N - 1) + nu_norton - 0.5
    var_p = eta_hensley*np.log(N - 1) + kappa_var
    sigma_p = np.sqrt(var_p)
    mu1_p = lambda_dixon*np.log(N - 1) + nu_norton_coprime - 0.5
    var1_p = eta_hensley*np.log(N - 1) + kappa_var_coprime
    sigma1_p = np.sqrt(var1_p)
    ax.plot(normal_points, stats.norm.pdf(normal_points, mu_p, sigma_p), '-',color='#34d5eb', alpha=0.5,zorder=2.5, label=r'$\mathrm{Norm}(\mu_{*},\sigma_{*}^2)$')
    ax.plot(normal_points, stats.norm.pdf(normal_points, mu1_p, sigma1_p), '-',color='#eb7734', alpha=0.5,zorder=2.5, label=r'$\mathrm{Norm}(\mu_{1*},\sigma_{1*}^2)$')
    # Label the axes
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$\#$steps of the form $(u,v) \mapsto (v,u$ mod $v)$')
    # Add text and legend on top of the plot
    # We'll include the medians and modes...
    median = Xstats[N]['med']
    median1 = X1stats[N]['med']
    mode = Xstats[N]['mode']
    mode1 = X1stats[N]['mode']
    # A bit of trial and error (view the plots) to get the positioning.
    # Show N 
    ax.text(xright-9, ytop*((gridnum - 3)/gridnum), fr'$N = {N}$')
    # Show the mean and variance of the data (all (a,b)), then the estimates given by the theory.
    ax.text(xright-9, ytop*((gridnum - 3.75)/gridnum), fr'$\mu = {mu:.3f}, \sigma^2 = {var:.3f}$')
    ax.text(xright-9, ytop*((gridnum - 4.5)/gridnum), fr'$\mu_* = {mu_p:.3f}, \sigma_*^2 = {var_p:.3f}$')
    # Show the mean and variance of the data (coprime (a,b)), then the estimates given by the theory.
    ax.text(xright-9, ytop*((gridnum - 5.25)/gridnum), fr'$\mu_1 = {mu1:.3f}, \sigma^2_1 = {var1:.3f}$')
    subscript = '_{1*}'
    ax.text(xright-9, ytop*((gridnum - 6)/gridnum), fr'$\mu{subscript} = {mu1_p:.3f}, \sigma{subscript}^2 = {var1_p:.3f}$')
    # Show the median and mode(s) (coprime (a,b))
    ax.text(xright-6, ytop*((gridnum - 6.75)/gridnum), fr'median$_1$: {median1}')
    ax.text(xright-6, ytop*((gridnum - 7.5)/gridnum), fr'mode(s)$_1$: {mode1}')
    # Show the median and mode(s) (all (a,b))
    ax.text(xright-6, ytop*((gridnum - 8.25)/gridnum), f'median: {median}')
    ax.text(xright-6, ytop*((gridnum - 9)/gridnum), f'mode(s): {mode}') 
    # Legend
    ax.legend(loc=2, ncol=3, framealpha=0.5, mode="expand")

# Generate the animation
two_dim_dist_anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, two_dim_dist_seq, frames=frame_list, interval=500, blit=False, repeat=False) 

# This is supposed to remedy the blurry axis ticks/labels. 
plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'white' 

# Just a sample frame


# Save a video of the animation.
# Alternatively...
# rc('animation', html='html5')
# two_dim_dist_anim
# Save the animation as an animated GIF

f = r"images\euclid_steps_distribution.gif", dpi=100, writer='imagemagick', extra_args=['-loop','1'], fps=5)

# extra_args=['-loop','1'] for no looping, '0' for looping.

f = r"images\euclid_steps_distribution_loop.gif", dpi=100, writer='imagemagick', extra_args=['-loop','0'], fps=5)


Jump to: Table of Contents | ↑ Two-dimensional analysis: distribution

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Numerical investigation into the distributional analysis of the time complexity of Euclid's algorithm. Sheds numerical light on an "obscure" constant related to a certain variance.







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