- ProLinux 8.6
- Configure /etc/hosts for master and worker nodes
Install Kubernetes, Containerd, Calico and TCP OpenPaaS
- Download installer file in our repository
git clone https://github.com/tmax-cloud//tcp_openpaas_infra_installer.git
- Modify
to suit your environmentcniPluginVersion
: cni plugin versionk8sVersion
: kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl versionapiServer
: The IP address the API Server will advertise it's listening on.- ex : apiServer={Kubernetes master IP}
- ex : apiServer=
: Pod IPs will be chosen from this range. This should fall within--cluster-cidr
.- ex : podSubnet={POD_IP_POOL}/{CIDR}
- ex : podSubnet=
: calico network plugin version(OPTIONAL)- If nothing is specified, the default version(v3.27.0) is installed.
- ex : calicoVersion=3.27.0
- Execute installer script
- Get the join command for worker node
You can get the result in this format:
kubeadm token create --print-join-command
kubeadm join --token mnp5b8.u7tl2cruk73gh0zh --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:662a697f67ecbb8b376898dcd5bf4df806249175ea4a90c2d3014be399c6c18a
- If you create a single node Kubernetes cluster, you have to untaint the master node
kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-
- If the installation process fails, execute uninstaller script then installer script again
./k8s_uninstall.sh ./k8s_master_install.sh
Install Kubernetes and Containerd
- Download installer file in our repository
git clone https://github.com/tmax-cloud//tcp_openpaas_infra_installer.git
- Modify
to suit your environmentcniPluginVersion
: cni plugin versionk8sVersion
: kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl version
- Execute installer script
- Execute the join command
kubeadm join --token mnp5b8.u7tl2cruk73gh0zh --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:662a697f67ecbb8b376898dcd5bf4df806249175ea4a90c2d3014be399c6c18a
- If the installation process fails, execute uninstaller script then installer script again
./k8s_uninstall.sh ./k8s_node_install.sh
- All nodes in the k8s cluster require the
package to be installed
Install nfs packages
- install nfs-utils packages
sudo yum install -y nfs-utils
Install NFS-Server, NFS-Provisioning
Modify nfs_install.sh
- NFS_PATH : NFS directory path
- ex : NFS_PATH=/mnt/nfs-shared-dir
- If no directory is specified, the default path is /mnt/nfs-shared-dir
- NFS_PATH : NFS directory path
Execute NFS installer script
Enter Master Node IP after Execute NFS installer script
./nfs_install.sh Enter Master IP: ex)