Reason and OCaml project generator.
Features • Installation • Templates • Usage • Roadmap • Contributing • License • Acknowledgements
🚀 Quickly start new projects that are ready for the real world.
❤️ Have a great developer experience when developing with Reason/OCaml.
🏄 Be as productive as Ruby-on-Rails or Elixir's Mix users.
🔌 Establish a convention for projects organizations to make it easy to get into new projects.
brew install tmattio/tap/spin
opam install spin
yarn global add @tmattio/spin
# Or
npm -g install @tmattio/spin
curl -fsSL | bash
You can generate a new project using a template with spin new
. For instance:
spin new bin my_app
Will create a new binary application in the directory ./my_app/
Anyone can create new Spin templates, but we provide official templates for a lot of use cases.
The official Spin templates templates are the following:
- bin - Native project containing a binary.
- cli - Command Line Interface releasable on Opam.
- lib - Library releasable on Opam.
- ppx - PPX library with prebuilt binaries for native and bucklescript.
- spa - Single page application with Js_of_ocaml
If you'd like to add an official template, don't hesitate to open a PR!
Here are some non-official Spin templates that you can:
- spin-rescript - Spin template for ReScript applicatoins
- spin-python-cli - Spin template for Python CLIs
For a detailed documentation of Spin's CLI, run spin --help
, or refer to the [CLI documentation](].
Create a new ReasonML/Ocaml project from a template.
defaults to the current working directory.
When --default
is passed, the user will not be prompted for configurations that have a default value.
When --ignore-config
is passed, the configuration file will be ignored and the user will be prompted for all the configurations.
List the official Spin templates.
List the generators available for the current project.
Generate a new component in the current project.
Prompt the user for values that can be saved in the configuration file.
If a value is present in the configuration file, it will not be prompted when generating a new project.
See our development board for a list of selected features and issues.
We'd love your help improving Spin!
Take a look at our Contributing Guide to get started.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to Spin!
Special thanks to @wesoudshoorn for creating Spin's logo.