Laredo Lightbox is a mobile-responsive web application that extracts photos from a Flickr photo gallery and presents them in a clean grid layout. When you click on a photo, you can view it in lightbox view and navigate between the different photos in the gallery.
This was built with vanilla JavaScript and with no external libraries. For demonstration purposes, I hardcoded the URL for the photo gallery in my JavaScript file. The photo gallery that I used in this demo is Camera Day. The cover photo, gallery title, gallery description, number of photos, and photo sources are all extracted from Flickr's API.
I used two Flickr API methods in this project:
,gallery URL
, gallerytitle
, and the elements needed to get the gallery's cover photo
Returns: Standard Photo Response (XML format), which contains each photo's
, andserver
With these four ids, I used string concatenation to generate each photo's source URL. The format for each photo source URL is https://farm{farm}{server}/{id}_{secret}.jpg