This bot allows for a hard-coded list of "allowed users" to execute docker container commands via Discord Chat and Docker Remote API. This was built because I am hosting some game server containers, and sometimes they need to be restarted to update their software. I am not always available to do so, so now my friends are able to do it on their own.
Note - The only functionality this currently allows is to list all containers running, restart a container, or start a container. It does not allow for removing a container, etc. Note - This is currently under development and is not accessible for public use, sorry.
There are currently four supported commands: !help - Provides a list of available commands and syntax examples. !list - Lists ALL containers on the Docker remote host. !restart <> - Restarts the container associated with the ID sent !start <> - Starts the container associated with the ID sent
Before you run bot: Have your Discord application secret handy. Make sure the docker remote API has been enabled on the target host. Make note of IP/FQDN & Port (typically 2375).
- Edit the "Dockerfile_Redacted" file to include the Docker Remote API URL, and Discord secret as ENV variables. The bot will retreive these at runtime.
- Change the "Dockerfile_Redacted" name to just "Dockerfile"
- Create a directory on the host machine to use for persistent log storage e.g: mkdir -p /var/log/discord_bot
- Build the image. This command should be ran from the Docker_Discord_Bot directory. Copy the image ID for step 5. docker build -t tjobarow/docker_discord_bot:docker-discord-v1 .
- Run a container based on the image. Make sure to replace the local directory volume, with the one you created in step 3.
docker run -d --name discord_bot -v /absolute/path/to/log/folder:/app/logs
- The bot should now be operational.