No longer in production. See newest code at:
In 7 parts. Completely hosted serverless on Amazon AWS using a combination of Lambda, DynamoDB, SNS, S3 and API Gateway.
Collection of lambda functions that handle requests from the angular app. Packaged into a single zip with different lambda functions calling different handler functions.
Email notifications to end users
Scrapers is a lambda function that grabs web pages and parses them for matching campsite availabilities.
Collection of code that may be required in the other three parts. DB connection, models.. etc Included into the other parts codebase via symbolic links created via script in package.json
Angular web app to allow users to set up an availability request. Uses middleman ruby gem to allow for haml and sass and easy deployment to S3.
bundle exec middleman server
Worker is a scheduled lambda function that filters the availability requests in the database and sends off SNS notifications for scrapers to be run.
Deploys lambda functions. ./ {component},{component}
./ api,scraper
Amazons DynamoDBLocal app can be used for local development and testing.
[~/Development/tools/dynamodb] java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb