Neovim Plugin to generate and automatically reload colorschemes using colorgen-nvim
Install colorgen-nvim using cargo install --git
local M = {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000, -- make sure that the colorscheme is actually loaded first
function M.config()
require "autoscheme".setup {
-- Required, is used as relative path from `opts.input_dir`
-- unless it is an absolute path (i. e. begins with `/`.)
input = "<input.toml>",
-- Optional, if missing, is filled with `opts.output_dir .. "/" .. "<input>.lua`
output = "<output.lua>",
-- Optional, same as `defaults`
opts = { ... },
-- Alternatively, if you only want to set the input path, you can also use a simple string
-- Optional
defaults = {
reload = true, -- reload colorscheme on compile (only if the colorscheme is currently active)
autogenerate = true, -- regenerate colorscheme on change (using an autocommand)
on_initialize = true, -- generate colorschemes on initialize
input_dir = vim.fn.stdpath "config",
output_dir = require "autoscheme.util".get_package_path() .. "/colors",
return M
Alternatively you can also put your configuration into vim.g.autoscheme
and call require "autoscheme" . initialize()
Or to do all of that manually:
local autoscheme = require "autoscheme"
-- this is required to setup the autocommands correctly!
-- this accepts everything the setup function accepts to configure the colorschemes
-- the bool configures whether to directly compile the colorscheme (defaults to false)
autoscheme.register_colorscheme ({
input = "<input.toml>",
output = "<output.lua>",
opts = { ... },
autoscheme.register_colorscheme "<input.toml>"
Or if you only want to compile the colorschemes you can do that too:
require "autoscheme".compile_colorscheme "<input.toml>"
While colorgen-nvim
does support windows, this plugin does not,
as it is written with Linux/Unix in mind.
I might fix that at some point, but it is not really a priority for me.
Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion by you, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.