ROS node based on the Arducam Stereo Hat (link)
Based on ArduCAM/MIPI_Camera (link )
Current developement is based on the Raspberry Pi4 - 4Gb and Sony IMX219 sensor: Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Module V2 - 8MP (link)
mode: 7, 1600x600
mode: 8, 2560x720
mode: 9, 3840x1080
mode: 10, 5184x1944
mode: 11, 6528x1848
mode: 12, 6528x2464
Setup inside config/params.yaml:
- node_rate_loop: 30
- width: 1600
- height: 600
- quality: 50
- auto_exposure: false
- exposure_value: 1
- auto_wb: true
- auto_wb_compensation: false
- red_gain: 10
- blue_gain: 50
- binning: 2 # 2: no-binning, 1: x2-binning 0: x4-binning 3: x2 analog (special) - not working
- binning_type: 1 # 0 :average, 1: sum