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Autistic children are a group that is often overlooked. They have introverted characteristics, but they are actually suffering from widespread developmental disorders. These children have communication barriers when interacting with others, and their characteristics are as follows:
These symptoms can often be improved after training, but they cannot be completely cured. We should pay more attention to the needs of these groups and provide them with more care. At present, the commonly used teaching method is ABA application behavior analysis, which aims at the following two aspects of skills training:
The specific training content includes:
(Watch the full YouTube video 观看完整版B站视频)
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To stick with the universal design principle, we chose a cognitive improvement perspective that is also applicable to ordinary children's education, as follows:
儿童根据所收获的星星可以兑换更多图形模板进行后续的匹配度游戏,也可以在社区与其他小朋友进行PK。 |
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Solution (Left-to-Right)
Wechaty Module
Computer Vision Recognition Module First, download the pretrained deep learning model on Google Drive and save it to
图像识别模块 首先,需要下载预训练好的深度学习模型:Google Drive 或者 Baidu NetDisk (code: ilhx),将文件保存到:
Use the dockerfile under CVModule directory to generate a Docker image. When you run it, the service will be automatically started and listens to the port 1337. If you add a -p XXXX:1337 flag in your docker run command, you can specify which port on the host machine will be mapped into the 1337 port within docker. |
使用CVModule 子目录下的dockerfile 将代码封装成Docker镜像,再运行该镜像,服务会自动起来,监听容器里端口1337。可以通过容器启动的命令附加-p XXXX:1337 将任何主机的端口转到容器里的1337端口。 |
The image recognition algorithm and deep learning model were provided in the "SCRN"-paper. | 图像识别算法的深度学习模型是基于 "SCRN"-paper 实现的。 |