add arduino-nano33 and pyportal to smoke tests
add nina-fw smoketest as peripheral
add some ninafw examples to smoketest
add ServiceData advertising element (#243 )
add RequestConnectionParams to request new connection parameters
change ManufacturerData from a map to a slice
don't use a pointer receiver for many method calls
make Device a value instead of a pointer
use 'debug' variable protected by build tags for debug logging
use Device instead of Address in SetConnectHandler
a small mention of the NINA BLE support
complete README info about nina-fw support
fix characteristic value
rewrite everything to use DBus directly
add Write command to the gattc implementation
tinyscan to replace clue-scanner, also works on pyportal and pybadge+airlift
update MCU central examples to use ldflags to pass the desired device to connect to
discover: add MTU
add check for poll buffer overflow
allow for both ninafw and pure hci uart adapter implementations
implement Characteristic WriteHandler
multiple connections
return service UUIDs with scan results
add l2cap signaling support
implement evtNumCompPkts to count in-flight packets
correct implementation for WriteWithoutReponse
speed up time waiting for hardware - corrections to MTU exchange
add support for software RTS/CTS flow control for boards where hardware support is not available
BLE central implementation on nina-fw co-processors
fix connection timeout
implement BLE peripheral support
implement GetMTU()
remove some pointer receivers from method calls
should support muliple connections as a central
correctly return from read requests instead of returning spurious error
move some steps previously being done during Configure() into Start() where they more correctly belonged.
use advertising display name as the correct default value for the generic access characteristic.
speed up the polling for new notifications for Centrals
use NINA settings from board file in main TinyGo repo
nordic semi
replace unsafe.SliceData call with expression that is still supported in older Go versions
update to prepare for changes in the TinyGo CGo implementation
add address of connecting device
add support for connection timeout on connect
don't send a notify/indicate without a CCCD
fix connect timeout
fix writing to a characteristic
print connection parameters when debug is enabled
return an error on a connection timeout
Release AsyncOperationCompletedHandler (#208 )
check for error when scanning
bump to latest winrt
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