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Algorithms: ideas and approaches

Timo van Veenendaal edited this page Aug 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

What algorithm ideas do we have and how would we implement them?

Topological order

  • Just do a topological sort on the input graph and schedule everything on one processor
  • Will be very fast
  • Will not be optimal
  • Can use for milestone

Branch and Bound

  • As presented in lectures
  • Concept: start at the root, and then do DFS, and when we reach a solution, update our upper bound
  • Stop searching a path if the upper bound is reached
  • Branch and Bound will be easy to parallelize: can just give each processor one part of the solution space
  • We can probably speed it up by bounding based on a heuristic
    • Could pick which nodes to DFS first greedily based on this


  • Also as presented in lectures
  • Need a good heuristic
  • Priority queue needs to be maintained
    • Could use up a lot of memory
  • Parallelization?
    • Might be tricky: algorithm operates over the same heap

Other algorithm ideas

Iterative Deepening A*

  • Repeated DFS with a different 'upper bound'
  • DFS stops each iteration when cost estimate is greater than iteration's upper bound
  • Bound is then increased
  • Parallelizable in a similar way to Branch and Bound

Fringe search

  • Similar to IDA* as above but instead keep a linked list of the bottom fringe of the explored space
  • No more iterations required
  • Linked list might get long (but much shorter than the priority queue required for regular A*)
  • Some people have successfully implemented this (in parallel!) for the shortest path problem and it was faster than plain A*