A simple MySQL based benchmarking setup and scripts.
A. Setup:
Install and configure mysql, python, php, apache, mysql+php+apache and gnuplot 4.6 patch 1. (the version is important because we/js containts .js files from the gnuplot install that have to be compatible)
Run mysql -uuser -ppass < benchmarking.sql
Populate table with benchmarks directory (recursive).
Create problem set (see scripts/makeProblemSet.py for details)
Create one line text files in config/{logpath,password,user,host,database} containing path for logs, mysql password and mysql user. ('database' can be empty, in which case mysql which use the default database. 'host' should be 'localhost' if using locally)
Compile runlim
B. Add jobs: # cd scripts # ./add-job.sh -b -p -a -t -m -n -d [-c running cvc4 (used for stats)] See example-add-job.sh for an example.
C. Runners # cd scripts # ./runner.py
D. Analyze
Grab statistics in CSV (can be manipulated with R)
Visualize using the web interface (coming)
E. Misc. Database Management
Reset the mysql queue using ./resetQueue.py
Delete a job using ./deleteJob.py