What's Changed
- Add enscribe.dev to V2 examples by @jktrn in #725
- fix: use sort posts for rss, fix lastBuildDate by @ttys3 in #733
- Add link to astro template by @timlrx in #734
- fix prettier-plugin-tailwindcss not being used by @BenjaminLesne in #740
- fix: remove unused head.tsx by @timlrx in #741
- upgrade to next 13.5.6 by @timlrx in #742
- chore: update readme to mention remix-run alternative by @SangeetAgarwal in #743
- docs: move dalelarroder.com to v2 examples by @dlarroder in #748
- Accessibility improvement: match aria-label to tag text for "read more" links by @curt-mitch in #749
- Add thetalhatahir.com by @talhatahir in #753
- chore: add v2 examples by @hominsu in #750
- Closes #757. Added return notFound() to app/blog/[...slug]/page.tsx … by @Romstar in #758
- Add dariuszwozniak.net to v2 examples by @dariusz-wozniak in #762
- Move blog to v2 in readme.md by @talhatahir in #764
- Add contrails.space to README.md by @zS1m in #768
- fix katex overflow by @timlrx in #770
- feat: support chinese tag name by @z2015 in #771
- Updated file names to use .ts rather than .js by @chrisvasey in #773
- draft posts are not included in the sitemap by @zziri in #778
- upgrade to next 14.0.3 and pliny 0.1.6 by @timlrx in #784
- add separate FAQ section by @timlrx in #785
New Contributors
- @jktrn made their first contribution in #725
- @BenjaminLesne made their first contribution in #740
- @curt-mitch made their first contribution in #749
- @talhatahir made their first contribution in #753
- @hominsu made their first contribution in #750
- @Romstar made their first contribution in #758
- @dariusz-wozniak made their first contribution in #762
- @zS1m made their first contribution in #768
- @z2015 made their first contribution in #771
- @chrisvasey made their first contribution in #773
- @zziri made their first contribution in #778
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.1.0