Change Log
- fix: add back sitemap script in build
- fix: email address format verification
- fix: allow remark toc to parse headings with url
- fix: code block space
- fix: avoid extra new line when copying
- feat: auto switch theme for giscus and utterances
- feat: add separate stylesheet for prismjs code block theme
- chore: upgrade to next 11.1.2
- chore: upgrade linter to 11.1.2 and fix lint issues
- docs: author in docs was not displayed correctly
- docs: update with new examples and prism stylesheet
Thanks @llovvoll, @humble-barnacle001, @larbisahli, @renomureza for the fixes and contributions
Check out the 2 new example blogs - @DLevai94 digital garden and @Th1nhNg0 corner layout with sticky table of content