Change Log
- feat: theme colors
- feat: mdx-bundler
- feat: line highlighting and line numbers for code blocks
- feat: layouts
- feat: multiple authors
- feat: copy button for code blocks
- feat: line highlighting and line numbers
- feat: typescript branch
- feat: add support for giscus, utterances, disqus
- feat: configure giscus for demo site
- feat: add analytics component
- feat: toc and inlineToc component
- fix: use feed.xml instead of index.xml
- fix: resolve duplicate seo header with custom header
- fix: restrict sitemap to mdx files in blog folder
- fix: code newlines
- fix: use innerText to copy code content
- refactor: convert siteMetadata from json to js
- docs: add docs on blog comments system
- docs: update new features post
- docs: update post to include analytics
- docs: change siteMetadata.json to siteMetadata.js
- chore: upgrade all remark / rehype plugins to micromark 3 compatible
- chore: Create FUNDING.yml
- chore: update issue templates
Special thanks to @frontendwizard for the typescript branch, @Music47ell and @laymonage for the comments feature, @GautierArcin and @rsipakov for the demo with next-translate
. Thanks to all the supporters for their bug fixes, suggestions and feedback ❤️