TYPO3 extension to extend the default file search within metadata for TYPO3 backend modul filelist and the TYPO3 filebrowser. Also adding pagination for TYPO3 filebrowser in list and search view. Amount of list entries is configurable.
Install the extension in the Extension Manager. Nothing more is required.
Project home: https://github.com/jokumer/TYPO3-xfilelist
Development: https://github.com/jokumer/TYPO3-xfilelist.git
git clone https://github.com/jokumer/TYPO3-xfilelist.git
Bug reports: https://github.com/jokumer/TYPO3-xfilelist/issues
When searching for files, the search includes metadata. Metadata are stored in DB table sys_file_metadata. Extensions filemetadata and metadata extends this table by further fields. Define fields to be included for search in the extension-configuration via extension-manager (sysFileMetadataSearchFields). Default is:
title, description, keywords, caption
You can add some of following, depend on which extensions has been installed:
title, description, alternative, status, keywords, caption, creator_tool, download_name,creator, publisher, source, copyright, location_country, location_region, location_city, note, color_space, language, copyright_notice, shutter_speed_value, iso_speed_ratings, camera_model
See also
- https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/core/latest/Changelog/7.6/Feature-69120-AddBasicFileSearchInElementBrowser.html
- https://forge.typo3.org/issues/69120
- https://forge.typo3.org/issues/58724
Pagination is available in filebrowser for list and search view. In backend modul filelist for list view only, not for search view.
Amount of entries in list can be configured in the extension-configuration via extension-manager (fileListConfiguration_iLimit). Default is: 40
See also