This is a simple GUI Tool for the "aria2" command line tool. its made with the help of ChatGPT and Xcode. It features a GUI Tool...
...and a MenuBar Tool.
--- UPDATE: YOU CAN TRY THE ARIA2 FOR MACOS SILICON INSTALLER I MADE --- To use this app you need to a) install aria2 using brew (brew install aria2) and b) make sure that aria2c (the executable of aria2) is stored in "/opt/homebrew/bin/aria2c". you can find out where the executable is stored by typing "which aria2c" if the file isnt stored there copy it there by executing the following command: 'sudo mkdir /opt/homebrew/bin && sudo cp -r FILEPATH /opt/homebrew/bin/' make sure to replace FILEPATH with the Filepath that "which aria2c" returned
Also make sure to install this shortcut and dont change its name:
Video Tutorials and Showcases:
Icons Figma file: