a simple logging library for Go inspired by Dave Cheney's Let's talk about logging blog post.
go get github.com/timbasel/go-log
import "github.com/timbasel/go-log/pkg/log"
func main() {
// message for the developer debugging the application
log.Debug("debug message")
// message for the user running the application
log.Info("info message")
// message in case the application encountered an unhandleable error and will terminate after messaging
// this should effectively only be used in the main.main function after bubbling up the unhandled error
log.Error("error message")
import "github.com/timbasel/go-log/pkg/log"
func main() {
// adds locations where the log is written to (by default os.Stdout is set)
// adds locations with a custom formatter
log.SetFormattedOutputs(map[io.Writer]log.Formatter{os.Stdout: log.NewRawFormatter()})
// set if debug messages should be logged (default: false)
// blacklist or whitelist functions and packages from debug output
// remove entries from blacklist or whitelist
import "github.com/timbasel/go-log/pkg/log"
func main() {
logger := log.NewDefaultLogger()
logger.Info("Hello World")
import "github.com/timbasel/go-log/pkg/log"
type CustomFormatter struct{}
func (f *CustomFormatter) Format(level log.Level, msg string) (formattedMsg string) {
return "> " + msg + " [" + level.String() + "]\n"
func ExampleFormatters() {
logger := log.NewLogger()
file, _ := ioutil.TempFile("/tmp/", "log_*.json")
os.Stdout: &CustomFormatter{},
os.Stderr: log.NewDefaultFormatter(),
file: log.NewJSONFormatter(),
logger.Debug("Hello World")
// output to stdout:
// > Hello World [DEBUG]
// output to stderr:
// 2019-06-03 17:24:10 <log_test.ExampleFormatters> DEBUG: Hello World
// output to temporary file:
// {"function":"ExampleFormatters","level":"DEBUG","msg":"Hello World","package":"github.com/timbasel/go-log/pkg/log_test","time":"2019-06-03T17:23:17+02:00"}
apache license 2.0 © Tim Basel