This package contains the ROS2 interfaces definitions of the Drone Racing stack. Building this package generates all the required ROS2 custom messages.
Message Name | Category | Description |
DroneState | State | Pose and Twist of the drone |
DroneStateImage | State/Image | Synchronized DroneState and camera Image |
EulerAngles | Visualization | roll , pitch and yaw for rViz plots |
GatePoses | Visualization | Pose and inner size of all the gates |
Maneuver | Command | Motion primitive request or completion feedback |
RcChannels | Actuators | roll , pitch , thrust , yaw , aux1 , aux2 , aux3 , aux4 for BetaFlight |
SensorImu | Sensors | IMU accelerometer and gyroscope data |
SensorMag | Sensors | Magnetometer data |
SensorRpm | Sensors | RPM value for each motor from ESC telemetry |
SensorBattery | Sensors | Battery voltage |
SetpointCtbr | Setpoint | CTBR roll , pitch , yaw , and norm_thrust of the setpoint |
SetpointLinVel | Setpoint | Linear velocities and yaw_rate of the setpoint |
SetpointReference | Setpoint | Reference position and heading. For control purposes. Including derivatives |
SetpointMotorsThrust | Setpoint | Single rotor thrust command or feedback |
Trajectory | Setpoint | Array of SetpointReference |