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refactor: rename filter and parse regions with a different library
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mebasoglu committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent 48f363c commit 0aa148f
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Showing 10 changed files with 69 additions and 65 deletions.
46 changes: 22 additions & 24 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -214,35 +214,33 @@ Parameters shared by all supported models:

#### Driver parameters

| Parameter | Type | Default | Accepted values | Description |
| frame_id | string | velodyne | | ROS frame ID |
| calibration_file | string | | | LiDAR calibration file |
| min_range | double | 0.3 | meters, >= 0.3 | Minimum point range published |
| max_range | double | 300.0 | meters, <= 300.0 | Maximum point range published |
| cloud_min_angle | uint16 | 0 | degrees [0, 360] | FoV start angle |
| cloud_max_angle | uint16 | 359 | degrees [0, 360] | FoV end angle |
| invalid_point_remove | bool | false | true, false | Enable ring based filter* |
| invalid_regions | string | | | Invalid point regions to remove* |
| Parameter | Type | Default | Accepted values | Description |
| frame_id | string | velodyne | | ROS frame ID |
| calibration_file | string | | | LiDAR calibration file |
| min_range | double | 0.3 | meters, >= 0.3 | Minimum point range published |
| max_range | double | 300.0 | meters, <= 300.0 | Maximum point range published |
| cloud_min_angle | uint16 | 0 | degrees [0, 360] | FoV start angle |
| cloud_max_angle | uint16 | 359 | degrees [0, 360] | FoV end angle |
| ring_section_filter | bool | false | true, false | Toggles filtering out specific ring sectors. |
| excluded_ring_sectors | string | | | Identifies and prevents specific ring sectors from being included in the point cloud based on ring ID, start angle, and end angle. |

- `enable_ring_section_filter` toggles a ring-based filter to remove points located within predefined angle ranges.
- Specify an excluded section using the format `[ring_id, start_angle, end_angle]`.
- Angles must be in degrees, scaled by a factor of 100. For example, represent `34.44` degrees as `3444`.
- It's possible to define multiple excluded regions for the same ring, allowing for versatile filtering configurations.
- Define excluded regions as a string of such regions, seperated by commas. For instance:

*`invalid_point_remove` activates the ring based filter which removes points if they are within specified angle ranges.

*The format for an invalid region is [ring_id, start_angle, end_angle]

*Angles are given in degrees and multiplied by 100. For instance, 34.44 degrees is represented as 3444.

*Invalid regions are specified as a string containing a list of invalid regions. Ensure that you have quotation marks to make it string. For example:
<node pkg="nebula_ros" exec="velodyne_driver_ros_wrapper_node"
name="velodyne_cloud" output="screen">
<param name="invalid_point_remove" value="true"/>
<param name="invalid_regions" value="'[[0, 3500, 6900], [1, 3400, 6500], [2, 3200, 4600], [3, 3200, 4600]]'"/>
name="velodyne_cloud" output="screen">
<param name="ring_section_filter" value="true"/>
<param name="excluded_ring_sectors" type="str"
value="[0, 3500, 6900], [1, 3400, 6500], [2, 3200, 4600], [3, 3200, 4600]"/>

*Multiple invalid regions are possible for the same ring.

## Software design overview

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions nebula_common/include/nebula_common/velodyne/velodyne_common.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace drivers

/// @brief Invalid region on the cloud to be removed. `start` and `end` represent angles of the
/// region.
struct InvalidRegion
struct ExcludedRegion
uint16_t start;
uint16_t end;
Expand All @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ struct VelodyneSensorConfiguration : LidarConfigurationBase
uint16_t rotation_speed;
uint16_t cloud_min_angle;
uint16_t cloud_max_angle;
bool invalid_point_remove;
std::map<int, std::vector<InvalidRegion>>
invalid_regions; // Key holds the channel id, value holds invalid regions belong to that
// channel
bool ring_section_filter;
std::map<int, std::vector<ExcludedRegion>>
excluded_ring_sectors; // Key holds the channel id, value holds excluded ring sectors belong to that
// channel
/// @brief Convert VelodyneSensorConfiguration to string (Overloading the << operator)
/// @param os
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Expand Up @@ -187,12 +187,12 @@ class VelodyneScanDecoder
/// @param channel Channel id of the point.
/// @param azimuth Azimuth angle of the point.
/// @return True if the point is invalid, false otherwise.
bool check_invalid_point(const int & channel, const uint16_t & azimuth)
bool check_excluded_point(const int & channel, const uint16_t & azimuth)
if (!sensor_configuration_->invalid_point_remove) return false;
const auto & regions = sensor_configuration_->invalid_regions[channel];
return std::any_of(regions.begin(), regions.end(), [azimuth](const auto & region) {
return azimuth >= region.start && azimuth <= region.end;
if (!sensor_configuration_->ring_section_filter) return false;
const auto & sectors = sensor_configuration_->excluded_ring_sectors[channel];
return std::any_of(sectors.begin(), sectors.end(), [azimuth](const auto & sector) {
return azimuth >= sector.start && azimuth <= sector.end;
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Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void Vlp16Decoder::unpack(const velodyne_msgs::msg::VelodynePacket & velodyne_pa
(sensor_configuration_->cloud_min_angle > sensor_configuration_->cloud_max_angle &&
(azimuth_corrected <= sensor_configuration_->cloud_max_angle * 100 ||
azimuth_corrected >= sensor_configuration_->cloud_min_angle * 100))) &&
!check_invalid_point(corrections.laser_ring, azimuth_corrected)) {
!check_excluded_point(corrections.laser_ring, azimuth_corrected)) {
// Convert polar coordinates to Euclidean XYZ.
const float cos_vert_angle = corrections.cos_vert_correction;
const float sin_vert_angle = corrections.sin_vert_correction;
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Expand Up @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void Vlp32Decoder::unpack(const velodyne_msgs::msg::VelodynePacket & velodyne_pa
(sensor_configuration_->cloud_min_angle > sensor_configuration_->cloud_max_angle &&
(raw->blocks[i].rotation <= sensor_configuration_->cloud_max_angle * 100 ||
raw->blocks[i].rotation >= sensor_configuration_->cloud_min_angle * 100))) &&
!check_invalid_point(corrections.laser_ring, block.rotation)) {
!check_excluded_point(corrections.laser_ring, block.rotation)) {
const float cos_vert_angle = corrections.cos_vert_correction;
const float sin_vert_angle = corrections.sin_vert_correction;
const float cos_rot_correction = corrections.cos_rot_correction;
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Expand Up @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ void Vls128Decoder::unpack(const velodyne_msgs::msg::VelodynePacket & velodyne_p
(sensor_configuration_->cloud_min_angle > sensor_configuration_->cloud_max_angle &&
(azimuth_corrected <= sensor_configuration_->cloud_max_angle * 100 ||
azimuth_corrected >= sensor_configuration_->cloud_min_angle * 100))) &&
!check_invalid_point(corrections.laser_ring, azimuth_corrected)) {
!check_excluded_point(corrections.laser_ring, azimuth_corrected)) {
// convert polar coordinates to Euclidean XYZ.
const float cos_vert_angle = corrections.cos_vert_correction;
const float sin_vert_angle = corrections.sin_vert_correction;
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#include "nebula_common/velodyne/velodyne_common.hpp"
#include "nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_velodyne/velodyne_driver.hpp"
#include "nebula_ros/common/nebula_driver_ros_wrapper_base.hpp"
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"

#include <ament_index_cpp/get_package_prefix.hpp>
#include <diagnostic_updater/diagnostic_updater.hpp>
Expand All @@ -15,8 +16,7 @@
#include <velodyne_msgs/msg/velodyne_packet.hpp>
#include <velodyne_msgs/msg/velodyne_scan.hpp>

#include "boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp"
#include "boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp"
using namespace nlohmann;

namespace nebula
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions nebula_ros/launch/velodyne_launch_all_hw.xml
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Expand Up @@ -19,19 +19,19 @@

<arg name="setup_sensor" default="True" description="Enable sensor setup on hw-driver."/>

<arg name="invalid_point_remove" default="false"/>
<arg name="invalid_regions"
default="'[[0, 3500, 6900], [1, 3400, 6500], [2, 3200, 4600], [3, 3200, 4600]]'"/>
<arg name="ring_section_filter" default="false"/>
<arg name="excluded_ring_sectors"
default="[0, 3500, 6900], [1, 3400, 6500], [2, 3200, 4600], [3, 3200, 4600]"/>

<node pkg="nebula_ros" exec="velodyne_driver_ros_wrapper_node"
name="velodyne_cloud" output="screen">
name="velodyne_cloud" output="screen" args="--ros-args --log-level debug">
<param name="sensor_model" value="$(var sensor_model)"/>
<param name="return_mode" value="$(var return_mode)"/>
<param name="frame_id" value="$(var frame_id)"/>
<param name="scan_phase" value="$(var scan_phase)"/>
<param name="calibration_file" value="$(var calibration_file)"/>
<param name="invalid_point_remove" value="$(var invalid_point_remove)"/>
<param name="invalid_regions" value="$(var invalid_regions)"/>
<param name="ring_section_filter" value="$(var ring_section_filter)"/>
<param name="excluded_ring_sectors" type="str" value="$(var excluded_ring_sectors)"/>

<node pkg="nebula_ros" exec="velodyne_hw_ros_wrapper_node"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nebula_ros/package.xml
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45 changes: 25 additions & 20 deletions nebula_ros/src/velodyne/velodyne_decoder_ros_wrapper.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -252,40 +252,45 @@ Status VelodyneDriverRosWrapper::GetParameters(
descriptor.read_only = false;
descriptor.dynamic_typing = false;
descriptor.additional_constraints = "";
this->declare_parameter<bool>("invalid_point_remove", false, descriptor);
sensor_configuration.invalid_point_remove =
if (sensor_configuration.invalid_point_remove) {
RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(this->get_logger(), "Invalid point remove is active.");
this->declare_parameter<bool>("ring_section_filter", false, descriptor);
sensor_configuration.ring_section_filter =
if (sensor_configuration.ring_section_filter) {
RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(this->get_logger(), "Ring section filter is active.");
} else {
RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(this->get_logger(), "Invalid point remove is not active.");
RCLCPP_DEBUG_STREAM(this->get_logger(), "Ring section filter is not active.");

if (sensor_configuration.invalid_point_remove) {
if (sensor_configuration.ring_section_filter) {
rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.type = rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterType::PARAMETER_STRING;
descriptor.read_only = true;
descriptor.dynamic_typing = false;
descriptor.additional_constraints = "";
this->declare_parameter<std::string>("invalid_regions", "", descriptor);
const std::string regions_string = this->get_parameter("invalid_regions").as_string();
std::istringstream regions_stream(regions_string);
this->declare_parameter<std::string>("excluded_ring_sectors", "", descriptor);
std::string sectors = this->get_parameter("excluded_ring_sectors").as_string();

boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
boost::property_tree::read_json(regions_stream, pt);
// Put sectors string inside square bracktes so that it can be a valid JSON array

Check warning on line 274 in nebula_ros/src/velodyne/velodyne_decoder_ros_wrapper.cpp

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / spell-check-differential

Unknown word (bracktes)
sectors = "[" + sectors + "]";

for (const auto & region : pt) {
std::vector<int> elements; // Will store extracted ring number, start angle and end angle.
for (const auto & element : region.second) {
{static_cast<uint16_t>(elements[1]), static_cast<uint16_t>(elements[2])});
// Parse the JSON string
const auto excluded_sectors_json = json::parse(sectors);

// Iterate over the parsed JSON array
for (const auto & sector : excluded_sectors_json) {
// Extract the ring number, start angle, and end angle from each sub-array
const int ring_number = sector[0];
const uint16_t start = sector[1];
const uint16_t end = sector[2];

// Add the ExcludedRegion to the map under the corresponding ring number
drivers::ExcludedRegion{start, end});

std::stringstream regions_log;
for (const auto & regions : sensor_configuration.invalid_regions) {
for (const auto & regions : sensor_configuration.excluded_ring_sectors) {
regions_log << "\nRing: " << regions.first << '\n';
for (const auto & region : regions.second) {
regions_log << "(" << region.start << "," << region.end << ")\n";
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