Use the Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small projects.
This class has as business purposes to facilitate and demystify the difficulty of encrypting data using php
This first project works together, a standalone version is being developed
yii2-cryptbox/ Main folter of our project
| - commands/ Folter to easy commands for generate your keys
| - helpers/ Helpers
- The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 5.6.0.
- Yii2 stable
- Libsodium
If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at
composer --prefer-dist tiagocomti/yii2-cryptbox
Now you be able to call our class like:
Edit the file config/web.php or console.php
and add this:
//Keep this name
'cryptbox' => [
'class' => 'tiagocomti\cryptbox\Cryptbox',
//A path to save our keys.
'keysPath' => __DIR__."/../../keys/",
// Execute: php yii cryptBox/crypt/encode '{Your key}'
// This key will be used for
'secret' => '{"1":95,"2":86,"3":65,"4":77,"5":79,"6":83,"7":66,"8":82,"9":73,"10":78,"11":68,"12":65,"13":82,"14":79,"15":72,"16":79,"17":74,"18":69,"19":65,"20":77,"21":65,"22":78,"23":72,"24":65,"25":83,"26":79,"27":65,"28":68,"29":69,"30":85,"31":83,"32":95}',
// Less security but faster
'enableCache' => true,
//In seconds
'timeCache' => 800
Edit the file console.php
and add this:
'modules' => [
// ... other modules ...
'cryptBox' => [
'class' => 'tiagocomti\cryptbox\commands\Module',
- Check and edit the other files in the
directory to customize your application as required.
###Keep your db password safe in php file - PERSONAL TIP
we need to set encrypt our password, use this command
This command will request for you a pass, NEVER pass your pass in command line, wait for shell input.
php yii cryptBox/crypt/db-password
php yii cryptBox/crypt/db-password
password: very_nice_pass_for_my_db
Paste it in your db conf:
in your config/db.php
, we need to create our own Connection class and set our new encrypt password
return [
//Set your own db/connection class.
'class' => 'app\db\Connection',
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=database_name',
'username' => 'user_db',
'password' => '{"1":67,"2":87,"3":55,"4":108,"5":86,"6":103,"7":122,"8":75,"9":79,"10":80,"11":87,"12":118,"13":106,"14":56,"15":72,"16":104,"17":47,"18":86,"19":98,"20":74,"21":116,"22":70,"23":52,"24":107,"25":50,"26":66,"27":51,"28":114,"29":65,"30":90,"31":87,"32":100,"33":53,"34":71,"35":89,"36":86,"37":106,"38":122,"39":54,"40":89,"41":109,"42":98,"43":81,"44":55,"45":48,"46":81,"47":118,"48":86,"49":111,"50":109,"51":71,"52":52,"53":73,"54":72,"55":112,"56":75,"57":50,"58":51,"59":74,"60":57,"61":77,"62":80,"63":67,"64":52,"65":50,"66":119,"67":80,"68":98,"69":113,"70":117,"71":72,"72":79,"73":113,"74":54,"75":83,"76":52,"77":74,"78":90,"79":71,"80":118,"81":66,"82":74,"83":117,"84":114,"85":56,"86":65,"87":61,"88":61}',
'charset' => 'utf8',
Look that example of our new Connection class
namespace app\db;
use app\helpers\Strings;
use yii\db\Exception;
class Connection extends \yii\db\Connection
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($config = [])
\Yii::info("Iniciando base de dados", "api");
return parent::__construct([
'dsn' => $config["dsn"],
'username' => $config["username"],
'password' => Cryptbox::decryptDBPass($config["password"]),
'charset' => $config["charset"],
Lets check our configuration
php yii cryptBox/crypt/check-db
If you need to change the password and you have cache enable, please run:
php yii cache/flush-all
###Save encrypted content to file with asymmetric encrypt
If you want to use the system secret for encrypt these file use like this:
return Cryptbox::safeWriteInFile("/tmp/teste", "teste", Cryptbox::getOurSecret());
If you want to use the system secret for encrypt these file use like this:
return Cryptbox::safeWriteInFile("/tmp/teste", "teste", "Very Nice Secret");