Conic Augmented Lagrangian Interior-Point SOlver: A solver for contact-implicit trajectory optimization
The CALIPSO algorithm is an infeasible-start, primal-dual augmented-Lagrangian interior-point solver for non-convex optimization problems. An augmented Lagrangian is employed for equality constraints and cones are handled by interior-point methods.
For more details, see our paper on arXiv.
Problems of the following form:
can be optimized for
$x$ : decision variables -
$\theta$ : problem data -
$\mathcal{K}$ : Cartesian product of convex cones; nonnegative orthant$\mathbf{R}_+$ and second-order cones$\mathcal{Q}$ are currently implemented
Additionally, problems with temporal structure of the form:
$X_{1:T}$ : state trajectory -
$U_{1:T-1}$ : action trajectory -
$\Theta_{1:T}$ : problem-data trajectory
are automatically formulated, and fast gradients generated, for CALIPSO.
The solver is differentiable, and gradients of the solution, including internal solver variables,
with respect to the problem data are efficiently computed.
CALIPSO can be installed using the Julia package manager for Julia v1.7
and higher. Inside the Julia REPL, type ]
to enter the Pkg REPL mode then run:
pkg> add CALIPSO
If you want to install the latest version from Github run:
pkg> add CALIPSO#main
# problem
objective(x) = x[1]
equality(x) = [x[1]^2 - x[2] - 1.0; x[1] - x[3] - 0.5]
cone(x) = x[2:3]
# variables
num_variables = 3
# solver
solver = Solver(objective, equality, cone, num_variables);
# initialize
x0 = [-2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
initialize!(solver, x0)
# solve
# solution
solver.solution.variables # x* = [1.0, 0.0, 0.5]
using LinearAlgebra
# horizon
horizon = 11
# dimensions
num_states = [2 for t = 1:horizon]
num_actions = [1 for t = 1:horizon-1]
# dynamics
function pendulum_continuous(x, u)
mass = 1.0
length_com = 0.5
gravity = 9.81
damping = 0.1
(u[1] / ((mass * length_com * length_com))
- gravity * sin(x[1]) / length_com
- damping * x[2] / (mass * length_com * length_com))
function pendulum_discrete(y, x, u)
h = 0.05 # timestep
y - (x + h * pendulum_continuous(0.5 * (x + y), u))
dynamics = [pendulum_discrete for t = 1:horizon-1]
# states
state_initial = [0.0; 0.0]
state_goal = [π; 0.0]
# objective
objective = [
[(x, u) -> 0.1 * dot(x[1:2], x[1:2]) + 0.1 * dot(u, u) for t = 1:horizon-1]...,
(x, u) -> 0.1 * dot(x[1:2], x[1:2]),
# constraints
equality = [
(x, u) -> x - state_initial,
[empty_constraint for t = 2:horizon-1]...,
(x, u) -> x - state_goal,
# solver
solver = Solver(objective, dynamics, num_states, num_actions;
# initialize
state_guess = linear_interpolation(state_initial, state_goal, horizon)
action_guess = [1.0 * randn(num_actions[t]) for t = 1:horizon-1]
initialize_states!(solver, state_guess)
initialize_actions!(solver, action_guess)
# solve
# solution
state_solution, action_solution = get_trajectory(solver);