Beagle is a cross-platform framework which facilitates usage of the Server-Driven UI concept, natively in iOS and Android. By using Beagle, your team could easily change application's layout and data by just changing backend code.
Automatic app updates without having to rely on App Store or Play Store slow processes
Easily accommodate changes
Minimize code duplications
Easier maintainability and testability
To be flexible for UI Designers
Your application will define all UI components it can render (Design System) and register them inside Beagle. With that, now your BFF (Backend For Frontend) will be able to control how your application will be presented by returning a JSON that describes the interface for each endpoint.
Server-Driven UI is an implementation paradigm that defines how the visual components are settle on a screen, the screen structure and how pages will flow to one another. All this information comes from a server called Back-end For Front-end through JSON
objects. In the Server Driven paradigm the structure and flow between screens is incorporated into the JSON
objects trafficked with content, which are divided into 3 basic pillars: content, visual structure and flow (actions). Check the Beagle example on the block below:
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:pageview",
"pages": [
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:flexsinglewidget",
"flex": {
"justifyContent": "CENTER",
"alignItems": "CENTER"
"child": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:text",
"text": "Page 1"
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:flexsinglewidget",
"flex": {
"justifyContent": "CENTER",
"alignItems": "CENTER"
"child": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:text",
"text": "Page 2"
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:flexsinglewidget",
"flex": {
"justifyContent": "CENTER",
"alignItems": "CENTER"
"child": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:text",
"text": "Page 3"
"pageIndicator": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:pageindicator",
"selectedColor": "#FFFFFF",
"unselectedColor": "#888888"
The front-end will set the visual structure and how pages connects and acts on one another natively according to the front-end system. As the application sends all actions to the back end, it responds systematically to each action, which configures our “single source of truth”.
In this model the new features and combinations of UI components can be tested without releases and updates, which practically summarizes an A / B type test.
Different types of styles and layouts can be tested in certain customer'scircles
, which implies several testing possibilities and Analytics data.
This is the server that provides the JSON
objects that will be rendered by the front as views
. With this component, screens and business rules are written only once and thus rendered natively on each platform that Beagle is present on.
It is the paradigm by which the layouts are declared in the back-end, in a simplified way and with a focus on "what" the layout should do, leaving the "how it should do" to Beagle. Layouts are declared using widgets on BFF in Kotlin language.
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:pageview",
"pages": [
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:flexsinglewidget",
"flex": {
"justifyContent": "CENTER",
"alignItems": "CENTER"
"child": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:text",
"text": "Page 1"
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:flexsinglewidget",
"flex": {
"justifyContent": "CENTER",
"alignItems": "CENTER"
"child": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:text",
"text": "Page 2"
"pageIndicator": {
"beagleType": "beagle:widget:pageindicator",
"selectedColor": "#FFFFFF",
"unselectedColor": "#888888"
The Beagle serializer
responsibility is converting a declarative layout into a JSON
object. In order to serialize Kotlin classes into JSON
objects Beagle will use the Jackson converter.
To serialize Kotlin classes in JSON objects, Beagle uses Jackson.
The Beagle deserializer
responsibility is to convert a JSON
object into a widget
using Moshi.
On Android Moshi is used for this purpose.
Beagle BFF and Beagle Mobile
It is an interface that defines a set of methods that must be implemented to define the application's theme. The appDesignSystem
must keep the button styles, text displays, toolbar styles, images and themes. For Beagle to work according to the application design system, it is necessary to have all of these styles implemented. They will be used the moment the visualization is rendered.
Design System Language for text, color and scale
When rendering the screen the front-end receives a JSON
object that provides all necessary information through Beagle to position the elements on the screen and deserialize it natively for Android or iOS.
When deserializing, Beagle turns a widget
into a view
applying the styles implemented in the DesignSystem
. At this point, Beagle uses the YOGA rendering engine internally to set the layout's view position and finally render it natively.
Please refer to for details on how to add new feature and contribute in general to Beagle