FH Technikum BIC 1. Semester, Hardwarenahe Softwareentwicklung Thorina Boenke
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter Main.c Gamestatistics.c Setup.c -o minesweeper
./minesweeper <grid size>x<grid size> <mine count>
./minesweeper 10x10 20
The program accepts two command line arguments to define the size of a square grid (5x5 - 24x24) and mine count, min. 5 mines but not more than half the number of cells on the grid. The default values are 10x10 grid with 20 mines.
A cell is revealed by entering its coordinates in the format 'A2', i.e. capital letter followed by a number. A cell is flagged by entering its coordinates with a preceding '?', i.e. '?A2'. Flagged cells can still be revealed later. Additional characters entered after the coordinates will be ignored.
The player wins when
- all cells without mines are revealed
- all mines are flagged
The player looses when
- a mine is revealed
The player is prompted for their name in the beginning and number of played games, lost games, won games and revealed cells are saved in a .txt file named after the player. The cell revealed randomly in the beginning is not counted.
- Main Task (30 points)
- Task (15 points) - Extend the program to handle the case when a cell contains a zero in a different way
- Task (15 points) - Extend the program to handle program arguments for a square Matrix size and amount of mines
- Task (15 points) - Extend the program that a player can mark a mine with a prefix
- Task (15 points) - Ask and save the names of the players. Generate a statistic for this player.
- Task (15 points) - Allow saving and continuing mid-game
- Task (25 points) - use n curses