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feat: add elixir-provider #2610

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add provider
JoE11-y committed Nov 3, 2024
commit 11e53eab8b5164d8983e6a9e2b982104c0f8e1fb
139 changes: 123 additions & 16 deletions openfeature/providers/elixir-provider/lib/elixir_provider.ex
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@@ -1,32 +1,139 @@
defmodule ElixirProvider do
alias OpenFeature.EvaluationDetails
alias ElixirProvider.ResponseFlagEvaluation
alias ElixirProvider.GoFeatureFlagMetadata
alias ElixirProvider.ContextTransformer
alias ElixirProvider.RequestFlagEvaluation
@behaviour OpenFeature.Provider

alias OpenFeature.ResolutionDetails
alias ElixirProvider.GoFeatureFlagOptions
alias ElixirProvider.Types
alias ElixirProvider.HttpClient
alias ElixirProvider.DataCollectorHook
alias ElixirProvider.CacheController
alias ElixirProvider.ResponseFlagEvaluation
alias ElixirProvider.GoFWebSocketClient
alias ElixirProvider.HttpClient
alias ElixirProvider.RequestFlagEvaluation
alias ElixirProvider.ContextTransformer
alias ElixirProvider.GofEvaluationContext

@moduledoc """
The provider for GO Feature Flag, managing HTTP requests, caching, and flag evaluation.
The GO Feature Flag provider for OpenFeature, managing HTTP requests, caching, and flag evaluation.

defstruct [
_data_collector_hook: nil,
_ws: nil,

@type t :: %__MODULE__{
options: GoFeatureFlagOptions.t(),
_http_client: HttpClient.t(),
_data_collector_hook: any(),
_ws: GoFWebSocketClient.t(),
options: GoFeatureFlagOptions.t(),
http_client: HttpClient.t(),
data_collector_hook: DataCollectorHook.t() | nil,
ws: GoFWebSocketClient.t(),
domain: String.t()

@impl true
def initialize(%__MODULE__{} = provider, domain, _context) do
{:ok, http_client} = HttpClient.start_http_connection(provider.options)
{:ok, data_collector_hook} = DataCollectorHook.start_link(provider.options, http_client)
{:ok, ws} = GoFWebSocketClient.start_link(provider.options.endpoint)

updated_provider = %__MODULE__{
| domain: domain,
http_client: http_client,
data_collector_hook: data_collector_hook,
ws: ws

{:ok, updated_provider}

@impl true
def shutdown(%__MODULE__{ws: ws} = provider) do
Process.exit(ws, :normal)
if provider.data_collector_hook, do: DataCollectorHook.shutdown(provider.data_collector_hook)

@impl true
def resolve_boolean_value(provider, key, default, context) do
generic_resolve(provider, :boolean, key, default, context)

@impl true
def resolve_string_value(provider, key, default, context) do
generic_resolve(provider, :string, key, default, context)

@impl true
def resolve_number_value(provider, key, default, context) do
generic_resolve(provider, :number, key, default, context)

@impl true
def resolve_map_value(provider, key, default, context) do
generic_resolve(provider, :map, key, default, context)

defp generic_resolve(provider, type, flag_key, default_value, context) do
{:ok, goff_context} = ContextTransformer.transform_context(context)
goff_request = %RequestFlagEvaluation{user: goff_context, default_value: default_value}
eval_context_hash = GofEvaluationContext.hash(goff_context)

response_body =
case CacheController.get(flag_key, eval_context_hash) do
{:ok, cached_response} ->

:miss ->
# Fetch from HTTP if cache miss
case, "/v1/feature/#{flag_key}/eval", goff_request) do
{:ok, response} -> handle_response(flag_key, eval_context_hash, response)
{:error, reason} -> {:error, {:unexpected_error, reason}}

handle_flag_resolution(response_body, type, flag_key, default_value)

defp handle_response(flag_key, eval_context_hash, response) do
# Build the flag evaluation struct directly from the response map
flag_eval = ResponseFlagEvaluation.decode(response)

# Cache the response if it's marked as cacheable
if flag_eval.cacheable do
CacheController.set(flag_key, eval_context_hash, response)

{:ok, flag_eval}

defp handle_flag_resolution(response, type, flag_key, _default_value) do
case response do
{:ok, %ResponseFlagEvaluation{value: value, reason: reason}} ->
case {type, value} do
{:boolean, val} when is_boolean(val) ->
{:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: val, reason: reason}}

{:string, val} when is_binary(val) ->
{:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: val, reason: reason}}

{:number, val} when is_number(val) ->
{:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: val, reason: reason}}

{:map, val} when is_map(val) ->
{:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: val, reason: reason}}

_ ->
{:error, {:variant_not_found, "Expected #{type} but got #{inspect(value)} for flag #{flag_key}"}}

_ ->
{:error, {:flag_not_found, "Flag #{flag_key} not found"}}

16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions openfeature/providers/elixir-provider/lib/provider/application.ex
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
defmodule OpenFeature.Application do
@moduledoc false

use Application

@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: OpenFeature.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ defmodule ElixirProvider.ContextTransformer do
@moduledoc """
Converts an OpenFeature EvaluationContext into a GO Feature Flag context.
alias ElixirProvider.EvaluationContext
alias ElixirProvider.GofEvaluationContext
alias OpenFeature.Types

@doc """
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ defmodule ElixirProvider.ContextTransformer do

@doc """
Converts an EvaluationContext map into a ElixirProvider.EvaluationContext struct.
Converts an EvaluationContext map into a ElixirProvider.GofEvaluationContext struct.
Returns `{:ok, context}` on success, or `{:error, reason}` on failure.
@spec transform_context(Types.context()) :: {:ok, EvaluationContext.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
@spec transform_context(Types.context()) :: {:ok, GofEvaluationContext.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
def transform_context(ctx) do
case get_any_value(ctx) do
{:ok, {key, value}} ->
{:ok, %EvaluationContext{
{:ok, %GofEvaluationContext{
key: key,
custom: value
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule DataCollectorHook do
defmodule ElixirProvider.DataCollectorHook do
use GenServer
require Logger

@@ -25,12 +25,32 @@ defmodule DataCollectorHook do

# Starts the GenServer and initializes with options
def start_link(state) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state, name: __MODULE__)
def start_link(options, http_client) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, {options, http_client: http_client}, name: __MODULE__)

def shutdown(state) do
http_client: state.http_client,
data_collector_endpoint: state.data_collector_endpoint,
disable_data_collection: state.disable_data_collection,
data_flush_interval: state.data_flush_interval,
event_queue: []

# Initializes GenServer state and schedules the first flush
def init(state) do
def init(args) do
state = %__MODULE__{
http_client: args.http_client,
data_collector_endpoint: args.options.endpoint,
disable_data_collection: args.options.disable_data_collection || false,
data_flush_interval: args.options.data_flush_interval || 60_000,
event_queue: []

{:ok, state}
@@ -40,6 +60,8 @@ defmodule DataCollectorHook do
Process.send_after(self(), :collect_data, interval)

### Hook Implementations

def after_hook(hook, hook_context, flag_evaluation_details, _hints) do
if hook.disable_data_collection or flag_evaluation_details.reason != :CACHED do
@@ -103,9 +125,8 @@ defmodule DataCollectorHook do
meta: %{"provider" => "open-feature-elixir-sdk"},
events: event_queue
|> Jason.encode!()

case, endpoint, body) do
case, endpoint, body) do
{:ok, response} ->"Data sent successfully: #{inspect(response)}")
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule ElixirProvider.EvaluationContext do
defmodule ElixirProvider.GofEvaluationContext do
@moduledoc """
GoFeatureFlagEvaluationContext is an object representing a user context for evaluation.
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@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ defmodule ElixirProvider.GoFeatureFlagOptions do
endpoint: String.t(),
cache_size: integer() | nil,
data_flush_interval: integer() | nil,
disable_data_collection: integer() | nil,
disable_data_collection: boolean(),
reconnect_interval: integer() | nil,
disable_cache_invalidation: boolean() | nil
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@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@ defmodule ElixirProvider.HttpClient do
headers: list()

@spec start_http_connection(client :: t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, any()}
def start_http_connection(client) do
uri = URI.parse(client.endpoint)
def start_http_connection(options) do
uri = URI.parse(options.endpoint)
scheme = if uri.scheme == "https", do: :https, else: :http

case Mint.HTTP.connect(scheme,, uri.port) do
{:ok, conn} ->
# Create the struct with the connection, endpoint, and default headers
config = %__MODULE__{
conn: conn,
endpoint: client.endpoint,
endpoint: options.endpoint,
headers: [{"content-type", "application/json"}]

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@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ defmodule ElixirProvider.RequestFlagEvaluation do
@moduledoc """
RequestFlagEvaluation is an object representing a user context for evaluation.
alias ElixirProvider.EvaluationContext
alias ElixirProvider.GofEvaluationContext

@enforce_keys [:user]
defstruct [:default_value, :user]

@type t :: %__MODULE__{
user: EvaluationContext.t(),
user: GofEvaluationContext.t(),
default_value: any()
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@@ -26,4 +26,19 @@ defmodule ElixirProvider.ResponseFlagEvaluation do
metadata: map() | nil,
cacheable: boolean() | nil

@spec decode(map()) :: t()
def decode(response) when is_map(response) do
failed: response["failed"] || false,
value: response["value"],
variation_type: response["variationType"],
reason: response["reason"] || "",
error_code: response["errorCode"],
metadata: response["metadata"] || %{},
cacheable: Map.get(response, "cacheable", false),
track_events: response["track_events"],
version: response["version"]