Server to provide/export Prometheuse metrics from EntireX Broker.
To provide and export Prometheuse metrics from EntireX Broker, a HTTP Server (Tomcat) process is needed. The Java server process connects via ACI to EntireX Broker, retrieves the Broker metrics and provides a REST interface on /metrics
for Prometheus protocol.
Install JARs into Maven repository ...
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/exx107/entirex.jar -DgroupId=com.softwareag.entirex -DartifactId=java-client -Dversion=10.7 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/exx107/exxutil.jar -DgroupId=com.softwareag.entirex -DartifactId=java-util -Dversion=10.7 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
Build the Java server with Maven mvn install
The server requires properties and these are reading from
. If you want to add or overwrite Tomcat default settings, add here the properties. The server process needs additional properties:
: Interval of seconds to retrieves metrics from EntireX BrokerbrokerID
: Connect to this EntireX Brokeruser
: Use the username to login to EntireX BrokerexcludeServerClass
: Exclude metrics of services which has the server class nameformatServiceName
: Format of service name l(ong)=CLASS/SERVICE/SERVER s(hort)=SERVICEcustomLabelName4Services
: Set a custom label for services. Default ispackage
: Map service to label value of custom label, e.g. "service1=labelvalue1;service2=labelvalue2"
To align services to other metrics, you can set own extra or custom label on services. The default label name is package
defined in
. E.g. if your service has the name RPCMAT
and in Integration Server is a package Material
with an adapter services which use the EntireX service, set the values RPCMAT=Material
in mapServiceToLabelValueList
. Than all metrics of RPCMAT
will have the label package=Material
The Springboot Framework can pass environment variable to application properties. This feature is used for Broker ID. The
file contains ...
and therefore set the environment variable BROKER
with value.
Use java -jar target/entirex-broker-metrics-exporter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To build a container for EntireX Broker Exporter, you can use the Dockerfile
docker build -t entirex-broker-exporter:latest .
To run the build, start following command to export metrics from myBroker
docker run -it -e BROKER=myBroker -p 8080:8080 entirex-broker-exporter:latest
Prometheus can poll now the metrics from localhost:8080/metrics
To deploy the container to Kubernetes, it is possible to use the Helm Chart (in sub-folder helm
helm upgrade --install my-exporter helm -n my-namespace --set --set broker=myBroker
To add this GitHub repo to your Helm Chart repositories, use ...
helm repo add entirex
Check the content with ...
helm search repo entirex
helm package -u ./helm
mkdir -p ./chart
mv entirex-broker-exporter-1.0.0.tgz ./chart
cd chart
helm repo index . --url
# Commit to gh-pages
git add .
git commit -am "<commit-message>"
git branch -M gh-pages
git push -f origin gh-pages