s2lox is a small toy language based on the lox language with some flavour of mine on top of it.
Currently on development.
git clone https://github.com/thmtvz/s2lox && cd s2lox
make all
./build/jS2lox resources/examples/hello.lx
./build/tsS2lox resources/examples/hello.lx
- jar
- npm
- tsc
- make
- java
- javac
- nodejs
- coreutils
git clone https://github.com/thmtvz/s2lox && cd s2lox
make java
./build/jS2lox resources/examples/hello.lx #😄
./build/tsS2lox resources/examples/hello.lx
- The most important program ever:
print "Hello, world!"; //Hello, world!
- Recursive fibonacci:
fun fib(n){
if(n < 2) return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
var result = fib(12);
print result; //144