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Confidential Federated Compute

The Confidential Federated Compute project enables Federated Learning and Analytics using Confidential Computing. This repository holds publicly verifiable components that run within Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and interact with user data. In order to run the components in this repository on TEEs, this repository depends on the Project Oak platform. In the Project Oak terminology, this repository contains Trusted Applications that run on the Oak Infrastructure.

Design and Code Structure

The goal of this project is to give end users meaningful control over how their data can be used when the data is uploaded to a central server. Trusted Execution Environments allow proving what is running on a central server, and our contribution is to design a distributed system that allows us to make claims about a system of TEEs, some of which may not begin execution until after the data has been uploaded, to create a "chain of trust" from the user that uploads data to the TEEs that subsequently process the data.

Data that is uploaded is encrypted and bound to a policy stating how the data can be used. This policy is a directed graph of allowed transformations on the data. The data will only be allowed to be decrypted by components that prove that the code they are running is allowed by the policy, by using remote attestation with a hardware root-of-trust to determine what binary is running.


The component responsible for enforcing the policy on the data is called the Ledger. When data is uploaded, it is initially only decryptable by the Ledger, which stores the key that can decrypt the data in-memory. This means that if the Ledger dies, access to the uploaded data is lost forever. Other, short lived components running in Trusted Execution Environments can provide attestations to the Ledger and request access to the data. If the attestation of the component along with its signed configuration matches the policy bound to the data, then the Ledger will carry out an encryption protocol to make the data decryptable by that component. This will allow the component to carry out its transformation on the data. The result of that transformation will continue to be subject to the same policy as the original data.

The code for the Ledger is located in the ledger_service and ledger_enclave_app directories; see the latter for additional documentation. The Ledger will run on a TEE using the Oak Restricted Kernel.


This repository also contains code for components that will run transformations over data within TEEs, if those transformations are allowed by the Ledger-enforced policy. There are transform implementations using both the Oak Restricted Kernel and Oak Containers.

  • [containers/agg_core] Oak Containers transform that aggregates multiple inputs using the Federated Compute Platform's aggregation cores.
  • [containers/sql_server] Oak Containers transform that uses SQL to query its inputs.
  • [containers/test_concat] Example Oak Containers transform that concatenates its inputs.
  • [examples/square_enclave_app] Example Oak Restricted Kernel transform that squares its input.
  • [examples/sum_enclave_app] Example Oak Restricted Kernel transform that sums its inputs.

See each transform's README for more details.

Mapping Federated Compute attestation verification records to binaries in this repository

As described in the Confidential Federated Computations paper, client devices running the Federated Compute client library and which participate in a ConfidentialAggregations protocol session will verify attestation evidence for the ledger application hosted in this repository. They will also verify the data access policy that the ledger will enforce, which will specify one or more allowed data transformation applications which are built from this repository.

After a successful verification, these devices will log an attestation verification record which can then be inspected. See inspecting_attestation_records/ for more details on how these verification records can be mapped to specific binaries in this repository.


The following section provides instructions for building artifacts that can be run within Trusted Execution Environments from the source code in this repo.

The eventual goal is to achieve binary transparency; that is, we would like to verifiably link a binary with the source code that produced the binary. This way, when a Trusted Execution Environment remotely attests that it is running a particular binary, anyone can verify that the binary was produced from a particular version of the source code, and thus be convinced that the Trusted Execution Environment is in fact running a particular application.

There are different strategies to achieve binary transparency. One strategy consists of the use of a trusted builder along with provenance and endorsement statements that are signed and published in a transparency log, as described in detail in Oak's Transparent Release documentation. Another strategy is making the build process fully reproducible, so that given a particular version of the source code, bitwise identical artifacts will be produced by the build process regardless of where or when the build process runs. This allows an external auditor to run the build process themselves in order to verify that the source code at a particular version produces the specified binary.

We provide the following instructions for building the code. As we make progress toward binary transparency, we will refine these instructions to provide details on how one can verify that a particular version of the source code produces a particular binary.



Bazelisk is the bazel-recommended way to obtain a specific bazel version. See for installation instructions.

The build scripts in this repository require either bazelisk to be in your PATH or the BAZELISK environment variable to be set to the location of the bazelisk binary.

Rootless Docker

Installing Docker is a prerequisite for the commands in this README.

Scripts in this repository that use Docker expect that the Docker daemon is running as the local user instead of root.

In order to run Docker without root privileges, follow the guide at .

Below is a quick summary of the relevant steps:

  1. If you have an existing version of Docker running as root, uninstall that first:

    sudo systemctl disable --now docker.service docker.socket
    sudo apt remove docker-ce docker-engine docker-runc docker-containerd
  2. Install uidmap:

    sudo apt install uidmap
  3. Add a range of subids for the current user:

    sudo usermod --add-subuids 500000-565535 --add-subgids 500000-565535 $USER
  4. Download the install script for rootless Docker, and run it as the current user:

    curl -fSSL > $HOME/rootless
    sh $HOME/rootless
  5. Add the generated environment variables to your shell:

    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
    export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/docker.sock

    As an alternative to setting the DOCKER_HOST environment variable, it is possible to instead run the following command to set the Docker context:

    docker context use rootless

    In either case, running the following command should show the current status:

    $ docker context ls
    NAME        DESCRIPTION                               DOCKER ENDPOINT                       KUBERNETES ENDPOINT   ORCHESTRATOR
    default *   Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration   unix:///run/user/152101/docker.sock                         swarm
    rootless    Rootless mode                             unix:///run/user/152101/docker.sock
    Warning: DOCKER_HOST environment variable overrides the active context. To use a context, either set the global --context flag, or unset DOCKER_HOST environment variable.

    This should show either that the default context is selected and is using the user-local docker endpoint from the DOCKER_HOST variable, or that the rootless context is selected.

Building Artifacts

Clone this repository to your developer machine. The following commands should all be run from within the repository root.

To specify a directory where the build artifacts will be output, run the following command. Consider adding the line below to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc so you don't have to run this step every time you enter a new shell.

export BINARY_OUTPUTS_DIR=/tmp/confidential-federated-compute/binaries

To build all artifacts which can be run in enclaves, run the following command:

./scripts/ release

After the above command completes, use the following command to list the output binaries:


You should see a subdirectory for each server, including the following:

ledger  sql_server  square_example  sum_example

These correspond to the components described in Design and Code Structure.


See for details.


Apache 2.0; see LICENSE for details.


This is not an officially supported Google product.


TEE-hosted binaries for verifiable server-side computation.







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  • C++ 57.8%
  • Rust 33.4%
  • Starlark 6.1%
  • Shell 2.1%
  • Python 0.6%