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This project is designed to wrap around the Yocto build system, to simplify usage and as well as managing common security features over the built image.

More information on our docs

Thistle-yocto-build works by accepting a configuration file in YAML format and outputting a fully built image. The configuration file is based on the format used by the kas project with extensions to specify the security components to be used by the assembled image.


  • clone and checkout BitBake layers automatically
  • build a Yocto image
  • safe defaults (disabled ssh on production builds, etc..)
  • default configurations for qemuarm64, Raspberry Pi 4, BeagleBoneBlack
  • basic security check & CVE audit post build
  • direct integration with Thistle Update Client
  • quality-of-life features such as one-line configuration flag to enable curl, openssl, etc..

Some features used in the repository are based off the meta-thistle layer - such as the Infineon TrustM linux tool integration.

Example Config

  version: 11

target: base
machine: qemuarm64-thistle
distro: thistle-base

  meta-thistle: e05a0ab0e3abfc3c8fcb5371fdffa451765826af
    bin: true
    lib: true
    tls: openssl

    url: git://
    refspec: 54ee67b1a805a07288925d56e9956aabc23b6ab2
      - meta

    url: git://
    refspec: kirkstone
      - meta-oe
      - meta-python
      - meta-networking
      - meta-perl

  standard: |
    PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_rpm"
    CONF_VERSION = "2"


Dowload a released binary from the releases page or see the build instructions below.

$ ./thistle-yocto-build --help
$ ./thistle-yocto-build gen-config qemu
$ ./thistle-yocto-build build --debug conf.yml
# Default image build time is ~ 45mins on a Ryzen 5 3600. Requires ~50GB of free storage.


note: the project only builds on x86_64 linux due to C dependency on crypt(3) functions

# requires rust, x86_64-unknown-linux-musl target and clang
$ make release

Build Images with Docker

Note: The default Linux login for the built images is:

  • username: thistle
  • password: is_awesome

Build QEMU image for ARM64

$ docker build --platform=linux/amd64 \
    -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.qemuarm64 \
    -t qemuarm64:latest \

$ mkdir build_out && chmod 777 build_out
# Copy built images to build_out/
$ docker run -v "$(pwd)/build_out":/home/builder/tyb_build_out \
    --rm -i qemuarm64:latest \
    /bin/bash -c "cp -r /home/builder/build/deploy/images/* /home/builder/tyb_build_out/"

Build Raspberry Pi 4 image with OPTIGA™ Trust-M Linux tools

$ docker build --platform=linux/amd64 \
    -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.rpi4-trustm \
    -t rpi4trustm:latest \

$ mkdir build_out && chmod 777 build_out
# Copy built images to build_out/
$ docker run -v "$(pwd)/build_out":/home/builder/tyb_build_out \
    --rm -i rpi4trustm:latest \
    /bin/bash -c "cp -r /home/builder/build/deploy/images/* /home/builder/tyb_build_out/"