This is a tic-tac-toe game built using Python 3.4.0, Django 1.11.1, and Django REST framework 3.6.3.
Clone this project into ~/projects/tictactoe/.
Install Python 3.4.0 and the dependencies listed in requirements.txt.
Run the server:
$ python3 ~/projects/tictactoe/ runserver
http://localhost:8000/games/1/ should then be available in the browser.
In this version, there is only one game.
Join as X:
$ curl -X POST localhost:8000/games/1/join/x/
Join as O:
$ curl -X POST localhost:8000/games/1/join/o/
Using the token returned from a successful POST to /join/x/ or /join/o/:
$ curl --header "Authorization: Token 64dd6c95-3e20-4e04-b320-62792dfe7e0a" --data "row=0&col=0" localhost:8000/games/1/
{"board":"[[true, null, null], [null, null, null], [null, null, null]]","current_player":false,"winner":null}
$ curl --header "Authorization: Token 03d22119-192d-4cb2-a48c-7b131d46695d" --data "row=2&col=2" localhost:8000/games/1/
{"board":"[[true, null, null], [null, null, null], [null, null, false]]","current_player":true,"winner":null}
The token defines which player is making the move, and players must alternate moves.
$ cd ~/projects/tictactoe
$ python3 test
Load in the provided Django fixture to the database:
$ python3 ~/projects/tictactoe/ loaddata ~/projects/tictactoe/api/fixtures/game.json