Just a small tweaked PDO extension for my own personal use.
Use your CLI and enter the following to clone:
git clone https://github.com/thielicious/slimPDO.git
Since it's packed in a trait called DB, you only need to use
it in any class you want:
if (trait_exists("DB")) { // optional
class some_class {
use DB;
// ...
Now, instead of:
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([":param" => $value]);
Just do this:
$this->pdo->prep($sql,[":param" => $value]);
foreach ($this->pdo->prep(
"SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `usr_name` = :name",
[":name" => $username]
) as $user) {
return $user->usr_id;
This extension can be used as a callback hence very useful in loops. No separate declaration needed.