eMail Manager for simple use in contact forms as customer and administrator
Documentation | Changelog | Downloads | Examples | Licence
Built with PHP (7.09)
For live demos click above on Examples
eMM (abbr. for 'eMail Manager') is a compact and tiny mailing API including small adjustments for personal desires. This API simplifies the flexible use of several input fields which will be used to send and transport data through a classical mailing process. Useful for setting up customer contact forms and newsletters.
eMM is a stand-alone API. It requires no additional frameworks or libraries.
Use your CLI and enter the following to clone:
git clone
Or click below to choose your download option:
» Download eMM
For an overview of all versions and bug fixes please check the Changelog.
For a detailed installation click here.
This API consists of two main classes which are designed for the use of a customer enquiry contact form and for the use of a newsletter as an administrator. Moreover, these are shipped with plenty useful methods for customization.
Click here for detailed information about the usage.
» A demo is added to this API.
After cloning, simply go to the demo folder on your localhost.