-----React Weather App This React application provides a user-friendly interface to search for and display weather information for any city.
-----Features City Search: Enter a city name in the search bar and retrieve its weather data. Weather Display: Shows current temperature (°C), city location, weather icon, humidity (%), and wind speed (km/h). Search on Enter: Initiate a search by pressing the Enter key besides clicking the search button. Error Handling: Gracefully handles API request failures and invalid city names. Initial City Display: Shows weather data for a default city (e.g., Faisalabad) when the app loads. Clean and Responsive Design: Visually appealing layout that adapts to different screen sizes.
-----Tech Stack React OpenWeatherMap API (for weather data)
-----Installation and Usage Clone the repository. Install dependencies: npm install Obtain an OpenWeatherMap API key and replace import.meta.env.VITE_APP_ID in the code with your own key. Run the application: npm run dev Access the app in your browser (usually at http://localhost:5173).
-----Contributing This project is open-source and welcomes contributions! Consider adding features like: Support for different temperature units (Fahrenheit, Kelvin) Displaying additional weather details (forecast, precipitation) Implementing user preferences for default city and units
-----License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.