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Theta Network TNT20 Token Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to deploy a TNT20 token to the Theta Testnet, query the token balance of a wallet, and transfer TNT20 tokens between two wallets. TNT20 stands for "Theta-Network-Token-20". It is the ERC20-equivalent token standard on the Theta Network.

Before you proceed, we would like to emphasize that the TNT20 example contract used in this tutorial is just for demostration purpose. It is NOT meant for production. Furthermore, for simplicity, we are using insecure private keys such as 0x1111...11111 and 0x2222...22222 in this tutorial. Please use secure private keys for your production deployments.

1. Setup

This tutorial will use Truffle and Ganache for contract deployment and testing. Please install these tools following the instructions here and here. To learn more about smart contract development with the Truffle suite, please check out this link.

Next, clone this repository and install dependencies.

git clone
cd tnt20-token-example
npm install

2. Smart Contract Compilation

Compile the smart contracts under the contracts/ folder with the following command. Make sure there is no compilation error.

truffle compile

3. Deploy and interact with the TNT20 contract on a local simulated network

3.1. Launch a local simulated blockchain

Open a new terminal, and execute the command below to start a simulated blockchain on your local computer with the "ganache-cli" tool:

ganache-cli --networkId 3456 --port 8545 -l 20000000 --account='0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999',10000000000000000000000 --account='0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',10000000000000000000000

3.2. Deployment to the local simulated network

Now, go back to the terminl where you cloned the tnt20-token-example repo, and deploy the TNT20 token contract to the local simulated network with the following command:

truffle migrate --reset --compile-all --network=ganache

The above command should print out logs similar to the following (the contract address might be different). Please note down the contract address.


   Deploying 'Migrations'

   Deploying 'TNT20'
   > contract address:    0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF

3.3 Print the TNT20 token details

You can print the name, symbol, decimals, and total supply of a TNT20 token using the scripts/print_tnt20_token_details.js script:

node scripts/print_tnt20_token_details.js <Network> <TNT20TokenContractAddress>

Assuming the contract address is 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF, we can query the details of the TNT20 token we just deployed with the following command:

node scripts/print_tnt20_token_details.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF

The script should print out something like

==================== Token details =====================
Address     : 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF
Name        : Awesome Token
Symbol      : AST
Decimals    : 18
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000 AST Wei

As you can see, the name and symbol are what we set in the migrations/1_initial_migration.js deployment script. The token has 18 decimals, which is a default setting for TNT20 tokens. TNT20 token contracts typically support fractional tokens (just as 1 US Dollar equals to 100 cents). The value of "decimals" indicates how many 0’s there are to the right of the decimal point the fixed-point representation of a token. As we set the decimals of the token to 18, one AST Token equals 10^18 AST Wei, where "Wei" is the smallest fraction of the token. The total supply is 100000000000000000000000000 AST Wei, which is equal to 100,000,000 AST tokens as we specified in the deployment script.

3.4. Query the TNT20 token balance of a wallet

You can query the TNT20 token balance of a wallet using script scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js:

node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js <Network> <TNT20TokenContractAddress> <WalletAddress>

For instance, you can query the token balance of wallet address 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508:

node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508

Note that this wallet is the "initial distribution wallet" specified in the deployment script. Hence its balance should be 100000000000000000000000000 AST Wei, which is equal to 100,000,000 AST tokens.

3.5. Send the TNT20 token between two wallets

We have prepare a script scripts/send_tnt20_token.js for transfering TNT20 tokens between two wallets:

node scripts/send_tnt20_token.js <Network> <TNT20TokenContractAddress> <SenderPrivateKey> <ReceiverAddress> <AmountInWei>

The following command sequence sends AST tokens between two wallets, and queries the token balance of the sender and receiver wallet before and after the token transfer:

# Query the token balance of the sender address before the transfer
node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508

# Query the token balance of the receiver address before the transfer
node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF 0x5CbDd86a2FA8Dc4bDdd8a8f69dBa48572EeC07FB

# Send 999999999 AST Wei from 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508 to 0x5CbDd86a2FA8Dc4bDdd8a8f69dBa48572EeC07FB
node scripts/send_tnt20_token.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 0x5CbDd86a2FA8Dc4bDdd8a8f69dBa48572EeC07FB 999999999

# Query the token balance of the sender address after the transfer, the balance should decrease by 999999999
node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508

# Query the token balance of the receiver address after the transfer the balance should increase by 999999999
node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js ganache 0x73b647cbA2FE75Ba05B8e12ef8F8D6327D6367bF 0x5CbDd86a2FA8Dc4bDdd8a8f69dBa48572EeC07FB

As the print out shows, 999999999 AST Wei was sent from the sender address to the receiver address. The sender is the initial distribution wallet address 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508, whose private key is 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222.

4. Deploy and interact with the TNT20 contract on the Theta Testnet

In the section, we show how you can deploy the TNT20 contract to the Theta Testnet, query the token balances, and send tokens between wallets.

4.1. Preparation

Before running the following commoands, please make sure the following addresses on the Theta Testnet have sufficient amount of TFuel (at least 100 TFuel):

Deployer wallet: 0x19E7E376E7C213B7E7e7e46cc70A5dD086DAff2A

Initial distribution wallet: 0x1563915e194D8CfBA1943570603F7606A3115508

Note: The private keys of the above accounts are 0x1111...11111 and 0x2222...22222, respectively (e.g. see here). This just for demonstration purpose. For your production mainnet deployment, please use secure private keys, and make sure the corresponding wallet addresses have sufficient amount of TFuels.

4.2. Deploy to the Theta Testnet

Next, run the following command to deploy the TNT20 token contract to the Theta Testnet. Please note down the contract address printed by the truffle migrate command.

truffle migrate --reset --compile-all --network=theta_testnet

4.3 Print the TNT20 token details

Use the following command to print details of a token deployed on the Theta Testnet:

node scripts/print_tnt20_token_details.js theta_testnet <TNT20TokenContractAddress>

4.4. Query the TNT20 token balance of a wallet

Use the following command to query the TNT20 token balance of a wallet on the Theta Testnet:

node scripts/query_tnt20_token_balance.js theta_testnet <TNT20TokenContractAddress> <WalletAddress>

4.5. Send the TNT20 token between two wallets

Use the following command to send TNT20 tokens between two wallets on the Theta Testnet:

node scripts/send_tnt20_token.js theta_testnet <TNT20TokenContractAddress> <SenderPrivateKey> <ReceiverAddress> <AmountInWei>


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