This software is a bridge between an old KettlerBike with USB Serial port to a fresh Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral implementing FTMS and some GATT services.
- the bike appears as a controlable Bike (FTMS, with SIM and ERG support)
- there is also a Cadence sensor, power meter and other services
- In SIM mode : It implements a Power Curve to fit to external feeling.
it's a work in progress:
- Working on the power curve
- Implementing Gear Shift
- Using Momentary buttons to shift gear up and down
- Oled screen feedback
I was able to test it on a Kettler Ergorace ( and ZWIFT.
Install on a rasperypi zero with nodejs (version 8, some lib are not compiling on Node 10).
We need to enable 1.2A USB power draw mode, otherwise the RPi limits the draw to 0.6A:
# Force 1.2A USB draw
nodejs : follow the link below and find a list of scripts.
Just run the wget
of the selected version, and ... you have a node with the coreect version.
version 8.10 is OK
We use the great bleno (from abandonware for continuous support) library for simulating a Bluetooth Peripheral followin the gatt FTMS protocol. see
Stop the bluetooth service (Bleno implements another stack)
sudo systemctl disable bluetooth
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
install lib
sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev
- download the sources
git clone
cd kettlerUSB2BLE_PS
- Install !! No Sudo for node install. It breaks the compilation
npm install
it can take a while as bleno must be compiled from sources.
just plug an USB cable from your PI (data USB, the central one) to the USB I personnaly use 2 cables
- One Mini USB to USB B
- an old one from USB B to USB A it's not very clean but it works
The Linux version installed on the PI already contains the CP21xx drivers. -> Nothing special on this side
First try (need to sudo for bleno):
sudo node server.js
You should hear a sound from the bike when the Serial connection is OK. On the bike screen, you can now see the "USB" icons
If you scan for BLE peripheral (use Nordic RF app fro ANdroid or IPhone for example) Your kettler bike should appear as KettlerBLE device with two services (power & FTMS)
The Bridge is also a simple web server. It help debuging and have more feedback on the current state of the bike.
I use a static IP for the PI (see the doc of your router)
- modify the index.ejs (line 47) file with the ip of your raspbery
- start your browser pi-adress:3000
you can follow the bridge activity on a simple website. It will display the current power, HR et speed and some logs. It's also possible to switch gears.
For an automatic launch with the raspberry
sudo systemctl link /home/pi/kettlerUSB2BLE_PS/kettler.service
-> Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/kettler.service → /home/pi/kettlerUSB2BLE_PS/kettler.service.
sudo systemctl enable kettler.service
sudo systemctl start kettler.service
- Power Curve description with config
- Oled feedback
- Gear Shift