The CoolProp2Modelica library provides a connection between the external open-source property database CoolProp and the Modelica.Media package.
The latest version of CoolProp has been integrated into the ExternalMedia library.
In order to get ExternalMedia working on your computer, You need to check out the sources for ExternalMedia using SVN from
Once the ExternalMediaLibrary is on your computer you need to build the ExternalMediaLib.lib. In ExternalMediaLibrary\Projects\ double-click on BuildLib-Dymola-VS20XX depending on your current version of VisualStudio. This will build the ExternalMediaLib.lib file in ExternalMediaLibrary\Modelica\ExternalMedia 3.2.1\Resources\Library\win32
Check that no old version of ExternalMedia.lib file are stored in your Dymola/bin/lib directory.
Alternatively, you can download the precompiled binary files from github. On windows, in the Modelica/ExternalMedia 3.2.1/Resources/Library/win32 folder, copy the ExternalMedia ExternalMediaLib.Dymola-VS2008.lib to ExternalMedia ExternalMediaLib.lib if you are using visual studio 2008 for instance. Same idea if you use Visual Studio 2010/2012, etc.
You can now load the library by opening Modelica/ExteralMedia 3.2.1/ file
See the intallation.txt file in ExternalMedia library. for installation instructions
package R407c_CP_ExtMed "R134c - Coolprop - TC"
extends ExternalMedia.Media.CoolPropMedium (
mediumName = "R407c",
substanceNames = {"R407c"},;
end R407c_CP_ExtMed;
package DowQ_CP "DowthermQ properties from CoolProp"
extends ExternalMedia.Media.IncompressibleCoolPropMedium(
end DowQ_CP;
For other examples the user is redirected to the Test package of the ExternalMedia library