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ThePower SDK JavaScript libraries.


Here is a JavaScript implementation of The Power API. The API description can be found here:

Quick start

To start using The Power SDK just execute the following commands:

git clone
cd tp_sdk_js
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install
npm run build

Folder tp_sdk_js/build now contains tp-sdk.min.js. This file can be included in your HTML page. Global object tpSdk will be available for you. It contains libraries for The Power API.

Another option, you may simply import address-lib.js or transactions-lib.js files directly.

When you are using transaction library, please make sure that the file js-sha512/sha512.min.js is accessible via root-relative link '/sha512.min.js'.

Address Lib

The address-lib.js file contains implementation the operations with address representations.

The Power addresses are explained in detail here:

It exposes following methods:

  • encodeAddress

Use this method to parse binary address (like [128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 0, 92]). The parsing result is an object like the following:

  block: 3
  checksum: 46
  group: 10
  scope: "public"
  txt: "AA100000005033174046"
  wallet: 92

[128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 0, 92] is the binary representation of AA100000005033174046 text address.

  • parseTextAddress

Use this method to parse the text representation of the address (like AA100000005033174046). The parsing result is an Uint8Array like [128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 0, 92].

  • hexToAddress

Use this method to convert the hexadecimal representation of the address (like 800140000300005C) to its binary representation (like [128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 0, 92]).

800140000300005C is the hexadecimal representation of the AA100000005033174046 address' in the text representation.

  • textAddressToHex

Use this method to convert the text representation of the address (like AA100000005033174046) to its hexadecimal representation (like 800140000300005C).

  • isTextAddressValid

This method returns true if provided as an argument address in the text representation is valid, false otherwise.

  • hexToTextAddress

Use this method to convert the hexadecimal address representation (like 800140000300005C) to its text representation (like AA100000005033174046).

Transactions Lib

The transactions-lib.js file contains implementation of the operations with transactions.

Transaction format is described here:

It exposes following methods:

  • composeSimpleTransferTX
composeSimpleTransferTX(feeSettings, wif, from, to, token, amount, message, seq)

Use this method to compose, wrap and sign a general purpose transaction (token transfer transaction).

It accepts the following arguments:

feeSettings - object that contains information regarding fee settings in the shard. It may be empty if shard does not require a fee;

wif - wallet's private key in WIF format;

from - text representation of source wallet address;

to - text representation of receiving wallet address;

token - token name to transfer;

amount - amount to transfer;

message - message, to include in transaction. May be empty.

seq - sequence number for transaction.

Method returns packed and signed transaction, presented in base64.

For example:

tpSdk.transactionsLib.composeSimpleTransferTX({}, 'L2vedH1QQaKfes8EkiWnfc1Atx45WMVuXDMVC1nutKAwMSSQQgEg', 'AA100000005033263927', 'AA100000005033174046', 'FTT', 1, '', 2)


The result of this method call with the same arguments will be different since timestamps are used in the transaction.

  • composeSCMethodCallTX

Use this method to compose, wrap and sign an SC method call transaction

composeSCMethodCallTX(address, sc, toCall, wif, feeSettings)

It accepts the following arguments:

address - text representation of source wallet address;

sc - smart contract address;

toCall - array containing method name and parameters. Format: ['method', [parameters]];

wif - wallet's private key in WIF format;

feeSettings - object that contains information regarding fee settings in the shard. It may be empty if shard does not require a fee;

Method returns packed and signed transaction, presented in base64.

  • composeStoreTX

Use this method to compose, wrap and sign a storage transaction

composeStoreTX(address, patches, wif, feeSettings)

It accepts the following arguments:

address - text representation of source wallet address;

patches - array of patches like {p:[path], v:value, f:'set'};

toCall - array containing method name and parameters. Format: ['method', [parameters]];

wif - wallet's private key in WIF format;

feeSettings - object that contains information regarding fee settings in the shard. It may be empty if shard does not require a fee;

Method returns packed and signed transaction, presented in base64.

  • composeRegisterTX
async composeRegisterTX(wif, referrer)

Use this method to compose and sign registration transaction.

It accepts the following arguments:

wif - newly generated wallet's private key in WIF format;

referrer - text representation of address of the wallet that will be used as a referrer of a newly created wallet. Optional.

The method returns a promise that will return packed and signed transaction, presented in base64 upon resolve.

For example:

await tpSdk.transactionsLib.composeRegisterTX('L2vedH1QQaKfes8EkiWnfc1Atx45WMVuXDMVC1nutKAwMSSQQgEg')

will produce transaction like g6Rib2R5xDyEoWsRoXTPAAABaFHQt6mlbm9uY2XNAfGhaMQg5cQq5McyGwdywxhoHrUeCWmQgqdnUUf/uCUVqkeWyK+jc2lnkcRs/0cwRQIhALQ6z/biF10pPrMfMlPTlbHFiRQDsACgfVpf6hEIrayPAiAQjaQcZmgB4h+g+RdkR/lAIaFrE3gaV9aQ3RiyD7cGOgIhA5Rh5yw1RiIQ+LBscl2taxpnNVMVREXBtxQOpVCIFPmBo3ZlcgI=

Your result with the same parameters will vary since timestamps are used in transaction.

  • calculateFee
calculateFee(feeSettings, from, to, token, amount, message, seq)

Use this method to compute the amount of fee required to complete the transaction.

It accepts the following arguments:

feeSettings - object, containing information regarding fee settings in shard. Can be empty if shard does not require fee;

from - text representation of source wallet address;

to - text representation of receiving wallet address;

token - token name to transfer;

amount - amount to transfer;

message - message, to include in transaction. Can be empty.

seq - sequence number for transaction.

Method returns array like [1, "SK", 100]. Where first element is fee signature, second element is fee currency and third element is fee ammount.

For example:

tpSdk.transactionsLib.calculateFee({feeCur: 'SK', fee: 100, baseEx: 100, kb: 500}, 'AA100000005033263927', 'AA100000005033174046', 'FTT', 1, '', 2)

will produce array [1, "SK", 100]

  • packAndSignTX
packAndSignTX(tx, wif)

Use this method to pack and sign existing transaction.

It accepts the following arguments:

tx - object, containing transaction;

wif - wallet's private key in WIF format.

Method returns packed and signed transaction, presented in base64.

For example:

tx = {
    k: 16,
    t: 1547575208280,
    f: [128, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0, 7, 20],
    to: [128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 3, 40],
    s: 2,
    p: [[0, 'FTT', 2]]
tpSdk.transactionsLib.packAndSignTX(tx, 'L2vedH1QQaKfes8EkiWnfc1Atx45WMVuXDMVC1nutKAwMSSQQgEg')

will produce transaction g6Rib2R5xDWGoWsQoXTPAAABaFKrqVihZpjMgAFAAAEABxSidG+YzIABQAADAAMooXMCoXCRkwCjRlRUAqNzaWeRxGv/RjBEAiB4YgIlerGNYhPNCCCWkJF1yWfjs499lfAwU0+oGgLjpQIgORgauyggsblOzp90Odtgsm+kPstlwSSAV9NBLEQVpyoCIQOUYecsNUYiEPiwbHJdrWsaZzVTFURFwbcUDqVQiBT5gaN2ZXIC

  • prepareTXFromSC
prepareTXFromSC(feeSettings, address, seq, scData, gasToken = 'SK', gasValue = 5000)

Use this method to complete transaction generated by smart contract. Transactions generated by smart contracts lack source address, sequence number, timestamp and fee and gas amounts.

It accepts the following arguments:

feeSettings - object, containing information regarding fee settings in shard. Can be empty if shard does not require fee;

address - text representation of source wallet address;

seq - sequence number for transaction;

scData - partial transaction, returned by smart contract;

gasToken - name of the token that is used for Gas (default is SK);

gasValue - maximum amount to be spent on Gas (default is 5000).

Method returns an object containing new transaction.

For example:

feeSettings = {feeCur: "SK", fee: 100, baseEx: 100, kb: 500};

scData = {
    k: 16,
    p: [[0, 'SK', 10]],
    c: ["save", [1]]

tpSdk.transactionsLib.prepareTXFromSC(feeSettings, 'AA100000005033263927', 2, scData)

will produce transaction

    k: 16,
    p: [[3, 'SK', 5000], [0, 'SK', 10], [1, "SK", 100]],
    c: ["save", [1]],
    f: [128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 3, 223],
    s: 2,
    t: 1547578028384,
  • decodeTx

Use this method to decode transaction. It accepts transactions in both base64 and binary formats.

For example:


will produce

    body: {
        f: [128, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0, 7, 20],
        k: 16,
        p: [[0, "FTT", 2]]
        s: 2,
        t: 1547575208280,
        to: (8) [128, 1, 64, 0, 3, 0, 3, 40],
    sig: <Uint8Array (107) 255, 70, 48, 68, 2, 32, 120, 98, 2, 37, 122, 177, 141, 98, 19, 205 ...>,
    ver: 2
  • listValidTxSignatures

Use this method to validate transaction signatures. It accepts transactions in both base64 and binary formats. Method returns an object containing list of bsig with valid signatures (validSignatures field) and count of invalid signatures (invalidSignaturesCount field).

For example:


will produce

    invalidSignaturesCount: 0
    validSignatures: <Uint8Array (107) 255, 70, 48, 68, 2, 32, 120, 98, 2, 37, 122, 177, 141, 98, 19, 205 ...>
  • extractTaggedDataFromBSig
extractTaggedDataFromBSig(tag, bsig)

Use this method to extract tagged data from bsig binary.

It accepts the following arguments:

tag - target data tag. Value between 0 and 255;

bsig - bsig binary that contains tagged data.

Method returns binary representation of the tagged data.

For example:

bsig = new Uint8Array([1, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]);
tpSdk.transactionsLib.extractTaggedDataFromBSig(2, bsig);

will produce <Uint8Array (3) 3, 2, 1>


feeSettings object have following fields:

feeCur - name of the token that is used for fee;

fee - minimal fee value;

baseEx - number of bytes allowed for minimal fee;

kb - cost of each Kb above the minimum.

Each shard has it's own fee settings. Shard's settings are available via nodes HTTP api. API is described here:

Network Lib

The network-lib.js file contains implementation of the operations with blockchain.

It exposes following methods:

  • sendTxAndWaitForResponse
sendTxAndWaitForResponse(tx, chain, timeout)

Use this method to send transaction to selected chain.

It accepts the following arguments:

tx - packed and signed transaction in base64;

chain - chain number;

timeout - timeout in seconds. Defaults to 120.

Method returns a Promise that resolves to information about created transaction or error information.

  • getFeeSettings
async getFeeSettings(chain)

Use this method to load fee settings from selected chain.

It accepts the following arguments:

chain - chain number;

Method asynchronously returns an object containing chain's fee settings.

  • getBlock
async getBlock(chain, hash = 'last')

Use this method to load given block from selected chain.

It accepts the following arguments:

chain - chain number;

hash - hash of a block to get;

Method asynchronously returns an object containing block.

  • getWallet
async getWallet(chain, address)

Use this method to load given wallet information from selected chain.

It accepts the following arguments:

chain - chain number;

address - address of a wallet to get;

Method asynchronously returns an object containing wallet infomation.

  • addChain
async addChain(number, nodes)

Use this method to add new chain to then list.

It accepts the following arguments:

number - chain number;

nodes - array containing data about chain nodes. Each array element should be in format {address: < address>, nodeId: < id>}, where address is url for a node (like or and nodeId is string identifying the node;

Method does not return a value.

scLoader Lib

The sc_loader.js file contains implementation of the instantiation of smart contract.

  • instantiateSC
async instantiateSC(address, chain)

Use this method to instantiate remote SC.

It accepts the following arguments:

address - text representation of smart contract address;

chain - chain number;

This method returns object with instantiatiated smart contract.
Returned object exposes executeMethod method (explained below).

  • loadScLocal
async loadScLocal(code, state = {}, balance = {})

Use this method to locally load smart contract from.

It accepts the following arguments:

code - typed array (Uint8Array), containing smart contract code.

state - object containing smart contract state.

balance - object containing smart contract balance.

This method returns object with instantiatiated smart contract.
Returned object exposes executeMethod method.

  • executeMethod
async executeMethod(method, params = [])

Use this method to execute method of a smart contract.

It accepts the following arguments:

method - name of the method.

params - array with method parameters.

This method asynchronously executes specified smart contract method.


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