This repository contains Snakemake workflows for benchmarking tools which report microbial taxonomies and their relative abundance in microbial communities, using metagenome sequencing as input. It focuses particularly on comparing the SingleM microbial profiler to others, but can be adapted to new profilers so long as they can output GTDB R207-based taxonomy profiles.
The benchmarks are:
(i.e. 'known species benchmark') - benchmark profilers using communities simulated from genomes which have been assigned taxonomies at the species level in GTDB (the genomes chosen are not representative genomes, however).2_phylogenetic_novelty/
- benchmark profilers on community profiles made up of a novel lineage and a known species, at equal abundance. This benchmark tests the ability of profilers to detect and classify new lineages.3_cami2_marine
- benchmark profilers on CAMI2 marine datasets, after converting the taxonomy to GTDB R207-based taxonomy.4_complex_and_novel
- benchmark profilers on a complex community (defined by the CAMI2 marine coverages), where 0-100% of the community is new in GTDB R214 compared to R207.
To get this repository, git clone with recursive option to get the submodules:
git clone --recursive
To run a benchmark, first create a conda env
cd singlem-benchmarking
mamba env create -n singlem-benchmarking -f env.yml
Then activate it
conda activate singlem-benchmarking
First, download the reference databases for each tool
snakemake --snakefile gather_tool_databases.smk --use-conda -c 8
The Metabuli R207 database is downloaded separately. Download the tar.gz file from and put it into a new folder tool_reference_data/metabuli
. Then extract it with
tar -xvf metabuli.tar.gz
Then run the benchmarking, for instance #1
Then run a benchmarking, for instance #1
cd 1_novel_strains
Results can be viewed by rerunning the plot.ipynb
in each benchmark directory, and then the plot_overall.ipynb
notebook in the base directory.
Using NCBI datasets CLI (on conda as ncbi-datasets-cli=14.29.0
cd 2_phylogenetic_novelty
cd genomes
datasets download genome accession --inputfile ../genome_accessions.txt
# Rename files to simple names (e.g. GCA_000508305.1_genomic.fna)
parallel --col-sep "\t" cp {1} {2} :::: ../genome_ncbi_names.tsv
cd ../genome_pairs
datasets download genome accession --inputfile ../genome_pairs_accessions.txt
# Rename files to simple names (e.g. GCA_000508305.1_genomic.fna)
parallel --col-sep "\t" cp {1} {2} :::: ../genome_pairs_ncbi_names.tsv