Releases: theotherp/nzbhydra2
Note: I've added debug logging to the wrapper for better, well, debugging of problems related to updating. To enable debug logging create a file DEBUG in the data folder and restart the program. As before, any non-docker installations will need to update the wrapper files manually. I'm working on a better solution.
Fix: Adding binsearch/NZBIndex/anizb would fail the connection check
Fix: Periodic check of downloader status was not executed as expected, resulting in incomplete status NZB reports in the history
Fix: Logger sometimes swallowed information when anonymizing data
Note: I've changed how some data is kept in the database. Deleting an indexer will remove it completely from the database, also deleting all related stats, search results and downloads. This might take a while on the next startup or whenever you delete an indexer with many related entries
Feature: Option to delete backups after x weeks. 4 is the default
Fix: Improve layout on mobile devices. Thanks nemchik
Fix: Updated the wrapper to delete older JAR files which previously caused some trouble. Any existing installations will have to update this manually. Docker containers must be updated.
Feature: Improved handling of XML generation for newznab/torznab API calls. Should improve compatibility with calling tools
Feature: Hydra attempts to recognize if it's running inside docker. It will not allow you call the internal update mechanism from the main page. You may still call it from the Updates page but a warning will be shown. Let me know if this works
Fix: The URL code change introduced with 1.1.0 might've caused some problems and should be fixed now
Fix: Sending NZBs from the download history to downloaders didn't work. You'll have to manually choose a category because the original category isn't available in the download history anymore
Fix: NZB filenames were not sanitized before being written to ZIP, resulting in an error
Fix: Improved dialog during update installation (no more error messages when everything is fine, hopefully)
Fix: Download history was not filterable by indexer
Fix: SickBeard/-rage/Medusa did not find all relevant categories. I've changed the way Hydra reports itscategories to calling tools. It follows the predefined categories of the newznab standard.
Feature: Completely rewrote handling of scheme, port, host and context path. Should solve some issues and prevent others from happening where reverse proxies are involved. Also extended the Wiki. There's no need to set an external URL anymore. Please report back if this causes any issues
Note: I'll remove the option to send links to downloaders in one of the coming versions. Only upload of NZBs to downloaders will be supported. v2 is capable of handling it without issues and it allows for better control and upload status recognition