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Releases: theotherp/nzbhydra2


30 Jan 16:37
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v7.12.3 (2025-01-30)

Fix Fix parsing when indexers return empty newznab attributes. This should fix searches for an indexer which you may know (or not).

Note On a personal note: I had a heart attack a week ago and had to be reanimated. Without going into details bug fixes may take some more time in the near future. Take care.


24 Jan 11:41
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v7.12.2 (2025-01-24)

Note This is an internal build without any added functionality. Sorry.


12 Jan 14:39
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v7.12.1 (2025-01-12)

Fix Workaround for parsing of results for an indexer which had to restore from a backup lately. Results will show no category until they fix the issue on their side.


10 Jan 08:55
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v7.12.0 (2025-01-10)

Feature If enabled log and/or store username for NZB links. This way when sending a link to be downloaded from hydra the username that caused the download will be known. See #981

Fix Fix paging for search / download / notification history.

Fix Hopefully actually fix ipv6 reverse proxies access. See #980


03 Jan 14:35
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v7.11.3 (2025-01-03)

Fix Repeating a TV search from the search history would instead search for all TV results.

Fix Filtering for 3D using the quick filter button filtered for the wrong term. See #977

Fix IPv6 reverse proxies would result in error 500. See #980


30 Dec 17:39
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v7.11.2 (2024-12-30)

Fix Some images (like the torbox icon) were not visible. Fixed it and added a test to prevent this in the future.


29 Dec 17:56
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v7.11.1 (2024-12-29)

Fix Another one of those times where I tried to improve something but broke it. For some users downloading results didn't work. This is hopefully fixed now. It worked fine for me locally and in the automated tests.


29 Dec 10:20
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v7.11.0 (2024-12-29)

Feature Support for as a usenet downloader. They allow sending NZBs to them and you can access the downloaded stuff via web or multiple integrations like FTP, WebDAV, etc. Using them as a search engine or to download torrents will / may come later.

Feature Improve IPv6 support. Thanks @ Ruakij. See #975

Fix Remove unneeded file from generic release which increased the size of the architect by a whopping 100MB.

Fix Only show option for primary downloader if multiple downloaders are enabled.

Fix Sometimes downloads from the search result history could not be downloaded again.


03 Dec 06:58
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v7.10.2 (2024-12-04)

Feature Improve error message when communication with an indexer fails.

Fix Mapping IP addresses to host names (enabled in the logging config) may cause a huge delay when accessing NZBHydra from inside a local network. The tooltip warning about this was probably too small. The mapping will now be aborted after a short timeout.


13 Nov 20:03
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v7.10.1 (2024-11-13)

Fix The status of downloads was not properly updated for sabnzbd downloads. Previously unmapped downloads will keep their wrong status in the history because it would be a pain to retroactively update them. See #968

Fix Do not use IMDB IDs for indexers that don't support them. This would happen when using the TV search function in the ID and selecting a result from the autocomplete.

Fix When autocomplete images were proxied they could not be loaded a second time.

Fix The log anonymizer used when you create debug infos removed too much, sometimes resulting in missing information.