My enum script for HTB/OSCP machines
- Scan TCP/UDP services
- Detect Windows/Linux machine through TTL value
- Enumerates FTP service
- NMAP all FTP scripts
- Enumerates HTTP service
- NMAP vuln script
- DavTest
- Nikto with CGI-BIN detection
- WPScan (all scan)
- FFUF (dir/file listing through bruteforce requests)
- Enumerates HTTPS service
- NMAP vuln script
- DavTest
- Enumerate SSL/TLS Certificate
- Nikto with CGI-BIN detection
- WPScan (all scan)
- FFUF (dir/file listing through bruteforce requests)
- Enumerates SMB service
- NMAP all SMB scripts
- SMBMap list SMB with differents credentials
- enum4linux
- nullinux
- Enumerates SNMP service
- SNMPWalk
- SNMP-Check
- Enumerates DNS sercice
- NMAP all DNS scripts
- DNS Zone Transfer with dig
- All information with dig
- Enumerates SubDNS
- DNSRecon
- Enumerates RPC service (111)
- RPCInfo
- ShowMount
- Enumerates MS-RPC service (135, 593)
- Enumerates LDAP service
- Own LDAPInfo script
- Enumerates files
- file command
- binwalk
- exiftool
- steghide with empty passphrase
Add the wd of the repo to your $PATH
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
Add the path of the repo to the /etc/sudoers secure_path variable if needed
enum <ip>