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A Behat extension to load HautelookAliceBundle fixtures.

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You can use Composer to install the bundle to your project:

composer require --dev theofidry/alice-bundle-extension

Then, in your behat config file behat.yml, register the extension and declare the context:

# behat.yml
                - Fidry\AliceBundleExtension\Context\Doctrine\AliceORMContext

                # or if you want to set the base path only for this context:
                - Fidry\AliceBundleExtension\Context\Doctrine\AliceORMContext:
                    basePath: %paths.base%/tests/Features/fixtures/ORM (default value)
    # ...
            fixtures_base_path: ~ # default to %paths.base%/features/fixtures

You have three contexts available:

  • Fidry\AliceBundleExtension\Context\Doctrine\AliceODMContext
  • Fidry\AliceBundleExtension\Context\Doctrine\AliceORMContext
  • Fidry\AliceBundleExtension\Context\Doctrine\AlicePHPCRContext

With the default fixtures basePath respectively at:

  • %paths.base%/tests/Features/fixtures/ODM
  • %paths.base%/tests/Features/fixtures/ORM
  • %paths.base%/tests/Features/fixtures/PHPCR

Basic usage

Assuming you have the same configuration as the Installation section, you can create the following fixture file:

# features/fixtures/ORM/dummy.yml

        name: <name()>

Then simply load your fixtures with the following step:

Given the fixtures file "dummy.yml" is loaded
Given the fixtures file "dummy.yml" is loaded with the persister "doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
Given the following fixtures files are loaded:
  | fixtures1.yml |
  | fixtures2.yml |

Loading fixture parameters

Fixture parameters can be loaded in the same way as loading fixtures. Any available step which loads fixtures, can also load parameters. You have to load your parameters before the dependend fixtures:

Given the fixtures file "parameters.yml" is loaded
And the fixtures file "dummy.yml" is loaded


For each context, you have the following steps available:

@Given the database is empty
@Then I empty the database

@Given the fixtures "fixturesFile" are loaded
@Given the fixtures file "fixturesFile" is loaded
@Given the fixtures "fixturesFile" are loaded with the persister "persister_service_id"
@Given the fixtures file "fixturesFile" is loaded with the persister "persister_service_id"
@Given the following fixtures files are loaded:
  | fixtures1.yml |
  | fixtures2.yml |
@Given the following fixtures files are loaded with the persister "persister_service_id":
  | fixtures1.yml |
  | fixtures2.yml |

Loading fixture files can be done as follows:

Type of path Fixtures file path Computed fixtures file path
Relative path `"dummy.yml"` `contextBasePath/dummy.yml`, ex: `%paths.base%/tests/Features/fixtures/ORM/dummy.yml`
@Bundle path `"@AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/dummy.yml"` `src/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/dummy.yml` (example)
Absolute path `/dummy.yml` unchanged
Absolute directory path `/tests/Features/fixtures/ORM/` `/tests/Features/fixtures/ORM/*`
@Bundle `@AppBundle` `src/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/*`

Paths can also be directories.


This library is developed by Théo FIDRY.

