This is a simple set of classes to assist in parsing and creating QBXML for communicating with Quickbooks Desktop (probably through the Quickbooks Web Connector). A lot of this is based on Keith Palmer's prior work. My take on it lets you integrate your own application logic - this library just deals with the QBXML parsing. This also adds namespacing, method chaining, and fixes a number of bugs and inconsistencies in Keith's work.
Reading a QBXML response might look something like this:
$doc = (new \TheLogicStudio\QBXML\XML\Parser($response))->parse($errnum, $errmsg);
$root = $doc->getRoot();
$out = [];
foreach($root->getChildAt('QBXML QBXMLMsgsRs')->children() as $child) {
if(str_ends_with($child->name(), 'QueryRs')) {
/** @var Models\GenericObject $class */
$class = '\\TheLogicStudio\\QBXML\\Models\\'.substr($child->name(), 0, -7);
foreach($child->children() as $node) {
$out[] = $class::fromXML($node);
And creating a request to send to Quickbooks might look like this:
$qbxml = (new \TheLogicStudio\QBXML\Models\Account())
->setName('My Account')
This code is far from perfect - if you'd like to help make it better, feel free to send a pull request on through. You can find me on 𝕏 as @IanTLS if you've got questions I guess.