Technologies I have commercial experience with:
Languages: JavaScript (ES6) | TypeScript | Python | Java | HTML5 | CSS3 | SQL
Frameworks/Libraries: React | NextJS 14 | Vue | React-Native | Redux | Node | Express | Django | TailwindCSS | MaterialUI
Databases: MongoDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL
Tools: Git/Gitlab | AWS | Docker | Jenkins | Google Cloud / Firebase | RESTful APIs | React Testing Library | Jest | Webpack | Babel | NPM | Storybook | Datadog | SonarQube | Confluence | React Profiler | Jira
Methodologies: Agile/Scrum | Test-driven Development (TDD) | BDD (cucumber) | Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD)
🔭 I’m currently working - As a Mid Level Frontend Developer at a FinTech
🌱 I’m currently learning - Kotlin for fun 🤩
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on - Any open source project
📫 How to reach me - @jamesgorecodes on Twitter & Medium - CV upon request