This extension will allow you to accept payments through Litle & Co. on Magento.
*To install Magento, follow directions on the following page: Magento Installation Guide
- Download Litle_Payments-[version number].tgz file
- Login to Admin panel in Magento
- Open Magento Connect Manager (System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager)
- Under "Direct package file upload", browse to Litle_Payments-[version number].tgz file
- Click on "Upload" to install
Login to Admin panel in Magento - Navigate to System > Configuration
- Go to Advanced > Advanced
- Under "Disable Modules Output", set Litle_CreditCard to "Enable" and Litle_LEcheck to "Enable"
Go to Sales > Payment Methods
Expand Litle - Credit Card. Set the field values as:
Enabled: Yes
Title: Heading you would like your customers to see. Typically set to Credit Card
User: Litle User Name
Password: Litle password
Merchant ID*: Litle Merchant ID
Report Group: Default Report Group
New Order Status: Processing
Payment Action: You may choose "Authorize Only", or "Authorize and Capture". If you choose "Authorize Only", you will have to manually process the Captures later.
HTTP URL*: If performing preliminary testing, you may select Sandbox. If you are in process of setting up an account with Litle, then you may select Pre-Cert, Cert, or Production depending on which step you are at.
HTTP Proxy: If you need to use a proxy, you need to enter it here.
HTTP Timeout: Recommended timeout is 65
Expand Litle - Echeck. The Echeck configuration uses the same configuration as above, except for: Title: Typically set to ECheck
*Payment Action: You may choose "Verification", or "Sale". Selecting verification will only verify the account upon customer checkout and a sale transaction can be done at a later time. Choosing sale will do both a verification and a sale transaction with the payment information upon checkout.
*Account Types: Select account types from which you would like to accept payments. You may select multiple types by holding Ctrl.
Click on "Save Config". *Upon clicking "Save Config", Magento will try to connect to Litle & Co servers to check connectivity. In-case the connect fails, you will be shown an error message. * In addition hitting the 'Save Config' file will check to see that the merchantId is in the proper format. The merchantId should be of the form ('currency'=> merhcantId), this allows for multiple currecncy support. Note: USD must be present in the merchantId.If you see the error message and need help, please contact Litle SDK team at: [email protected].
NOTE: You do not need a valid username and/or password while connecting to Sandbox. You may enter any fake values.